🐞 Bug Fixes
- New Relic module fails on the module path #3412
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade Spring Boot to 2.6.12 #3471
- Upgrade testcontainers to 1.17.5 #3470
- Upgrade junit 5.9.1, assertj to 3.23.1, mockito to 4.8.0, archunit to 1.0.0 #3469
- Upgrade wavefront-sdk-java to 3.0.3 #3467
- Upgrade signalfx-java to 1.0.24 #3466
- Upgrade AWS SDK to 1.12.318 and 2.17.289 #3465
- Upgrade netty to 4.1.81 reactor-netty to 1.0.23 and reactor to 3.4.23 #3464
- Upgrade gradle-download-task plugin to 5.2.1 #3463
- Upgrade nebula-release-plugin to 16.1.0 #3462
- Upgrade Spring Java Format dependencies to 0.0.35 #3459
- Properly pin gradle-info-plugin to 11.4.1 #3441
📝 Tasks
- Pin wiremock-jre8-standalone to 2.33.+ for 1.8.x and 1.9.x #3468
- Reduce flakiness of StatsdMeterRegistryPublishTest #3447
- Update TagsTest to run builds on Java 19 #3437
- Upgrade to JApicmp Gradle Plugin 0.4.1 #3435
- Support message supplier in WarnThenDebugLogger #3424
- Ignore METHOD_NEW_DEFAULT binary compatibility #3181
❤️ Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!