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Add support for more assembly
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I want to be able to handle the output of gcc/clang on our C code.

Right now, I have added support for parsing the assembly output.
Equivalence checking is still to come.
  • Loading branch information
JasonGross committed Mar 1, 2025
1 parent 847d6a7 commit f7eac4c
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Showing 16 changed files with 12,451 additions and 103 deletions.
33 changes: 31 additions & 2 deletions src/Assembly/Equality.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,11 +32,39 @@ Declare Scope REG_scope.
Delimit Scope REG_scope with REG.
Bind Scope REG_scope with REG.

Definition REG_beq (r1 r2 : REG) : bool :=
(prod_beq _ _ (prod_beq _ _ N.eqb N.eqb) N.eqb)
(index_and_shift_and_bitcount_of_reg r1) (index_and_shift_and_bitcount_of_reg r2).

Lemma REG_dec_lb : forall r1 r2 : REG, r1 = r2 -> REG_beq r1 r2 = true.
intros r1 r2 H.
subst r2; destruct r1.
all: reflexivity.

Lemma REG_dec_bl : forall r1 r2 : REG, REG_beq r1 r2 = true -> r1 = r2.
cbv [REG_beq].
intros r1 r2 H.
rewrite <- (reg_of_index_and_shift_and_bitcount_of_index_and_shift_and_bitcount_of_reg r1), <- (reg_of_index_and_shift_and_bitcount_of_index_and_shift_and_bitcount_of_reg r2).
rewrite H.

Definition REG_eq_dec (x y : REG) : {x = y} + {x <> y} :=
(if REG_beq x y as b return (REG_beq x y = b -> _)
then fun pf => left (REG_dec_bl x y pf)
else fun pf => right (fun pf' => diff_false_true (eq_trans (eq_sym pf) (REG_dec_lb x y pf'))))

Infix "=?" := REG_beq : REG_scope.

Global Instance REG_beq_spec : reflect_rel (@eq REG) REG_beq | 10
:= reflect_of_beq internal_REG_dec_bl internal_REG_dec_lb.
Definition REG_beq_eq x y : (x =? y)%REG = true <-> x = y := conj (@internal_REG_dec_bl _ _) (@internal_REG_dec_lb _ _).
:= reflect_of_beq REG_dec_bl REG_dec_lb.
Definition REG_beq_eq x y : (x =? y)%REG = true <-> x = y := conj (@REG_dec_bl _ _) (@REG_dec_lb _ _).
Lemma REG_beq_neq x y : (x =? y)%REG = false <-> x <> y.
Proof. rewrite <- REG_beq_eq; destruct (x =? y)%REG; intuition congruence. Qed.
Global Instance REG_beq_compat : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) REG_beq | 10.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,6 +136,7 @@ Bind Scope MEM_scope with MEM.

Definition MEM_beq (x y : MEM) : bool
:= ((option_beq AccessSize_beq x.(mem_bits_access_size) y.(mem_bits_access_size))
&& option_beq String.eqb x.(mem_constant_location_label) y.(mem_constant_location_label)
&& option_beq String.eqb x.(mem_base_label) y.(mem_base_label)
&& (option_beq REG_beq x.(mem_base_reg) y.(mem_base_reg))
&& (option_beq (prod_beq _ _ Z.eqb REG_beq) x.(mem_scale_reg) y.(mem_scale_reg))
Expand Down
27 changes: 22 additions & 5 deletions src/Assembly/Parse.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,16 +100,20 @@ Definition parse_label : ParserAction string
(fun '(char, ls) => string_of_list_ascii (char :: ls))
(([a-zA-Z] || parse_any_ascii "._?$") ;;
(([a-zA-Z] || parse_any_ascii "0123456789_$#@~.?")* )).
Definition parse_non_access_size_label : ParserAction string
:= parse_lookahead_not parse_AccessSize ;;R parse_label.

Definition parse_MEM : ParserAction MEM
:= parse_map
(fun '(access_size, (br (*base reg*), sr (*scale reg, including z *), offset, base_label))
(fun '(access_size, (constant_location_label, (br (*base reg*), sr (*scale reg, including z *), offset, base_label)))
=> {| mem_bits_access_size := access_size:option AccessSize
; mem_base_reg := br:option REG
; mem_constant_location_label := constant_location_label:option string
; mem_base_label := base_label
; mem_scale_reg := sr:option (Z * REG)
; mem_offset := offset:option Z |})
(((strip_whitespace_after parse_AccessSize)?) ;;
(parse_non_access_size_label?) ;;
(fun '(offset, vars)
=> (vars <-- (fun '(c, (v, e), vs) => match vs, e with [], 1%Z => Some (c, v) | _, _ => None end) vars;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,7 +164,8 @@ Definition parse_OpCode_list : list (string * OpCode)
:= Eval vm_compute in
(fun r => (show r, r))
(list_all OpCode).
(list_all OpCode)
++ [(".quad", dq); (".word", dw); (".byte", db)].

Definition parse_OpCode : ParserAction OpCode
:= parse_strs_case_insensitive parse_OpCode_list.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,11 +259,23 @@ Global Instance show_lvl_MEM : ShowLevel MEM
:= fun m
=> (match m.(mem_bits_access_size) with
| Some n
=> show_lvl_app (fun 'tt => if n =? 8 then "byte" else if n =? 64 then "QWORD PTR" else "BAD SIZE")%N (* TODO: Fix casing and stuff *)
=> show_lvl_app (fun 'tt => if n =? 8 then "byte"
else if n =? 16 then "word"
else if n =? 32 then "dword"
else if n =? 64 then "QWORD PTR"
else if n =? 128 then "XMMWORD PTR"
else if n =? 256 then "YMMWORD PTR"
else if n =? 512 then "ZMMWORD PTR"
else "BAD SIZE")%N (* TODO: Fix casing and stuff *)
| None => show_lvl
(fun 'tt
=> let reg_part
=> let label_part :=
match m.(mem_constant_location_label) with
| None => ""
| Some l => l
end in
let reg_part
:= (match m.(mem_base_reg), m.(mem_scale_reg) with
| (*"[Reg]" *) Some br, None => show_REG br
| (*"[Reg + Z * Reg]"*) Some br, Some (z, sr) => show_REG br ++ " + " ++ Decimal.show_Z z ++ " * " ++ show_REG sr (*only matching '+' here, because there cannot be a negative scale. *)
Expand All @@ -275,7 +292,7 @@ Global Instance show_lvl_MEM : ShowLevel MEM
then "0x08 * " ++ Decimal.show_Z (offset / 8)
else Hex.show_Z offset)
end%Z) in
"[" ++ match m.(mem_base_label) with
label_part ++ "[" ++ match m.(mem_base_label) with
| None => reg_part ++ offset_part
| Some l => "((" ++ l ++ offset_part ++ "))"
Expand Down

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