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switch GarageDoor to LeakageSemantics. we have to do this because
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it calls memequal, which uses LeakageSemantics, and we cannot easily
prove LeakageSemantics -> Semantics lemmas
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OwenConoly authored and JasonGross committed Feb 5, 2025
1 parent 6f9b5df commit e25ce44
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Showing 2 changed files with 75 additions and 66 deletions.
96 changes: 51 additions & 45 deletions src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoor.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,16 +119,9 @@ Definition BootSeq : list OP -> Prop :=
||| lan9250_boot_timeout _
||| (any+++spi_timeout _)).

Import WeakestPrecondition ProgramLogic SeparationLogic.
Import LeakageSemantics LeakageWeakestPrecondition LeakageProgramLogic SeparationLogic.
Local Notation "m =* P" := ((P%sep) m) (at level 70, only parsing) (* experiment*).
Local Notation "xs $@ a" := (Array.array ptsto (word.of_Z 1) a xs) (at level 10, format "xs $@ a").
Global Instance spec_of_initfn : spec_of "initfn" :=
fnspec! "initfn" / bs R,
{ requires t m := m =* bs $@(word.of_Z PK) * R /\ length bs = 32%nat;
ensures t' m' := m' =* garageowner$@(word.of_Z PK) * R /\
exists iol, t' = iol ++ t /\
exists ioh, mmio_trace_abstraction_relation ioh iol /\
BootSeq ioh }.

Ltac fwd :=
repeat match goal with
Expand All @@ -138,6 +131,17 @@ Ltac fwd :=
end; trivial.
Ltac slv := try solve [ trivial | ecancel_assumption | SepAutoArray.listZnWords | intuition idtac | reflexivity | eassumption].

Section WithPickSp.
Context {pick_sp: PickSp}.

Global Instance spec_of_initfn : spec_of "initfn" :=
fnspec! "initfn" / bs R,
{ requires k t m := m =* bs $@(word.of_Z PK) * R /\ length bs = 32%nat;
ensures k' t' m' := m' =* garageowner$@(word.of_Z PK) * R /\
exists iol, t' = iol ++ t /\
exists ioh, mmio_trace_abstraction_relation ioh iol /\
BootSeq ioh }.

Local Instance spec_of_memconst_pk : spec_of "memconst_pk" := spec_of_memconst "memconst_pk" garageowner.
Local Instance WHY_spec_of_lan9250_init : spec_of "lan9250_init" := spec_of_lan9250_init.
Lemma initfn_ok : program_logic_goal_for_function! initfn.
Expand All @@ -146,13 +150,13 @@ Proof.
{ ssplit. eassumption. rewrite H2. all : vm_compute; trivial. }
repeat straightline.
eapply WeakestPreconditionProperties.interact_nomem; repeat straightline.
eapply LeakageWeakestPreconditionProperties.interact_nomem; repeat straightline.
eexists; fwd; slv.
{ vm_compute. intuition congruence. }
eapply WeakestPreconditionProperties.interact_nomem; repeat straightline.
eapply LeakageWeakestPreconditionProperties.interact_nomem; repeat straightline.
eexists; fwd; slv.
{ vm_compute. intuition congruence. }
eapply WeakestPreconditionProperties.interact_nomem; repeat straightline.
eapply LeakageWeakestPreconditionProperties.interact_nomem; repeat straightline.
eexists; fwd; slv.
{ vm_compute. intuition congruence. }
straightline_call; repeat straightline; fwd.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,8 +255,8 @@ Definition memrep bs R : state -> map.rep( _ _) -> Prop :

Global Instance spec_of_loopfn : spec_of "loopfn" :=
fnspec! "loopfn" / seed sk bs R,
{ requires t m := memrep bs R (Build_state seed sk) m;
ensures T M := exists SEED SK BS, memrep BS R (Build_state SEED SK) M /\
{ requires k t m := memrep bs R (Build_state seed sk) m;
ensures K T M := exists SEED SK BS, memrep BS R (Build_state SEED SK) M /\
exists iol, T = iol ++ t /\
exists ioh, SPI.mmio_trace_abstraction_relation ioh iol /\
protocol_step (Build_state seed sk) ioh (Build_state SEED SK) }.
Expand All @@ -272,20 +276,20 @@ Proof.
rename H11 into Lseed. rename H12 into Lsk. rename H13 into H11.
straightline_call; try ecancel_assumption; trivial; repeat straightline.
intuition idtac; repeat straightline;
eexists; split; repeat straightline; split; intros; try contradiction; [|]; repeat straightline.
eexists; eexists; split; repeat straightline; split; intros; try contradiction; [|]; repeat straightline.
2: fwd; slv.

pose proof H12 as Hbuf.
seprewrite_in @bytearray_index_merge Hbuf. { ZnWords. }

eexists; split; repeat straightline.
eexists; eexists; split; repeat straightline.
rewrite word.unsigned_ltu, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap by ZnWords.ZnWords;
destr Z.ltb; rewrite ?word.unsigned_of_Z_0, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_1; intuition try discriminate;
autoforward with typeclass_instances in E.
2: { fwd; slv. right. left. fwd; slv; intuition try ZnWords. }

repeat straightline.
eapply WeakestPreconditionProperties.dexpr_expr.
eapply LeakageWeakestPreconditionProperties.dexpr_expr.
eexists; split; repeat straightline.

case (SepAutoArray.list_expose_nth x3 12 ltac:(ZnWords)) as (Hpp&Lpp).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,7 +322,7 @@ Proof.
cbv [word.wrap]; (rewrite_strat (bottomup (terms (Zmod_small)))); try ZnWords.ZnWords.
{ rewrite Z.lor_comm; reflexivity. } }

eexists; split; repeat straightline.
eexists; eexists; split; repeat straightline.
rewrite word.unsigned_ltu, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap by ZnWords.ZnWords;
destr Z.ltb; rewrite ?word.unsigned_of_Z_0, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_1; intuition try discriminate;
autoforward with typeclass_instances in E0.
Expand All @@ -341,7 +345,7 @@ Proof.
repeat eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H12 by (ring_simplify; trivial).

repeat straightline.
eexists; split; repeat straightline.
eexists; eexists; split; repeat straightline.
subst protocol.
pose proof byte.unsigned_range ipproto.
rewrite word.unsigned_eqb, ?word.unsigned_and_nowrap, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap by ZnWords.ZnWords.
Expand All @@ -358,13 +362,13 @@ Proof.
cbn. intro. subst. apply E1. reflexivity. }

repeat straightline.
eexists; split; repeat straightline.
eexists; eexists; split; repeat straightline.
rewrite word.unsigned_eqb, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap by ZnWords.ZnWords.
destr Z.eqb; rewrite ?word.unsigned_of_Z_0, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_1; intuition try discriminate; autoforward with typeclass_instances in E2.

2: {
repeat straightline.
eexists; split; repeat straightline.
eexists; eexists; split; repeat straightline.
rewrite word.unsigned_eqb, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap by ZnWords.ZnWords.
destr Z.eqb; rewrite ?word.unsigned_of_Z_0, ?word.unsigned_of_Z_1; intuition try discriminate; autoforward with typeclass_instances in E3.
2: {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,6 +415,7 @@ Proof.
seprewrite_in_by (Array.bytearray_append vv0) H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.

repeat straightline.
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in * || cbn [] in *.
straightline_call; ssplit.
{ ecancel_assumption. }
{ use_sep_assumption. cancel. cancel_seps_at_indices 2%nat 0%nat.
Expand All @@ -432,21 +437,21 @@ Proof.
{ ZnWords. }

repeat straightline.
eexists. split. repeat straightline.
eexists. eexists. split. repeat straightline.
eexists _, _; split; [eapply map.split_empty_r; reflexivity|].
eexists; ssplit; trivial.
{ cbv. clear. intuition congruence. }

repeat straightline.
eexists. split. repeat straightline.
eexists. eexists. split. repeat straightline.
eexists _, _; split; [eapply map.split_empty_r; reflexivity|].
eexists; ssplit; trivial.
eexists; ssplit; trivial.
{ cbv. clear. intuition congruence. }
repeat straightline.

eapply map.split_empty_r in H38; destruct H38.
eapply map.split_empty_r in H39; destruct H39.
eapply map.split_empty_r in H41; destruct H41.
seprewrite_in_by @bytearray_index_merge H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by @bytearray_index_merge H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by @bytearray_index_merge H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
Expand All @@ -457,7 +462,7 @@ Proof.

change (word.of_Z 134217728) with st in H33.
repeat straightline.
eexists; ssplit; repeat straightline.
eexists; eexists; ssplit; repeat straightline.
{ (* chacha20 *)
(* NOTE: viewing the same memory in two different ways, ++ combined and split *)
straightline_call; ssplit.
Expand All @@ -472,15 +477,15 @@ Proof.
{ SepAutoArray.listZnWords. }
repeat straightline.

rewrite <-(List.firstn_skipn 32 x6) in H46.
seprewrite_in_by (Array.bytearray_append (List.firstn 32 x6)) H46 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
rewrite <-(List.firstn_skipn 32 x6) in H48.
seprewrite_in_by (Array.bytearray_append (List.firstn 32 x6)) H48 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
replace (word.of_Z (BinInt.Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length (List.firstn 32 x6)))) with (word.of_Z 32 : word32) in * by SepAutoArray.listZnWords.

ssplit; trivial.
eexists _, _, _; ssplit; try ecancel_assumption; try SepAutoArray.listZnWords.

eexists; ssplit.
{ subst a0 a. change (?x::?y::?t) with ([x;y]++t). rewrite app_assoc. trivial. }
{ subst a7 a0. change (?x::?y::?t) with ([x;y]++t). rewrite app_assoc. trivial. }
eexists; ssplit.
{ eapply Forall2_app; try eassumption.
eapply Forall2_cons. 2:eapply Forall2_cons. 3:eapply Forall2_nil.
Expand All @@ -498,7 +503,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 6 mac) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
change ([?x]++?y::?z) with ([x;y]++z).
change (?x::?y::?z) with ([x;y]++z).
eapply (f_equal2 app).
{ cbv [be2]. progress change 2%nat with (List.length [ethertype_lo; ethertype_hi]).
setoid_rewrite split_le_combine; trivial. }
Expand All @@ -510,7 +515,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite split_le_combine, rev_involutive; trivial.
rewrite rev_length. SepAutoArray.listZnWords. }
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
eapply (f_equal2 app). { f_equal. eapply byte.unsigned_inj. rewrite E1. trivial. }
eapply (f_equal2 cons). { f_equal. eapply byte.unsigned_inj. rewrite E1. trivial. }
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 pPP) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
{ eplace 2%nat with _ at 2; cycle 1.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -553,7 +558,7 @@ Optimize Proof. Optimize Heap.
ssplit; trivial.
eexists _, _, _; ssplit; try ecancel_assumption; try SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
eexists; ssplit.
{ subst a. change (?x::?y::?t) with ([x;y]++t). rewrite app_assoc. trivial. }
{ subst a0. change (?x::?y::?t) with ([x;y]++t). rewrite app_assoc. trivial. }
eexists; ssplit.
{ eapply Forall2_app; try eassumption.
eapply Forall2_cons. 2:eapply Forall2_cons. 3:eapply Forall2_nil.
Expand All @@ -571,7 +576,7 @@ Optimize Proof. Optimize Heap.
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 6 mac) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc.
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
change ([?x]++?y::?z) with ([x;y]++z).
change (?x::?y::?z) with ([x;y]++z).
eapply (f_equal2 app).
{ cbv [be2]. progress change 2%nat with (List.length [ethertype_lo; ethertype_hi]).
setoid_rewrite split_le_combine; trivial. }
Expand All @@ -583,7 +588,7 @@ Optimize Proof. Optimize Heap.
rewrite split_le_combine, rev_involutive; trivial.
rewrite rev_length. SepAutoArray.listZnWords. }
eapply (f_equal2 app); [rewrite to_list_from_list; trivial|].
eapply (f_equal2 app). { f_equal. eapply byte.unsigned_inj. rewrite E1. trivial. }
eapply (f_equal2 cons). { f_equal. eapply byte.unsigned_inj. rewrite E1. trivial. }
rewrite <-(firstn_skipn 2 pPP) at 1; rewrite <-?app_assoc.
eapply (f_equal2 app).
{ eplace 2%nat with _ at 2; cycle 1.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -789,24 +794,24 @@ Optimize Proof. Optimize Heap.

repeat match goal with x := word.of_Z 0 |- _ => subst x end.
repeat match goal with x := word.of_Z 62 |- _ => subst x end.
rewrite !word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap in H43 by Lia.lia.
rewrite !word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap in H42 by Lia.lia.
progress replace ((ih_const ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ [byte.of_Z 62] ++ ip_idff ++ [ipproto] ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ ip_local) ++ ip_remote)%list
with ((ih_const ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ [byte.of_Z 62] ++ ip_idff ++ [ipproto]) ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ [byte.of_Z 0] ++ ip_local ++ ip_remote)%list
in * by (rewrite ?app_assoc; trivial).
seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H43.
seprewrite_in (@Array.bytearray_append _ _ _ _ _ [byte.of_Z 0]) H43.
seprewrite_in (@Array.bytearray_append _ _ _ _ _ [byte.of_Z 0]) H43.
rewrite ?app_length in H43; cbn [length] in H43; rewrite ?LL in H43.
replace (Datatypes.length ip_idff) with 5%nat in H43 by ZnWords.
cbn [plus] in H43.
repeat eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H43 by (ring_simplify; trivial).
seprewrite_in @Array.bytearray_append H42.
seprewrite_in (@Array.bytearray_append _ _ _ _ _ [byte.of_Z 0]) H42.
seprewrite_in (@Array.bytearray_append _ _ _ _ _ [byte.of_Z 0]) H42.
rewrite ?app_length in H42; cbn [length] in H42; rewrite ?LL in H42.
replace (Datatypes.length ip_idff) with 5%nat in H42 by ZnWords.
cbn [plus] in H42.
repeat eplace (word.add (word.add buf _) _) with (word.add buf _) in H42 by (ring_simplify; trivial).

Import symmetry.
seprewrite_in (symmetry! (fun a=>@ptsto_to_array _ _ _ _ _ a (byte.of_Z 0))) H43.
seprewrite_in (symmetry! (fun a=>@ptsto_to_array _ _ _ _ _ a (byte.of_Z 0))) H43.
seprewrite_in (symmetry! (fun a=>@ptsto_to_array _ _ _ _ _ a (byte.of_Z 0))) H42.
seprewrite_in (symmetry! (fun a=>@ptsto_to_array _ _ _ _ _ a (byte.of_Z 0))) H42.

repeat straightline.
match goal with H : ?P ?m |- store _ ?m _ _ _ => revert H end.
match goal with H : ?P ?m |- _ ?m _ _ _ => revert H end.
repeat match goal with H : sep _ _ _ |- _ => clear H end.
repeat straightline.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -870,13 +875,13 @@ Optimize Proof. Optimize Heap.
repeat straightline.
destruct H35; repeat straightline; [intuition idtac | ].
{ eexists; ssplit. eexists _, _; ssplit; slv.
eexists; ssplit. subst a4. subst a. rewrite app_assoc. reflexivity.
eexists; ssplit. subst a18. subst a0. rewrite app_assoc. reflexivity.
eexists; ssplit. eapply Forall2_app; eassumption.
intuition eauto using TracePredicate.any_app_more. }

ssplit; trivial.
eexists _, _, _; ssplit; slv.
eexists; ssplit. subst a4. subst a. rewrite app_assoc. reflexivity.
eexists; ssplit. subst a18. subst a0. rewrite app_assoc. reflexivity.
eexists; ssplit. eapply Forall2_app; eassumption.
right. right.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -924,3 +929,4 @@ Optimize Proof. Optimize Heap.
all : try SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
End WithPickSp.

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