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call applyscalevals on every change of the CTM
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mgieseki committed Oct 30, 2017
1 parent af51196 commit c8532b0
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Showing 3 changed files with 81 additions and 81 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/PsSpecialHandler.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class PsSpecialHandler : public SpecialHandler, public DVIEndPageListener, prote
void processLatticeTriangularPatchMesh (ColorSpace colorSpace, VectorIterator<double> &it);

/// scale given value by current PS scale factors
double scale (double v) const {return v*(_sx*_cos*_cos + _sy*(1-_cos*_cos));}
double scale (double v) const {return v*(_sx*(1-_cos*_cos) + _sy*_cos*_cos);}

void applyscalevals (std::vector<double> &p) override {_sx = p[0]; _sy = p[1]; _cos = p[2];}
void clip (std::vector<double> &p) override {clip(p, false);}
Expand Down
126 changes: 63 additions & 63 deletions src/psdefs.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,66 +34,66 @@ const char *PSInterpreter::PSDEFS =
"}forall}put @SD/defpr{[exch[/copy @SD]cvxall 5 -1 roll dup 6 1 roll[/get/exec]"
"cvxall 6 -1 roll dup 7 1 roll 4 -1 roll dup 5 1 roll dup length string cvs/prc"
"md cvx]cvx def}put @SD/querypos{{currentpoint}stopped{$error/newerror false pu"
"t}{2(querypos)prcmd}ifelse}put @SD/applyscalevals{1 0 transform 0 0 transform "
"3 -1 roll sub dup mul 3 1 roll sub dup mul add sqrt 0 1 transform 0 0 transfor"
"m 3 -1 roll sub dup mul 3 1 roll sub dup mul add sqrt 1 0 transform dup mul ex"
"ch dup dup mul 3 -1 roll add sqrt div 3(applyscalevals)prcmd}put @SD/prpath{{2"
"ut @SD/charpath{/@dodraw false store :charpath/@dodraw true store}put @SD/show"
"{@dodraw{dup :gsave currentpoint 2{50 mul exch}repeat :newpath moveto 50 50/sc"
"ale sysexec true charpath eofill :grestore/@dodraw false store :show/@dodraw t"
"rue store}{pop}ifelse}put @SD/awidthshow{{1 string dup 0 5 index put :gsave sh"
"ow :grestore pop 0 rmoveto 3 index eq{4 index 4 index rmoveto}if 1 index 1 ind"
"ex rmoveto}exch cshow 5{pop}repeat}put @SD/widthshow{0 0 3 -1 roll pstack awid"
"thshow}put @SD/ashow{0 0 0 6 3 roll awidthshow}put @SD/newpath{:newpath 0 1(ne"
"wpath)prcmd}put @SD/stroke{@dodraw{1 1(newpath)prcmd prpath 0(stroke)prcmd :ne"
"wpath}{:stroke}ifelse}put @SD/fill{@dodraw{1 1(newpath)prcmd prpath 0(fill)prc"
"md :newpath}{:fill}ifelse}put @SD/eofill{@dodraw{1 1(newpath)prcmd prpath 0(eo"
"fill)prcmd :newpath}{:eofill}ifelse}put @SD/clip{:clip 0 1(newpath)prcmd prpat"
"h 0(clip)prcmd}put @SD/eoclip{:eoclip 1 1(newpath)prcmd prpath 0(eoclip)prcmd}"
"put @SD/shfill{begin currentdict/ShadingType known currentdict/ColorSpace know"
"n and currentdict/DataSource known and currentdict/Function known not and Shad"
"ingType 4 ge and DataSource type/arraytype eq and{<</DeviceGray 1/DeviceRGB 3/"
"DeviceCMYK 4/bgknown currentdict/Background known/bbknown currentdict/BBox kno"
"wn>>begin currentdict ColorSpace known{ShadingType ColorSpace load bgknown{1 B"
"ackground aload pop}{0}ifelse bbknown{1 BBox aload pop}{0}ifelse ShadingType 5"
" eq{VerticesPerRow}if DataSource aload length 4 add bgknown{ColorSpace load ad"
"d}if bbknown{4 add}if ShadingType 5 eq{1 add}if(shfill)prcmd}if end}if end}put"
"/@rect{4 -2 roll moveto exch dup 0 rlineto exch 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto c"
"losepath}bind def/@rectcc{4 -2 roll moveto 2 copy 0 lt exch 0 lt xor{dup 0 exc"
"h rlineto exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rlineto}{exch dup 0 rlineto exch 0 exch rl"
"ineto neg 0 rlineto}ifelse closepath}bind def @SD/rectclip{:newpath dup type/a"
"rraytype eq{aload length 4 idiv{@rectcc}repeat}{@rectcc}ifelse clip :newpath}p"
"ut @SD/rectfill{gsave :newpath dup type/arraytype eq{aload length 4 idiv{@rect"
"cc}repeat}{@rectcc}ifelse fill grestore}put @SD/rectstroke{gsave :newpath dup "
"type/arraytype eq{aload length 4 idiv{@rect}repeat}{@rect}ifelse stroke gresto"
"re}put false setglobal @SD readonly pop/initclip 0 defpr/clippath 0 defpr/syse"
"xec{@SD exch get exec}def/adddot{dup length 1 add string dup 0 46 put dup 3 -1"
" roll 1 exch putinterval}def/setlinewidth{dup/setlinewidth sysexec applyscalev"
"als 1(setlinewidth)prcmd}def/setlinecap 1 defpr/setlinejoin 1 defpr/setmiterli"
"mit 1 defpr/setdash{mark 3 1 roll 2 copy/setdash sysexec applyscalevals exch a"
"load length 1 add -1 roll counttomark(setdash)prcmd pop}def/setgstate{currentl"
"inewidth 1(setlinewidth)prcmd currentlinecap 1(setlinecap)prcmd currentlinejoi"
"n 1(setlinejoin)prcmd currentmiterlimit 1(setmiterlimit)prcmd currentrgbcolor "
"3(setrgbcolor)prcmd 6 array currentmatrix aload pop 6(setmatrix)prcmd applysca"
"levals currentdash mark 3 1 roll exch aload length 1 add -1 roll counttomark(s"
"etdash)prcmd pop}def/save{@UD begin/@saveID vmstatus pop pop def end :save @sa"
"veID 1(save)prcmd}def/restore{:restore setgstate @UD/@saveID known{@UD begin @"
"saveID end}{0}ifelse 1(restore)prcmd}def/gsave 0 defpr/grestore{:grestore setg"
"state 0(grestore)prcmd}def/grestoreall{:grestoreall setstate 0(grestoreall)prc"
"md}def/rotate{dup type/arraytype ne{dup 1(rotate)prcmd}if/rotate sysexec}def/s"
"cale{dup type/arraytype ne{2 copy 2(scale)prcmd}if/scale sysexec}def/translate"
"{dup type/arraytype ne{2 copy 2(translate)prcmd}if/translate sysexec}def/setma"
"trix{dup/setmatrix sysexec aload pop applyscalevals 6(setmatrix)prcmd}def/init"
"matrix{matrix setmatrix}def/concat{matrix currentmatrix matrix concatmatrix se"
"tmatrix}def/makepattern{gsave<</mx 3 -1 roll>>begin dup/XUID[1000000 @patcnt]p"
"ut mx/makepattern sysexec dup dup begin PatternType @patcnt BBox aload pop XSt"
"ep YStep PaintType mx aload pop 15(makepattern)prcmd :newpath matrix setmatrix"
" PaintProc 0 1(makepattern)prcmd end/@patcnt @patcnt 1 add store end grestore}"
"def/setpattern{begin PatternType 1 eq{PaintType 1 eq{XUID aload pop exch pop 1"
"}{:gsave[currentcolorspace aload length -1 roll pop]setcolorspace/setcolor sys"
"exec XUID aload pop exch pop currentrgbcolor :grestore 4}ifelse(setpattern)prc"
"md}{/setpattern sysexec}ifelse end}def/setcolor{dup type/dicttype eq{setpatter"
"n}{/setcolor sysexec/currentrgbcolor sysexec setrgbcolor}ifelse}def/setgray 1 "
"defpr/setcmykcolor 4 defpr/sethsbcolor 3 defpr/setrgbcolor 3 defpr/.setopacity"
"alpha{dup/.setopacityalpha sysexec 1(setopacityalpha)prcmd}def ";
"t}{2(querypos)prcmd}ifelse}put @SD/applyscalevals{1 0 dtransform exch dup mul "
"exch dup mul add sqrt 0 1 dtransform exch dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 1 0 dt"
"ransform dup mul exch dup dup mul 3 -1 roll add dup 0 eq{pop}{sqrt div}ifelse "
"3(applyscalevals)prcmd}put @SD/prpath{{2(moveto)prcmd}{2(lineto)prcmd}{6(curve"
"to)prcmd}{0(closepath)prcmd}pathforall}put @SD/charpath{/@dodraw false store :"
"charpath/@dodraw true store}put @SD/show{@dodraw{dup :gsave currentpoint 2{50 "
"mul exch}repeat :newpath moveto 50 50/scale sysexec true charpath eofill :gres"
"tore/@dodraw false store :show/@dodraw true store}{pop}ifelse}put @SD/awidthsh"
"ow{{1 string dup 0 5 index put :gsave show :grestore pop 0 rmoveto 3 index eq{"
"4 index 4 index rmoveto}if 1 index 1 index rmoveto}exch cshow 5{pop}repeat}put"
" @SD/widthshow{0 0 3 -1 roll pstack awidthshow}put @SD/ashow{0 0 0 6 3 roll aw"
"idthshow}put @SD/newpath{:newpath 0 1(newpath)prcmd}put @SD/stroke{@dodraw{1 1"
"(newpath)prcmd prpath 0(stroke)prcmd :newpath}{:stroke}ifelse}put @SD/fill{@do"
"draw{1 1(newpath)prcmd prpath 0(fill)prcmd :newpath}{:fill}ifelse}put @SD/eofi"
"ll{@dodraw{1 1(newpath)prcmd prpath 0(eofill)prcmd :newpath}{:eofill}ifelse}pu"
"t @SD/clip{:clip 0 1(newpath)prcmd prpath 0(clip)prcmd}put @SD/eoclip{:eoclip "
"1 1(newpath)prcmd prpath 0(eoclip)prcmd}put @SD/shfill{begin currentdict/Shadi"
"ngType known currentdict/ColorSpace known and currentdict/DataSource known and"
" currentdict/Function known not and ShadingType 4 ge and DataSource type/array"
"type eq and{<</DeviceGray 1/DeviceRGB 3/DeviceCMYK 4/bgknown currentdict/Backg"
"round known/bbknown currentdict/BBox known>>begin currentdict ColorSpace known"
"{ShadingType ColorSpace load bgknown{1 Background aload pop}{0}ifelse bbknown{"
"1 BBox aload pop}{0}ifelse ShadingType 5 eq{VerticesPerRow}if DataSource aload"
" length 4 add bgknown{ColorSpace load add}if bbknown{4 add}if ShadingType 5 eq"
"{1 add}if(shfill)prcmd}if end}if end}put/@rect{4 -2 roll moveto exch dup 0 rli"
"neto exch 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto closepath}bind def/@rectcc{4 -2 roll mo"
"veto 2 copy 0 lt exch 0 lt xor{dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rl"
"ineto}{exch dup 0 rlineto exch 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto}ifelse closepath}b"
"ind def @SD/rectclip{:newpath dup type/arraytype eq{aload length 4 idiv{@rectc"
"c}repeat}{@rectcc}ifelse clip :newpath}put @SD/rectfill{gsave :newpath dup typ"
"e/arraytype eq{aload length 4 idiv{@rectcc}repeat}{@rectcc}ifelse fill grestor"
"e}put @SD/rectstroke{gsave :newpath dup type/arraytype eq{aload length 4 idiv{"
"@rect}repeat}{@rect}ifelse stroke grestore}put false setglobal @SD readonly po"
"p/initclip 0 defpr/clippath 0 defpr/sysexec{@SD exch get exec}def/adddot{dup l"
"ength 1 add string dup 0 46 put dup 3 -1 roll 1 exch putinterval}def/setlinewi"
"dth{dup/setlinewidth sysexec 1(setlinewidth)prcmd}def/setlinecap 1 defpr/setli"
"nejoin 1 defpr/setmiterlimit 1 defpr/setdash{mark 3 1 roll 2 copy/setdash syse"
"xec exch aload length 1 add -1 roll counttomark(setdash)prcmd pop}def/setgstat"
"e{currentlinewidth 1(setlinewidth)prcmd currentlinecap 1(setlinecap)prcmd curr"
"entlinejoin 1(setlinejoin)prcmd currentmiterlimit 1(setmiterlimit)prcmd curren"
"trgbcolor 3(setrgbcolor)prcmd 6 array currentmatrix aload pop 6(setmatrix)prcm"
"d applyscalevals currentdash mark 3 1 roll exch aload length 1 add -1 roll cou"
"nttomark(setdash)prcmd pop}def/save{@UD begin/@saveID vmstatus pop pop def end"
" :save @saveID 1(save)prcmd}def/restore{:restore setgstate @UD/@saveID known{@"
"UD begin @saveID end}{0}ifelse 1(restore)prcmd}def/gsave 0 defpr/grestore{:gre"
"store setgstate 0(grestore)prcmd}def/grestoreall{:grestoreall setstate 0(grest"
"oreall)prcmd}def/rotate{dup type/arraytype ne{dup 1(rotate)prcmd}if/rotate sys"
"exec applyscalevals}def/scale{dup type/arraytype ne{2 copy 2(scale)prcmd}if/sc"
"ale sysexec applyscalevals}def/translate{dup type/arraytype ne{2 copy 2(transl"
"ate)prcmd}if/translate sysexec}def/setmatrix{dup/setmatrix sysexec aload pop 6"
"(setmatrix)prcmd applyscalevals}def/initmatrix{matrix setmatrix}def/concat{mat"
"rix currentmatrix matrix concatmatrix setmatrix}def/makepattern{gsave<</mx 3 -"
"1 roll>>begin dup/XUID[1000000 @patcnt]put mx/makepattern sysexec dup dup begi"
"n PatternType @patcnt BBox aload pop XStep YStep PaintType mx aload pop 15(mak"
"epattern)prcmd :newpath matrix setmatrix PaintProc 0 1(makepattern)prcmd end/@"
"patcnt @patcnt 1 add store end grestore}def/setpattern{begin PatternType 1 eq{"
"PaintType 1 eq{XUID aload pop exch pop 1}{:gsave[currentcolorspace aload lengt"
"h -1 roll pop]setcolorspace/setcolor sysexec XUID aload pop exch pop currentrg"
"bcolor :grestore 4}ifelse(setpattern)prcmd}{/setpattern sysexec}ifelse end}def"
"/setcolor{dup type/dicttype eq{setpattern}{/setcolor sysexec/currentrgbcolor s"
"ysexec setrgbcolor}ifelse}def/setgray 1 defpr/setcmykcolor 4 defpr/sethsbcolor"
" 3 defpr/setrgbcolor 3 defpr/.setopacityalpha{dup/.setopacityalpha sysexec 1(s"
"etopacityalpha)prcmd}def ";
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions tests/PSInterpreterTest.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,96 +86,96 @@ TEST(PSInterpreterTest, init) {
PSTestActions actions;
PSInterpreter psi(&actions);
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "");

TEST(PSInterpreterTest, gsave_grestore) {
PSTestActions actions;
PSInterpreter psi(&actions);
psi.execute("gsave ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "gsave;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "gsave;");

psi.execute("grestore ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "setlinewidth 1;setlinecap 0;setlinejoin 0;setmiterlimit 10;setrgbcolor 0 0 0;setmatrix 1 0 0 1 0 0;applyscalevals 1 1 1;setdash 0;grestore;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "setlinewidth 1;setlinecap 0;setlinejoin 0;setmiterlimit 10;setrgbcolor 0 0 0;setmatrix 1 0 0 1 0 0;applyscalevals 1 1 1;setdash 0;grestore;");

psi.execute("1 setlinecap 5 setmiterlimit 0 1 0 setrgbcolor gsave 0 setlinecap 10 setmiterlimit ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "setlinecap 1;setmiterlimit 5;setrgbcolor 0 1 0;gsave;setlinecap 0;setmiterlimit 10;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "setlinecap 1;setmiterlimit 5;setrgbcolor 0 1 0;gsave;setlinecap 0;setmiterlimit 10;");

psi.execute("grestore ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "setlinewidth 1;setlinecap 1;setlinejoin 0;setmiterlimit 5;setrgbcolor 0 1 0;setmatrix 1 0 0 1 0 0;applyscalevals 1 1 1;setdash 0;grestore;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "setlinewidth 1;setlinecap 1;setlinejoin 0;setmiterlimit 5;setrgbcolor 0 1 0;setmatrix 1 0 0 1 0 0;applyscalevals 1 1 1;setdash 0;grestore;");

TEST(PSInterpreterTest, stroke_fill) {
PSTestActions actions;
PSInterpreter psi(&actions);
psi.execute("0 0 moveto 10 10 lineto 0 10 lineto closepath stroke ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "newpath 1;moveto 0 0;lineto 10 10;lineto 0 10;closepath;stroke;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "newpath 1;moveto 0 0;lineto 10 10;lineto 0 10;closepath;stroke;");

psi.execute("0 0 moveto 10 10 lineto 0 10 lineto closepath fill ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "newpath 1;moveto 0 0;lineto 10 10;lineto 0 10;closepath;fill;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "newpath 1;moveto 0 0;lineto 10 10;lineto 0 10;closepath;fill;");

TEST(PSInterpreterTest, clip) {
PSTestActions actions;
PSInterpreter psi(&actions);
psi.execute("initclip ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "initclip;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "initclip;");

psi.execute("0 0 moveto 10 10 lineto 0 10 lineto closepath clip ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "newpath 0;moveto 0 0;lineto 10 10;lineto 0 10;closepath;clip;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "newpath 0;moveto 0 0;lineto 10 10;lineto 0 10;closepath;clip;");

TEST(PSInterpreterTest, transform) {
PSTestActions actions;
PSInterpreter psi(&actions);
psi.execute("10 10 scale 90 rotate 100 -100 translate ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "scale 10 10;rotate 90;translate 100 -100;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "scale 10 10;applyscalevals 10 10 1;rotate 90;applyscalevals 10 10 0;translate 100 -100;");

TEST(PSInterpreterTest, calculate) {
PSTestActions actions;
PSInterpreter psi(&actions);
psi.execute("2 3 add 4 mul 5 div rotate ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "rotate 4;");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "rotate 4;applyscalevals 1 1 0.997564;");

TEST(PSInterpreterTest, setlinewidth) {
PSTestActions actions;
PSInterpreter psi(&actions);
psi.execute("10 setlinewidth ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "applyscalevals 1 1 1;setlinewidth 10;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "setlinewidth 10;");

psi.execute("5 5 scale 10 setlinewidth ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "scale 5 5;applyscalevals 5 5 1;setlinewidth 10;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "scale 5 5;applyscalevals 5 5 1;setlinewidth 10;");

psi.execute("90 rotate 10 setlinewidth ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "rotate 90;applyscalevals 5 5 0;setlinewidth 10;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "rotate 90;applyscalevals 5 5 0;setlinewidth 10;");

psi.execute("-30 rotate 10 setlinewidth ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "rotate -30;applyscalevals 5 5 0.5;setlinewidth 10;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "rotate -30;applyscalevals 5 5 0.5;setlinewidth 10;");

TEST(PSInterpreterTest, matrix) {
PSTestActions actions;
PSInterpreter psi(&actions);
psi.execute("matrix setmatrix ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "applyscalevals 1 1 1;setmatrix 1 0 0 1 0 0;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "setmatrix 1 0 0 1 0 0;applyscalevals 1 1 1;");
psi.execute("10 100 translate 30 rotate matrix currentmatrix setmatrix ");
ASSERT_EQ(actions.result(), "translate 10 100;rotate 30;applyscalevals 1 1 0.107493;setmatrix 0.866025 0.5 -0.5 0.866025 10 100;");
EXPECT_EQ(actions.result(), "translate 10 100;rotate 30;applyscalevals 1 1 0.866025;setmatrix 0.866025 0.5 -0.5 0.866025 10 100;applyscalevals 1 1 0.866025;");

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