Uses stow and powerline fonts.
For fish, install fish-shell
The Makefile in this repo will install and configure everything automatically
On the other hand, if you want to do the installation manually:
git submodule update --init
Install brew and then install bundle
brew tap Homebrew/bundle
Then install from the Brewfile:
brew bundle
All of my dotfiles are in a format that can be symlinked to the correct place using stow For example (assuming you clone this repo into your home directory):
stow vim
stow nvim
stow fish
This will create symlinks to the correct locations (e.g.: ~/.vimrc, ~/.config/...)
This can also be accomplished with the Makefile:
make link
I've also included Dockerfiles for build this repo into a usable developer container (for both ubuntu and alpine)
docker build -t mguindin/dev -f Dockerfile.alpine .
docker build -t mguindin/ubuntu -f Dockerfile .
I like Fira Code and you'll see it referenced in a few dotfiles (ligatures are pretty great).
Install pyenv
brew install pyenv
Install requirements
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
I prefer neovim, but the configurations for vim here also work in Vim8
You just need to unlink the stowed filed, using stow -D
or the Makefile:
make unlink
If using alacritty + tmux + fish, then just change the color in fish:
and vim at