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Install from docker

ImplOfAnImpl edited this page Jan 24, 2025 · 5 revisions

This guide will cover how to use Docker to deploy and run the Mintlayer node-daemon and wallet-cli.


You need to have Docker installed on your system. For a Docker installation guide, please visit the official Docker documentation.

Mintlayer Deployment Using Docker Compose

Below is a simplified docker-compose.yml configuration to deploy the node-daemon and wallet-cli services:

x-common: &common
    - "./mintlayer-data:/home/mintlayer"

x-common-env: &common-env
  ML_USER_ID: "1000"
  ML_GROUP_ID: "1000"

    <<: *common
    image: "mintlayer/node-daemon:latest"
    command: "node-daemon mainnet"
      <<: *common-env
      RUST_LOG: "info"

    <<: *common
    image: "mintlayer/wallet-cli:latest"
    command: "wallet-cli mainnet"
      - "node-daemon"
      <<: *common-env
      ML_MAINNET_WALLET_NODE_RPC_ADDRESS: node-daemon:3030
      - "wallet_cli"

Running the node

  1. Save the above content as docker-compose.yml in your working directory.
  2. To start the node run:
    docker compose up -d


The ./mintlayer-data directory will store persistent data for all services.

It's also the place where you will put your wallet file, so that it can be opened by the wallet executable. E.g. assuming that ./mintlayer-data/my_wallet is the path to your wallet on the host filesystem, you can refer to it as /home/mintlayer/my_wallet inside the Docker containers.

Ensure the directory exists and is writable by Docker.

Accessing the Wallet-CLI

To enter the Wallet-CLI container and interact with it in an interactive session, run:

docker compose run --rm wallet-cli

If you want a wallet file to be opened immediately upon Wallet-CLI's start, you can invoke it like this:

docker compose run --rm wallet-cli wallet-cli mainnet --wallet-file /home/mintlayer/my_wallet

Note that wallet-cli is repeated twice here, the first occurrence is the name of the docker-compose service and the second one is the name of the executable inside the container.

Alternatively, you can modify docker-compose.yml changing

command: "wallet-cli mainnet"


command: "wallet-cli mainnet --wallet-file /home/mintlayer/my_wallet"


Staking is performed by the wallet executable, so in the above scenario, where the wallet is managed by the Wallet-CLI, you'll have to either keep the terminal always open or use a terminal multiplexer, like tmux.

The alternative approach is to manage the wallet via the Wallet RPC Daemon and use the Wallet-CLI only as a client for the daemon.

Below is a docker-compose.yml configuration to deploy the node-daemon, wallet-rpc-daemon and wallet-cli services in such a manner:

x-common: &common
    - "./mintlayer-data:/home/mintlayer"

x-common-env: &common-env
  ML_USER_ID: "1000"
  ML_GROUP_ID: "1000"

    <<: *common
    image: "mintlayer/node-daemon:latest"
    command: "node-daemon mainnet"
      <<: *common-env
      RUST_LOG: "info"

    <<: *common
    image: "mintlayer/wallet-rpc-daemon:latest"
    command: "wallet-rpc-daemon mainnet --wallet-file /home/mintlayer/my_wallet"
      - "node-daemon"
      <<: *common-env
      RUST_LOG: "info"
      ML_MAINNET_WALLET_RPC_DAEMON_RPC_PASSWORD: "wallet_rpc_password"
    # Note: this port mapping is only needed it you want to access the Wallet RPC Daemon from the host machine,
    # e.g. to query its status (like in the `curl` example below). If you don't need this, the port mapping will
    # be redundant and it's better to remove it.
      - "3034:3034"

    <<: *common
    image: "mintlayer/wallet-cli:latest"
    command: "wallet-cli"
      - "wallet-rpc-daemon"
      <<: *common-env
      ML_WALLET_REMOTE_RPC_WALLET_ADDRESS: "wallet-rpc-daemon:3034"
      ML_WALLET_REMOTE_RPC_WALLET_PASSWORD: "wallet_rpc_password"
      - "wallet_cli"

Note that in this example we already pass --wallet-file /home/mintlayer/my_wallet to the Wallet RPC Daemon, so the wallet will be opened automatically on start.

Like in the previous section, run

docker compose up -d

to start the services and

docker compose run --rm wallet-cli

to open an interactive shell for the Wallet-CLI. This time though you can initiate staking in the Wallet-CLI, exit it and the wallet will still be staking in the background.

You can also configure the Wallet RPC Daemon to begin staking automatically upon start by using the --start-staking-for-account option. For this, modify docker-compose.yml changing

command: "wallet-rpc-daemon mainnet --wallet-file /home/mintlayer/my_wallet"


command: "wallet-rpc-daemon mainnet --wallet-file /home/mintlayer/my_wallet --start-staking-for-account 0"

This will start staking for the wallet account #0.

Note however that staking requires the node and the wallet to be in sync. If --start-staking-for-account is specified and the node is not in sync with the wallet when the Wallet RPC Daemon starts, it will fail and exit immediately. In particular, this may happen if you are re-syncing the node from scratch. So, it's better to check that staking has actually began when starting the services this way.

You can check whether the Wallet RPC Daemon is currently staking by running:

curl \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n wallet_rpc_user:wallet_rpc_password | base64)" \
    -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "staking_status", "params": {"account": 0}}' localhost:3034

If staking is in progress, it will respond with something like {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"Staking","id":1}.
If the Wallet RPC Daemon is running but not staking at the moment, it will respond with {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"NotStaking","id":1}.
If the Wallet RPC Daemon is not running, the command will fail with an error.

Reminder: "wallet_rpc_user" and "wallet_rpc_password" are just example values; while the username doesn't matter much, you should definitely replace "wallet_rpc_password" with a stronger password.

Note: Docker will not pull an image from the repository automatically if it already exists locally. So, for example, if you pulled mintlayer/node-daemon:latest manually in the past, you may end up using an older version of node-daemon with a newer version of wallet-cli, which will not work correctly. In such a case run docker compose pull to make sure that the images tagged as latest actually refer to the latest version.

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