Widget service with REST API
- Java 11
- Spring Boot
- Maven
- TestNG
Project Structure:
- Application - REST API layer
- Domain - business logic layer
- Infrastructure - implementation of persistence layer
There are two implementation of WidgetRepository
Widget REST API endpoints:
- POST /api/widgets/ : Create widget
- GET /api/widgets/{id} : Retrieve widget
- PUT /api/widgets/{id} : Update widget
- DELETE /api/widgets/{id} : Delete widget
- GET /api/widgets?page=&size= : Get list widgets with pagination
- GET /api-docs : Open API docs
InWidgetDTO{x integer, y integer, z integer, width integer, height integer}
OutWidgetDTO{id long, x integer, y integer, z integer, width integer, height integer, updatedAt datetime}
Error Statuses: 400, 404
It's the result of my express course Java and Spring. Feel free to create issues)