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Complete admit for non-zero Z
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bMacSwigg committed Jan 19, 2024
1 parent 1d84c6a commit e6cac9d
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 5 deletions.
42 changes: 37 additions & 5 deletions src/Curves/Edwards/XYZT/Readdition.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,18 +37,23 @@ Section ExtendedCoordinates.
(* Match this context to the Basic.ExtendedCoordinates context *)
Local Notation point := (point(F:=F)(Feq:=Feq)(Fzero:=Fzero)(Fadd:=Fadd)(Fmul:=Fmul)(a:=a)(d:=d)).
Local Notation coordinates := (coordinates(F:=F)(Feq:=Feq)(Fzero:=Fzero)(Fadd:=Fadd)(Fmul:=Fmul)(a:=a)(d:=d)).
Context {a_eq_minus1:a = Fopp 1} {twice_d} {k_eq_2d:twice_d = d+d}.
Context {a_eq_minus1:a = Fopp 1} {twice_d} {k_eq_2d:twice_d = d+d} {nonzero_d: d<>0}.
Local Notation m1add := (m1add(F:=F)(Feq:=Feq)(Fzero:=Fzero)(Fone:=Fone)(Fopp:=Fopp)(Fadd:=Fadd)(Fsub:=Fsub)(Fmul:=Fmul)(Finv:=Finv)(Fdiv:=Fdiv)(field:=field)(char_ge_3:=char_ge_3)(Feq_dec:=Feq_dec)(a:=a)(d:=d)(nonzero_a:=nonzero_a)(square_a:=square_a)(nonsquare_d:=nonsquare_d)(a_eq_minus1:=a_eq_minus1)(twice_d:=twice_d)(k_eq_2d:=k_eq_2d)).

(* Define a new cached point type *)
Definition cached :=
{ C | let '(half_YmX,half_YpX,Z,Td) := C in
let X := half_YpX - half_YmX in
let Y := half_YpX + half_YmX in
let T := Td / d in
a * X^2*Z^2 + Y^2*Z^2 = (Z^2)^2 + d * X^2 * Y^2
/\ X * Y * d = Z * Td
/\ X * Y = Z * T
/\ Z <> 0 }.
Definition cached_coordinates (C:cached) : F*F*F*F := proj1_sig C.
Definition cached_eq (C1 C2:cached) :=
let '(hYmX1, hYpX1, Z1, _) := cached_coordinates C1 in
let '(hYmX2, hYpX2, Z2, _) := cached_coordinates C2 in
Z2*(hYpX1-hYmX1) = Z1*(hYpX2-hYmX2) /\ Z2*(hYpX1+hYmX1) = Z1*(hYpX2+hYmX2).

(* Stolen from Basic; should be a way to reuse instead? *)
Ltac t_step :=
Expand All @@ -60,11 +65,35 @@ Section ExtendedCoordinates.
| _ => progress destruct_head' @Basic.point
| _ => progress destruct_head' @cached
| _ => progress destruct_head' and
| _ => progress cbv [eq CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.eq E.eq E.add E.opp fst snd coordinates E.coordinates proj1_sig] in *
| _ => progress cbv [eq CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.eq E.eq E.add E.opp fst snd cached_coordinates coordinates E.coordinates proj1_sig] in *
| |- _ /\ _ => split | |- _ <-> _ => split
Ltac t := repeat t_step; try Field.fsatz.

(* Stolen from Basic *)
Program Definition to_twisted (P:point) : Epoint :=
let XYZTT := coordinates P in let Ta := snd XYZTT in
let XYZT := fst XYZTT in
let Tb := snd XYZT in
let XYZ := fst XYZT in let Z := snd XYZ in
let XY := fst XYZ in let Y := snd XY in
let X := fst XY in
let iZ := Finv Z in ((X*iZ), (Y*iZ)).
Next Obligation. t. Qed.
Global Instance Proper_to_twisted : Proper (eq==>E.eq) to_twisted.
Proof using Type. cbv [to_twisted]; t. Qed.

Program Definition cached_to_twisted (C:cached) : Epoint :=
let MPZT := cached_coordinates C in
let Td := snd MPZT in
let MPZ := fst MPZT in
let Z := snd MPZ in
let MP := fst MPZ in
let hYpX := snd MP in
let hYmX := fst MP in
let iZ := Finv Z in (((hYpX-hYmX)*iZ), ((hYpX+hYmX)*iZ)).
Next Obligation. t. Qed.

Program Definition m1_prep (P : point) : cached :=
match coordinates P return F*F*F*F with
(X, Y, Z, Ta, Tb) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,8 +121,11 @@ Section ExtendedCoordinates.
let Z3 := F*G in
(X3, Y3, Z3, E, H)
Next Obligation. t. admit. Admitted.

Next Obligation.
match goal with
| [ |- match (let (_, _) := coordinates ?P1 in let (_, _) := _ in let (_, _) := _ in let (_, _) := _ in let (_, _) := proj1_sig ?C in _) with _ => _ end ]
=> pose proof (E.denominator_nonzero _ nonzero_a square_a _ nonsquare_d _ _ (proj2_sig (to_twisted P1)) _ _ (proj2_sig (cached_to_twisted C)))
end; t. Qed.

Create HintDb points_as_coordinates discriminated.
Hint Unfold XYZT.Basic.point XYZT.Basic.coordinates XYZT.Basic.m1add
Expand Down

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