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add Curves.Edwards.TwistIsomorphism
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andres-erbsen committed Apr 1, 2024
1 parent 4cd8fc2 commit 9dfbf73
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Showing 3 changed files with 83 additions and 9 deletions.
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions src/Curves/Edwards/TwistIsomorphism.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Hierarchy.
Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Field.
Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve.
Require Import Crypto.Curves.Edwards.AffineProofs.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.

Module E. Section __.
Context {F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
{field:@field F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
{char_ge_3 : @Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul (BinNat.N.succ_pos BinNat.N.two)}
{Feq_dec:DecidableRel Feq}.
Local Infix "=" := Feq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
Local Notation "0" := Fzero. Local Notation "1" := Fone.
Local Infix "+" := Fadd. Local Infix "*" := Fmul.
Local Infix "-" := Fsub. Local Infix "/" := Fdiv.
Local Notation "x ^ 2" := (x*x) (at level 30, right associativity).
Context {a1 d1 a2 d2 : F} {Heq : a1*d2 = a2*d1}.
Context {nonzero_a1 : a1 <> 0} {square_a1 : exists sqrt_a, sqrt_a^2 = a1} {nonsquare_d1 : forall x, x^2 <> d1}.
Context {nonzero_a2 : a2 <> 0} {square_a2 : exists sqrt_a, sqrt_a^2 = a2} {nonsquare_d2 : forall x, x^2 <> d2}.
Context {r : F} {Hr : a1 = r^2*a2}.

Local Notation point1 := (@E.point F Feq Fone Fadd Fmul a1 d1).
Local Notation point2 := (@E.point F Feq Fone Fadd Fmul a2 d2).

Definition point2_of_point1 (P : point1) : point2. refine (
exist _ (let '(x, y) := E.coordinates P in (x*r, y)) _).
abstract (case P as ((x&y)&?); cbn [E.coordinates]; fsatz).

Definition point1_of_point2 (P : point2) : point1. refine (
exist _ (let '(x, y) := E.coordinates P in (x/r, y)) _).
abstract (case P as ((x&y)&?); cbn [E.coordinates]; fsatz).

Global Instance Proper_point1_of_point2 : Proper (E.eq ==> E.eq) point1_of_point2.
Proof. cbv [point1_of_point2 E.eq E.coordinates]; repeat intro; break_match; intuition fsatz. Qed.
Global Instance Proper_point2_of_point1 : Proper (E.eq ==> E.eq) point2_of_point1.
Proof. cbv [point2_of_point1 E.eq E.coordinates]; repeat intro; break_match; intuition fsatz. Qed.

Add Field Private_field : (Algebra.Field.field_theory_for_stdlib_tactic (T:=F)).
Import Field_tac.

Lemma twist_isomorphism : @Group.isomorphic_commutative_groups
_ E.eq
_ E.eq
point2_of_point1 point1_of_point2.
unshelve epose proof E.edwards_curve_commutative_group(a:=a1)(d:=d1) as G1; trivial.
unshelve epose proof E.edwards_curve_commutative_group(a:=a2)(d:=d2) as G2; trivial.
esplit; trivial; [|]; split; try exact _;
intros ((x&y)&?) ((x'&y')&?); case square_a1 as (r1&?), square_a2 as (r2&?);
cbv [point2_of_point1 point1_of_point2 E.add E.eq E.coordinates]; intros; split; field_simplify_eq;
repeat split; eauto using E.denominator_nonzero_x; eauto using E.denominator_nonzero_y; try fsatz.
- unshelve epose proof E.denominator_nonzero_x a2 _ _ d2 _ (x*r) y _ (x'*r) y' _; trivial; fsatz.
- unshelve epose proof E.denominator_nonzero_y a2 _ _ d2 _ (x*r) y _ (x'*r) y' _; trivial; fsatz.
- unshelve epose proof E.denominator_nonzero_x a1 _ _ d1 _ (x/r) y _ (x'/r) y' _; trivial; fsatz.
- unshelve epose proof E.denominator_nonzero_y a1 _ _ d1 _ (x/r) y _ (x'/r) y' _; trivial; fsatz.
End __. End E.
10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions src/Curves/EdwardsMontgomery.v
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Expand Up @@ -31,15 +31,9 @@ Module M.

Context {a b: F} {b_nonzero:b <> 0}.

Program Definition opp (P:@M.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b) : @M.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b :=
match P return F*F+∞ with
| inl (x, y) => inl (x, -y)
| ∞ => ∞
Next Obligation. Proof. destruct_head @M.point; cbv; break_match; trivial; fsatz. Qed.

Local Notation add := (M.add(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)).
Local Notation point := (@M.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b).
Local Notation add := (M.add(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)(a:=a)).
Local Notation opp := (M.opp(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)(a:=a)).

Local Notation "2" := (1+1).
Local Notation "3" := (1+2).
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14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion src/Spec/Curve25519.v
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Expand Up @@ -78,12 +78,24 @@ Proof. apply PrimeFieldTheorems.F.field_modulo, prime_p. Qed.
Lemma char_ge_3 : @Ring.char_ge F eq F.opp F.add F.sub F.mul 3.
Proof. eapply Hierarchy.char_ge_weaken; try apply ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.char_gt; Decidable.vm_decide. Qed.

Require Import Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve.
Module E.
Definition a : F := F.opp 1.
Definition d : F := F.div (F.opp (F.of_Z _ 121665)) (F.of_Z _ 121666).
Definition point := @E.point F eq F.add F.mul a d.
Definition B : E.point.
refine (
exist _ (F.of_Z _ 15112221349535400772501151409588531511454012693041857206046113283949847762202, F.div (F.of_Z _ 4) (F.of_Z _ 5)) _).
End E.

Require Import Spec.MontgomeryCurve.
Module M.
Definition a : F := F.of_Z _ 486662.
Definition b : F :=
Definition a24 : F := ((a - F.of_Z _ 2) / F.of_Z _ 4)%F.
Definition point := @M.point F eq F.add F.mul a
Definition point := @M.point F eq F.add F.mul a b.
Definition B : point :=
exist _ (inl (F.of_Z _ 9, F.of_Z _ 14781619447589544791020593568409986887264606134616475288964881837755586237401)) eq_refl.

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