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mihuber authored Aug 14, 2020
1 parent ef2b949 commit 3ed72ef
Showing 1 changed file with 340 additions and 0 deletions.
340 changes: 340 additions & 0 deletions app.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@

date.range.months = 12
ref.range.months = 3
n.ref.values = 100

############################## Westgard Rules ##############################
apply_westgard_rules <- function(df, mean, sd) {
# input: dataframe with column 'value' and parameters mean and sd
# ouput: dataframe with new column 'rule'
df = df %>% mutate(m.above = 0, m.below = 0, s1.above = 0, s1.below = 0, s2.above = 0, s2.below = 0, s3.above = 0, s3.below = 0, r4 = 0)

for (i in 2:nrow(df)) {
if (df$value[i] > mean) {df$m.above[i] = df$m.above[i-1] + 1} ### above mean
if (df$value[i] < mean) {df$m.below[i] = df$m.below[i-1] + 1} ### below mean
if (df$value[i] > mean + 1*sd) {df$s1.above[i] = df$s1.above[i-1] + 1} ### above 1s
if (df$value[i] < mean - 1*sd) {df$s1.below[i] = df$s1.below[i-1] + 1} ### below 1s
if (df$value[i] > mean + 2*sd) {df$s2.above[i] = df$s2.above[i-1] + 1} ### above 2s
if (df$value[i] < mean - 2*sd) {df$s2.below[i] = df$s2.below[i-1] + 1} ### below 2s
if (df$value[i] > mean + 3*sd) {df$s3.above[i] = df$s3.above[i-1] + 1} ### above 3s
if (df$value[i] < mean - 3*sd) {df$s3.below[i] = df$s3.below[i-1] + 1} ### below 3s
if (df$s2.above[i-1] >= 1 & df$s2.below[i] >= 1) {df$r4[i] = 1} ### above 2s --> below 2s
if (df$s2.below[i-1] >= 1 & df$s2.above[i] >= 1) {df$r4[i] = 1} ### bewlo 2s --> above 2s

df %>% mutate(rule = case_when(
r4 >= 1 ~ "R-4s", ### R-4s rule
s3.above >= 1 ~ "1-3s", ### 1-3s rule
s3.below >= 1 ~ "1-3s", ### 1-3s rule
s2.above >= 2 ~ "2-2s", ### 2-2s rule
s2.above >= 2 ~ "2-2s", ### 2-2s rule
s2.above >= 1 ~ "1-2s", ### 1-2s alarm
s2.above >= 1 ~ "1-2s", ### 1-2s alarm
s1.above >= 3 ~ "3-1s", ### 3-1s alarm
s1.above >= 3 ~ "3-1s", ### 3-1s alarm
m.above >= 10 ~ "10x", ### 10 above mean alarm
m.below >= 10 ~ "10x", ### 10 below mean alarm
TRUE ~ "ok"))

############################## Plot ##############################
plot_style <- list(geom_point(size = 3, shape = 16),
background_grid(major = "xy", minor = "xy"),
theme(legend.position = "none"),
ylab("Ct value"),
theme(legend.position = "none"),
background_grid(major = "xy", minor = "xy"))

plot_colors <- scale_colour_manual(values = c("ok" = "#228B22", ### grün
"10x"= "#FFA500", ### orange
"1-2s"= "#FFA500", ### orange
"3-1s"= "#FFA500", ### orange
"R-4s" = "#0000FF", ### blau
"2-2s" = "#FF0000", ### rot
"1-3s" = "#FF0000")) ### rot

plot_lines <- function(mean, sd) {
list(geom_hline(yintercept = mean, color = "black", linetype = "dotted", size = 0.25), ### mean black
geom_hline(yintercept = mean + 1*sd, color = "#228B22", linetype = "dotted", size = 0.25), ### 1s grün
geom_hline(yintercept = mean - 1*sd, color = "#228B22", linetype = "dotted", size = 0.25), ### 1s grün
geom_hline(yintercept = mean + 2*sd, color = "#FFA500", linetype = "dashed"), ### 2s orange
geom_hline(yintercept = mean - 2*sd, color = "#FFA500", linetype = "dashed"), ### 2s orange
geom_hline(yintercept = mean + 3*sd, color = "#FF0000"), ### 3s rot
geom_hline(yintercept = mean - 3*sd, color = "#FF0000")) ### 3s rot

############################## UI ##############################
ui <- fluidPage(
theme = shinytheme("yeti"),
style = "position:fixed; width:inherit;",
h1("IQC IMV"),
fileInput("file", "PCR-Kontrollen", accept = "xlsx"),
selectInput("sheet", "Sheet", c("DNA ViiA7"), selected = "DNA ViiA7"),
label = "Date range input: yyyy-mm-dd",
start = Sys.Date() - (date.range.months/12*365), end = Sys.Date(),
weekstart = 1),
label = "Reference range input: yyyy-mm-dd",
start = Sys.Date() - (ref.range.months/12*365), end = Sys.Date(),
weekstart = 1),
numericInput("n.ref", "N reference", value = n.ref.values, min = 2, step = 10),
width = 3

tabPanel("DNA ViiA7",
withLoader(plotlyOutput("select_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("HSV_1_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("HSV_2_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("CMV_low_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("CMV_high_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("VZV_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("EBV_low_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("EBV_high_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("Parvo_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("Adeno_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("HHV6AB_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("JC_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("BK_low_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1"),
withLoader(plotlyOutput("BK_high_plot"), type = "html", loader = "loader1")),
tabPanel("RNA ViiA7"),
tabPanel("DNA Quant3"),
tabPanel("RNA Quant3"),
tabPanel("Viia7 Multiplex"))

############################## Server ##############################
server <- function(input, output) {

raw_data = reactive({read_excel(input$file$datapath, sheet = input$sheet)[1:14] })
# raw_data = reactive({read_excel("/Volumes/Diagnostic/Common/Labor/PCR-Kontrollen.xlsx", sheet = "DNA ViiA7")[1:14] }) ### direct loading

clean_data = reactive({
data = raw_data() %>%
rename(date = 1) %>%
filter(!date %in% c("Mittelwert", "Standardabw", "2s", "oberer GW", "unterer GW", "Lot:", "Datum")) %>%
mutate(lot = ifelse(as.numeric(`HSV 2`) > 40000, `HSV 2`, NA)) %>%
mutate(lot = ifelse(, lag(lot), lot))

for (n in 2:nrow(data)) {
if ($lot[n]) | data$lot[n] == "") {
data$lot[n] = data$lot[n-1]

tidy_data = reactive({
clean_data() %>%
filter(!( %>%
gather(key = "target", value = "value", -date, -lot) %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(as.numeric(date), origin = "1899-12-30")) %>%
mutate(lot = as.Date(as.numeric(lot), origin = "1899-12-30")) %>%
mutate(value = as.numeric(value)) %>%
filter(!( %>%
filter(value <= 50)

targets = reactive({tidy_data() %>% pull(target) %>% unique()})
output$target = renderUI({
selectInput("target", "Target", targets(), selectize = FALSE)

lots = reactive({tidy_data() %>% pull(lot) %>% unique()})
output$lot = renderUI({
selectInput("lot", "Lot", lots(), multiple = TRUE, selected = lots(), selectize = FALSE)

plot_data = reactive({
tidy_data() %>%
filter(date > input$dateRange[1]) %>%
filter(date < input$dateRange[2]) %>%
filter(as.character(lot) %in% input$lot)

output$select_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = input$target
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$HSV_1_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "HSV 1"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$HSV_2_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "HSV 2"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$CMV_low_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "CMV low"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$CMV_high_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "CMV high"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$EBV_low_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "EBV low"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$EBV_high_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "EBV high"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$VZV_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "VZV"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$Parvo_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "Parvo"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$Adeno_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "Adeno"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$HHV6AB_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "HHV6A+B"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$JC_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "JC"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$BK_low_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "BK low"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

output$BK_high_plot = renderPlotly({
targetn = "BK high"
dfn = plot_data() %>% filter(target == targetn)
mean = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% base::mean()
sd = dfn %>% filter(date > input$refRange[1]) %>% filter(date < input$refRange[2]) %>% pull(value) %>% head(input$n.ref) %>% stats::sd()
pn = dfn %>% apply_westgard_rules(mean, sd) %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = rule)) +
ggtitle(paste0(targetn," ( = ", nrow(dfn),"; n.ref = ", input$n.ref, ")")) + plot_lines(mean, sd) + plot_colors + plot_style

############################## Run the application ##############################
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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