Put this plugin in your mods folder.
- Assigning admin command(s) at Runtime
// Find the mod
LoadedMod mod = (LoadedMod)Vars.mods.list().find((m) -> {
return m.main != null && m.main.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("EnhancedHelpCommand");
if (mod != null) {
try {
// Get method
Method add = mod.main.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("add", String.class);
add.invoke(mod.main, "adminOnlyCommand");
Log.info("Admin only command registered.");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.warn("An error has occurred while registering admin only command(s).");
- Assigning admin command(s) before running the server
Add the commands into the JSON config file which has the same name as the plugin.