Command-line tool written in python that allows scientists to quickly and easily convert common energy units used.
This project has been expanded to be used on mobile platforms as opposed to being used as a command line tool. This project will be updated with added units that are included or added to the mobile app.
Must have python installed on PC/linux and the saved in parent directory to use conversions.
The project can be used as a command-line tool:
or the conversions can be run as standalone functions:
import EnergyConversions
#converts 5 eV to wavenumbers
EnergyConversions.convert2wavenumber('eV', 5)
#converts 200 nm to eV
EnergyConversions.convert2eV('nm', 200)
Contact the author at [email protected]
No planned updates.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Mackenzie Fahey
mmfahey Programming