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Type Snitch: A Simple Type Sniffer for JS

Have you ever wondered why typeof [] returns 'object' ? I did, and that is why I started the development of typesnitch . Now snitch.type([]) will return 'Array' – isn't that something? Basically, all standard JS prototypes are supported and returned as a string value. Furthermore, the Number prototype is more differentiated (see examples below).

If you find any bugs or have suggestions feel free to help and fork the package.

Methods & Modules


  • type : Returns the prototype of the value
  • unveil : Tries to convert the value, or 'unveil' it, e.g., numbers in disguise :-)
  • unveilType : combination of type and unveil
  • isType: Check if a value has a specific type

Have a look at the tests for more usage information.

You can use type() to get the prototype of a given input value. The method has a second parameter that can be used to get a more detailed prototype. The detailed parameter is set to true per default.

With unveil() a type conversion will be tried. At the moment it only works with integers, strings, objects and flat arrays that include number or string values. This will, hopefully, change in the future.

Basic Usage

const snitch = require('typesnitch')

// revealing the prototype of the input
const x = '[1, 2, 3]'
snitch.type(x) // 'String'

// trying to convert the input with unveil
const y = snitch.unveil(x)
snitch.type(y) // 'Array'

Handling Objects

Using unveil() at objects is tricky, and will improve in the future. Here is what you can do at the moment:

const z = '{a: 1, 1: "b"}'
snitch.unveil(z) // { a: 1, "1": "b" }

// you can do this
snitch.unveil('{a: 1, 1: "b", c: [1, 2, 3]}')
// returns: { '1': 'b', a: 1, c: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }

// but, you can't do this at the moment
snitch.unveil('{a: 1, 1: "b", c: [1, 2, 3], d: {e: 1, f: 2}}')
// returns: '{a: 1, 1: "b", c: [1, 2, 3], d: {e: 1, f: 2}'

Type Checking

You can use typesnitch for type checking like so:

const { type, unveil, unveilType, isType } = require('typesnitch')

const x = [1, 2, 3]
const y = '[1,2,3]'

type(x) === type(y)
// false

type(x) === type(unveil(y))
// true

// or use the combination
type(x) === unveilType(y)
// true

const z = "hello, world"
isType(z, 'string')
// true

More Examples

snitch.type(1, true) // 'Integer'
snitch.type(1, false) // 'Number'
snitch.type(1.1) // 'Float'
snitch.type(Number.Nan) // 'NaN'
snitch.type(1 / 'a') // 'NaN'
snitch.type(1 / 'a', false) // 'Number'
snitch.type(1 / 0) // 'Infinity'
snitch.type(-1 / 0) // '-Infinity'
snitch.type('hello world') // 'String'
snitch.type([1, 2, 3]) // 'Array'
snitch.type({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // 'Object'


  • convert : Convert data to strings, numbers, arrays, or objects
// '1'

// 1

snitch.convert.toArray('hello; world', { delimiter: ';' })
// ['hello', 'world']

const x = { a: 1, b: 2 }
snitch.convert.toArray(x, { objectKeys: false })
 // [1, 2]

snitch.convert.toArray(x, { objectKeys: true })
// ['a', 'b']

snitch.convert.toObject(['a', 'b'])
// {'0': 'a', '1': 'b'}
  • detect : Helper functions for single type detection
snitch.detect.isString('1')  // true
snitch.detect.isNumber(1)    // true
snitch.detect.isInteger(1)   // true
snitch.detect.isInteger(1.1) // false
snitch.detect.isFloat(1.1)   // true
snitch.detect.isFloat(1)     // false


Type Sniffer for JS







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