Point Plotter is a two-page application that allows users to interact with a fullscreen map, add coordinates or points to the map, and calculate the distance between these points.
Two Page App: Navigate easily between the two main pages: About and Map.
Fullscreen Map Leaflet: Enjoy a seamless and fully immersive mapping experience.
Navigation Button Group: Quickly switch between the About and Map pages using the navigation buttons at the top.
Map Points List Popup: Access the list of plotted points on the map in a popup on the left.
Calculated Distance Window: View the calculated distance between points in kilometers, with the option to convert to miles.
Clear Points: Clear individual points or clear all at once for a fresh start.
Store History in browsers LocalStorage: Keep track of your past actions for a more personalized experience.
Enter Coordinates: Input specific coordinates manually.
Undo Last Action: Step back in time with an undo functionality.
Draw Radius Instead of Line: Visualize distances with a radius instead of a line.
Render Coordinates to Friendly Names: Convert raw coordinates to more recognizable street, town, or country names.
Backend with Login: Securely save your favorite coordinates with an optional login feature.
Node.js (latest stable version)
Any modern web browser (Chrome recommended)
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/mlbudda/point-plotter.git
- Navigate to the project folder and install dependencies:
cd my-app/frontend
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
About Page: Learn more about the application and its features.
Map Page: Interact with the map, plot points, calculate distances, and explore the additional functionalities.