SurvivalResearchOverview - a copy of Becky's Word doc explaining the survival research
SurvivalAnalysisCode.r - R code used for survival analysis as part of the survival R package. Phylogeny relationships used V.Phylomaker and Taxonstand packages. Cox models used coxme package
FindSurvivalMoBot_20240306.r - R code that takes raw data from LCMS and creates survival data, censors it, then merges it with variables of interest from LCMS
FindPhylogenyForMBGSurvival20240319.r - R code for matching species names with World Flora Online, take survival data from LCMS, and match names to phylogeny
GBIFDataSurvivalAnalysisPrep20240320.r - R code for examining and subsetting data to find species level names, taxon key, occurrences, remove bad coordinates, and export dataframe
FindClimateVariables_20230320.r - R code to match study species GBIF occurrences with climate variables, then calculate summary statistics for each species, along with one-sided climate variables needed for survival analysis