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merge Group.Scalarmult into MontgomeryLadder, use in x25519_base
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andres-erbsen committed Apr 1, 2024
1 parent 9378552 commit 7657bb4
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Showing 14 changed files with 302 additions and 679 deletions.
14 changes: 3 additions & 11 deletions src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/Field25519.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Require Import Crypto.Spec.Curve25519.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Local Open Scope string_scope.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,17 +39,8 @@ Section Field.
Instance translation_parameters_ok : Types.ok.
Proof using ext_spec_ok. constructor; try exact _; apply prefix_name_gen_unique. Qed.

(* Define Curve25519 field *)
Instance field_parameters : FieldParameters.
Proof using Type.
let M := (eval vm_compute in (Z.to_pos (UnsaturatedSolinas.m s c))) in
(* curve 'A' parameter *)
let a := constr:(F.of_Z M 486662) in
let prefix := constr:("fe25519_"%string) in
M ((a - F.of_Z _ 2) / F.of_Z _ 4)%F prefix).
Instance field_parameters : FieldParameters :=
field_parameters_prefixed Curve25519.p Curve25519.M.a24 "fe25519_"%string.

(* Call fiat-crypto pipeline on all field operations *)
Instance fe25519_ops : unsaturated_solinas_ops (ext_spec:=ext_spec) n s c.
Expand Down
25 changes: 20 additions & 5 deletions src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoor.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,10 +40,25 @@ Local Open Scope string_scope.
Import Syntax Syntax.Coercions NotationsCustomEntry.
Import ListNotations.
Import Coq.Init.Byte.
Import Tuple LittleEndianList.
Local Coercion F.to_Z : F >-> Z.

Definition garageowner : list byte :=
[x7b; x06; x18; x0c; x54; x0c; xca; x9f; xa3; x16; x0b; x2f; x2b; x69; x89; x63; x77; x4c; xc1; xef; xdc; x04; x91; x46; x76; x8b; xb2; xbf; x43; x0e; x34; x34].

Definition garageowner_P : Curve25519.M.point.
refine (
let x := F.of_Z _ (le_combine garageowner) in
let y2 := (x*x*x + Curve25519.M.a*x*x +x)%F in
let sqrtm1 := (F.pow (F.of_Z _ 2) ((N.pos p-1)/4)) in
let y := F.sqrt_5mod8 sqrtm1 y2 in
exist _ (inl (x, y)) _).

Lemma garageowner_P_correct : le_split 32 (Curve25519.M.X0 garageowner_P) = garageowner.
Proof. vm_compute. reflexivity. Qed.

Local Notation ST := 0x80000000.
Local Notation PK := 0x80000040.
Local Notation BUF:= 0x80000060.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,7 +179,6 @@ Qed.

Local Open Scope list_scope.
Require Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.RupicolaCrypto.Spec.
Import Tuple LittleEndianList.
Local Definition be2 z := rev (le_split 2 z).
Local Coercion to_list : tuple >-> list.
Local Coercion Z.b2z : bool >-> Z.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,7 +214,7 @@ Definition garagedoor_iteration : state -> list (lightbulb_spec.OP _) -> state -
( ("st", lightbulb_spec.GPIO_DATA_ADDR _, action))) ioh
/\ (
let m := firstn 16 garagedoor_payload in
let v := le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) (Field.feval_bytes(FieldRepresentation:=frep25519) garageowner))) in
let v := le_split 32 (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine sk mod 2^255) garageowner_P)) in
exists set0 set1 : Naive.word32,
(word.unsigned set0 = 1 <-> firstn 16 v = m) /\
(word.unsigned set1 = 1 <-> skipn 16 v = m) /\
Expand All @@ -220,7 +234,7 @@ Definition garagedoor_iteration : state -> list (lightbulb_spec.OP _) -> state -
udp_local ++ udp_remote ++
be2 udp_length ++ be2 0 ++
garagedoor_header ++
le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) (F.of_Z _ 9)))))
le_split 32 (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine sk mod 2^255) Curve25519.M.B))))
ioh /\ SEED=seed /\ SK=sk.

Local Instance spec_of_recvEthernet : spec_of "recvEthernet" := spec_of_recvEthernet.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,6 +377,7 @@ Proof.
repeat straightline.
straightline_call; ssplit; try ecancel_assumption; try trivial; try ZnWords.
{ cbv. inversion 1. }
{ instantiate (1:=garageowner_P). Decidable.vm_decide. }

rename Lppp into Lihl; assert (List.length ppp = 40)%nat as Lppp by ZnWords.

Expand All @@ -387,7 +402,7 @@ Proof.
subst pPPP.
seprewrite_in_by (Array.bytearray_append cmp1) H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.

set (k := (Field.feval_bytes _)); remember (le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) k))) as vv; subst k.
remember (le_split 32 (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine sk mod 2^255) garageowner_P))) as vv.
repeat straightline.
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn 16 vv) as Hvv.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ vv 16 ltac:(subst vv; rewrite ?length_le_split; ZnWords)).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -852,7 +867,7 @@ Optimize Proof. Optimize Heap.
{ rewrite ?app_length, ?length_le_split. SepAutoArray.listZnWords. }
{ ZnWords. }

pose proof length_le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) (F.of_Z _ 9))) as Hpkl.
pose proof length_le_split 32 (F.to_Z (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine sk mod 2^255) Curve25519.M.B))) as Hpkl.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoorTop.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ Require Import bedrock2Examples.memswap.
Require Import bedrock2Examples.memconst.
Require Import Rupicola.Examples.Net.IPChecksum.IPChecksum.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.X25519.GarageDoor.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.X25519.MontgomeryLadderProperties.
Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.RupicolaCrypto.ChaCha20.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Import Syntax Syntax.Coercions NotationsCustomEntry.
Expand Down
112 changes: 60 additions & 52 deletions src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/MontgomeryLadder.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
Require Import Crypto.Spec.MontgomeryCurve.
Require Import Crypto.Spec.Curve25519.
Require Import bedrock2.Map.Separation.
Require Import bedrock2.Syntax.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,25 +55,29 @@ Require Import coqutil.Map.OfListWord Coq.Init.Byte coqutil.Byte.
Import ProgramLogic.Coercions.
Local Notation "m =* P" := ((P%sep) m) (at level 70, only parsing) (* experiment*).
Local Notation "xs $@ a" := (Array.array ptsto (word.of_Z 1) a xs) (at level 10, format "xs $@ a").
Definition x25519_gallina K U : F (2^255-19) :=
@XZ.M.montladder _ F.add F.sub F.mul F.inv (F.div (F.of_Z _ 486662 - F.of_Z _ 2) (F.of_Z _ 4))
(Z.to_nat (Z.log2 (Z.pos order))) (Z.testbit K) U.

Global Instance spec_of_x25519 : spec_of "x25519" :=
fnspec! "x25519" out sk pk / (o s p : list Byte.byte) (R : _ -> Prop),
fnspec! "x25519" out sk pk / (o s p : list Byte.byte) P (R : _ -> Prop),
{ requires t m := m =* s$@sk * p$@pk * o$@out * R /\
length s = 32%nat /\ length p = 32%nat /\ length o = 32%nat /\ byte.unsigned (nth 31 p x00) <= 0x7f;
length s = 32%nat /\ length p = 32%nat /\ length o = 32%nat /\
byte.unsigned (nth 31 p x00) <= 0x7f /\ Field.feval_bytes(field_parameters:=field_parameters) p = Curve25519.M.X0 P;
ensures t' m := t=t' /\ m=* s$@sk ⋆ p$@pk ⋆ R ⋆
(le_split 32 (x25519_gallina (le_combine s) (Field.feval_bytes p)))$@out }.
(le_split 32 (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine s mod 2^255) P))$@out) }.

Local Instance spec_of_fe25519_from_word : spec_of "fe25519_from_word" := Field.spec_of_from_word.
Local Instance spec_of_fe25519_from_bytes : spec_of "fe25519_from_bytes" := Field.spec_of_from_bytes.
Local Instance spec_of_fe25519_to_bytes : spec_of "fe25519_to_bytes" := Field.spec_of_to_bytes.
Local Instance spec_of_montladder : spec_of "montladder" := spec_of_montladder(Z.to_nat (Z.log2 Curve25519.order)).
Local Instance spec_of_montladder : spec_of "montladder" :=
(Z.to_nat (Z.log2 Curve25519.order))
Curve25519.M.a Curve25519.M.b Curve25519.M.b_nonzero (char_ge_3:=Curve25519.char_ge_3).

Local Arguments word.rep : simpl never.
Local Arguments word.wrap : simpl never.
Local Arguments word.unsigned : simpl never.
Local Arguments word.of_Z : simpl never.

Lemma x25519_ok : program_logic_goal_for_function! x25519.
repeat straightline.
Expand All @@ -94,10 +100,10 @@ Proof.
eapply byte.unsigned_range. }
repeat straightline.

seprewrite_in (@Bignum.Bignum_of_bytes _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 a2) H15. { transitivity 40%nat; trivial. }
seprewrite_in (@Bignum.Bignum_of_bytes _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 a2) H16. { transitivity 40%nat; trivial. }

straightline_call; ssplit.
3: { unfold FElem, Field.FElem in *; extract_ex1_and_emp_in_goal; ssplit.
{ unfold FElem, Field.FElem in *; extract_ex1_and_emp_in_goal; ssplit.
{ use_sep_assumption. cancel; repeat ecancel_step.
cancel_seps_at_indices 0%nat 0%nat; trivial. cbn; reflexivity. }
all : eauto.
Expand All @@ -106,7 +112,7 @@ Proof.
{ rewrite H3. vm_compute. inversion 1. }
repeat straightline.

cbv [FElem] in H22. extract_ex1_and_emp_in H22.
specialize (H23 P ltac:(assumption)). cbv [FElem] in H23. extract_ex1_and_emp_in H23.
straightline_call; ssplit.
{ ecancel_assumption. }
{ transitivity 32%nat; auto. }
Expand All @@ -116,21 +122,20 @@ Proof.
repeat straightline.

cbv [Field.FElem] in *.
seprewrite_in @Bignum.Bignum_to_bytes H25.
seprewrite_in @Bignum.Bignum_to_bytes H25.
extract_ex1_and_emp_in H25.
seprewrite_in @Bignum.Bignum_to_bytes H26.
seprewrite_in @Bignum.Bignum_to_bytes H26.
extract_ex1_and_emp_in H26.

repeat straightline; intuition eauto.
rewrite H29 in *. cbv [x25519_gallina].
use_sep_assumption; cancel. eapply RelationClasses.reflexivity.
rewrite H30 in *.
use_sep_assumption; cancel. reflexivity.

Global Instance spec_of_x25519_base : spec_of "x25519_base" :=
fnspec! "x25519_base" out sk / (o s : list Byte.byte) (R : _ -> Prop),
{ requires t m := m =* s$@sk * o$@out * R /\
length s = 32%nat /\ length o = 32%nat;
{ requires t m := m =* s$@sk * o$@out * R /\ length s = 32%nat /\ length o = 32%nat;
ensures t' m := t=t' /\ m=* s$@sk ⋆ R ⋆
(le_split 32 (x25519_gallina (le_combine s) (F.of_Z _ 9)))$@out }.
le_split 32 (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine s mod 2^255) Curve25519.M.B))$@out }.

Lemma x25519_base_ok : program_logic_goal_for_function! x25519_base.
Expand All @@ -143,7 +148,7 @@ Proof.
seprewrite_in (@Bignum.Bignum_of_bytes _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 a2) H13. { transitivity 40%nat; trivial. }

straightline_call; ssplit.
3: { unfold FElem, Field.FElem in *; extract_ex1_and_emp_in_goal; ssplit.
{ unfold FElem, Field.FElem in *; extract_ex1_and_emp_in_goal; ssplit.
{ use_sep_assumption. cancel; repeat ecancel_step.
cancel_seps_at_indices 0%nat 0%nat; trivial. cbn; reflexivity. }
all : eauto.
Expand All @@ -152,6 +157,7 @@ Proof.
{ rewrite H3. vm_compute. inversion 1. }
repeat straightline.

specialize (H20 Curve25519.M.B eq_refl).
unfold FElem in H20. extract_ex1_and_emp_in H20.
straightline_call; ssplit.
{ ecancel_assumption. }
Expand All @@ -167,8 +173,8 @@ Proof.
extract_ex1_and_emp_in H23.

repeat straightline; intuition eauto.
rewrite H27 in *. cbv [x25519_gallina].
use_sep_assumption; cancel. eapply RelationClasses.reflexivity.
rewrite H27 in *.
use_sep_assumption; cancel. reflexivity.

Require Import coqutil.Word.Naive.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,36 +202,38 @@ Definition funcs :=
Require Import bedrock2.ToCString.
Definition montladder_c_module := list_byte_of_string (ToCString.c_module funcs).

Instance BWM_RV32IM : FlatToRiscvCommon.bitwidth_iset 32 Decode.RV32IM := eq_refl.

Derive montladder_compiler_result SuchThat
(compile_ext_call (
funcs = Success montladder_compiler_result)
As montladder_compiler_result_ok.
Lemma link_montladder : spec_of_montladder (map.of_list funcs).
match goal with x := _ |- _ => cbv delta [x]; clear x end.
match goal with |- ?a = _ => set a end.
match goal with |- @Success ?A ?x = Success ?e => is_evar e;
exact (@eq_refl (result A) (@Success A x)) end.
unfold spec_of_montladder, ScalarMult.MontgomeryLadder.spec_of_montladder.
unfold funcs.
(* use montladder correctness proof *)
rewrite montladder_defn.
eapply @montladder_correct; try (typeclasses eauto).
{ reflexivity. }
{ Decidable.vm_decide. }
{ Decidable.vm_decide. }
{ Decidable.vm_decide. }
{ eapply M.a2m4_nonsq. }
{ exact I. }
{ reflexivity. }
{ eapply CSwap.cswap_body_correct; [|exact I|reflexivity].
unfold field_representation, Signature.field_representation, Representation.frep; cbn; unfold n; cbv; trivial. }
{ eapply fe25519_copy_correct. reflexivity. }
{ eapply fe25519_from_word_correct. reflexivity. }
cbv [LadderStep.spec_of_ladderstep]; intros.
rewrite ladderstep_defn.
eapply @LadderStep.ladderstep_correct; try (typeclasses eauto).
{ cbv [Core.__rupicola_program_marker]; tauto. }
{ reflexivity. }
{ apply fe25519_mul_correct. reflexivity. }
{ apply fe25519_add_correct. reflexivity. }
{ apply fe25519_sub_correct. reflexivity. }
{ apply fe25519_square_correct. reflexivity. }
{ apply fe25519_scmula24_correct. reflexivity. }
{ ecancel_assumption. } }
{ unshelve eapply AdditionChains.fe25519_inv_correct_exp; [exact I|reflexivity| | ].
{ apply fe25519_square_correct. reflexivity. }
{ apply fe25519_mul_correct. reflexivity. } }
{ apply fe25519_mul_correct. reflexivity. }

Definition montladder_stack_size := snd montladder_compiler_result.
Definition montladder_finfo := snd (fst montladder_compiler_result).
Definition montladder_insns := fst (fst montladder_compiler_result).
Definition montladder_bytes := Pipeline.instrencode montladder_insns.
Definition montladder_symbols : list byte := Symbols.symbols montladder_finfo.

Require riscv.Utility.InstructionNotations.
Require riscv.Utility.InstructionCoercions.
Module PrintAssembly.
Import riscv.Utility.InstructionNotations.
Import riscv.Utility.InstructionCoercions.
Unset Printing Coercions.

(* Compute garagedoor_finfo. (* fe25519_mul is more than 10KB in just one function *) *)
Goal True. let r := eval cbv in montladder_insns in idtac (* r *). Abort.
End PrintAssembly.

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