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Uncomment MLKEM example for signed Barrett reduction
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atrieu committed Feb 7, 2025
1 parent 97d570b commit 0e9ba28
Showing 1 changed file with 27 additions and 28 deletions.
55 changes: 27 additions & 28 deletions src/Arithmetic/BarrettReduction/Refined.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Section Qround_half_up.
destruct x as (x_num & x_den).
cbv [Qlt Qle] in *. simpl in *. lia.

Lemma Qround_half_up_approx (x: Q):
Qabs (x - Qround_half_up x) <= 1#2.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,24 +293,22 @@ Section RefinedBarrettReduction.
End RefinedBarrettReduction.

(* Section MLKEM_Example. *)
(* Local Coercion inject_Z : Z >-> Q. *)
(* Local Coercion Zpos : positive >-> Z. *)
(* Let M := 16%Z. *)
(* Let q := 3329%positive. *)
(* Let k := 2%positive. *)
Module ExampleMLKEM.
Local Coercion inject_Z : Z >-> Q.
Local Coercion Zpos : positive >-> Z.
Definition M := 16%Z.
Definition q := 3329%positive.
Definition k := 2%positive.

(* Let R_pow := Eval compute in (M - 1 + Z.log2 q)%Z. (* 26%Z *) *)
(* Let c := Eval compute in Qround_half_up ((Z.pow 2 R_pow)#q). (* 20159%Z *) *)
(* Let v := Eval compute in Z.shiftl 1 (R_pow - 1)%Z. (* 33554432%Z *) *)
Definition R_pow := Eval compute in (M - 1 + Z.log2 q)%Z. (* 26%Z *)
Definition c := Eval compute in Qround_half_up ((Z.pow 2 R_pow)#q). (* 20159%Z *)
Definition v := Eval compute in Z.shiftl 1 (R_pow - 1)%Z. (* 33554432%Z *)

(* Lemma Hk: Qabs (((Z.pow 2 (M - 1 + Z.log2 q)%Z)#q) - Qround_half_up ((Z.pow 2 (M - 1 + Z.log2 q)%Z)#q)) <= 1#(Pos.pow 2 k). *)
(* Proof. compute. congruence. Qed. *)
Lemma Hk: Qabs (((Z.pow 2 (M - 1 + Z.log2 q)%Z)#q) - Qround_half_up ((Z.pow 2 (M - 1 + Z.log2 q)%Z)#q)) <= 1#(Pos.pow 2 k).
Proof. compute. congruence. Qed.

(* Lemma HOddq: Z.Odd q. *)
(* Proof. exists (q/2)%Z. reflexivity. Qed. *)
Lemma HOddq: Z.Odd q. Proof. exists (q/2)%Z. reflexivity. Qed.

(* (* *)
(* For comparison *)
(* int16_t barrett_reduce(int16_t a) { *)
(* int16_t t; *)
Expand All @@ -319,17 +318,17 @@ End RefinedBarrettReduction.
(* t *= KYBER_Q; *)
(* return a - t; *)
(* } *)
(* *) *)
(* Definition mlkem_barrett_reduce (a: Z): Z := *)
(* let t := (a * 20159)%Z in *)
(* let t := (t + 33554432)%Z in *)
(* let t := Z.shiftr t 26 in *)
(* (a - q * t)%Z. *)

(* Lemma MLKEM_barrett_reduce_correct (a: Z) (Ha: (Z.abs a <= Z.pow 2 15)%Z): *)
(* mlkem_barrett_reduce a = signed_mod a q. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* assert (mlkem_barrett_reduce a = barrett_reduce_approx R_pow c v a q) as -> by reflexivity. *)
(* apply (barrett_reduce_approx_correct Qround_half_up M R_pow c v a k q ltac:(reflexivity) ltac:(reflexivity) ltac:(reflexivity) Hk HOddq ltac:(lia) ltac:(apply Ha) ltac:(apply Ha)). *)
(* Qed. *)
(* End MLKEM_Example. *)

Definition mlkem_barrett_reduce (a: Z): Z :=
let t := (a * 20159)%Z in
let t := (t + 33554432)%Z in
let t := Z.shiftr t 26 in
(a - q * t)%Z.

Lemma MLKEM_barrett_reduce_correct (a: Z) (Ha: (Z.abs a <= Z.pow 2 15)%Z):
mlkem_barrett_reduce a = signed_mod a q.
assert (mlkem_barrett_reduce a = barrett_reduce_approx R_pow c v a q) as -> by reflexivity.
apply (barrett_reduce_approx_correct Qround_half_up M R_pow c v a k q ltac:(reflexivity) ltac:(reflexivity) ltac:(reflexivity) Hk HOddq ltac:(unfold M; lia) ltac:(apply Ha) ltac:(apply Ha)).
End ExampleMLKEM.

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