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This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 23, 2018. It is now read-only.


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In addition to the below, you should check out the wiki.


  1. First, set up your text editor.
    1. Install a text editor. VS Code is recommended since it has out of the box support for Typescript. Other text editors may work, but this guide assumes you are using VS Code so they may need extra configuration.
    2. Install the Prettier and TSLint extensions for VS Code. This will ensure that your code is linted so errors can be fixed before they even get tested, as well as automatically formatting code consistently.
  2. Install Node.js stable (not LTS), Yarn, and Docker
  3. Clone the repo.
  4. Run yarn in the root, ./web, and ./server directories to install their dependencies.

Now your environment is set up and you can start development.


A number of scripts are defined in the package.jsons for each dir.

The ones you would be using most often are:

  • yarn start in root, which starts the server and db.
  • yarn start in ./web, which starts the webapp.
  • yarn storybook in ./web, which starts the Storybook.

Below are detailed explanations of what each script does.

In Root

  • yarn start: Starts the server and postgres containers in dev mode. This will mount your ./server directory into the container and automatically restart the server whenever you make changes.
    • This simply runs docker-compose up, so you can also use this to, for example:
      • Just start the server container: yarn start server (runs docker-compose up server)
      • Force rebuild of the containers: yarn start --build (runs docker-compose up --build)
    • Internally this uses docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml, which sets up the containers and runs ./server's yarn start.
  • yarn start:prod: Starts the server and postgres containers in prod mode.
    • This does a full build of the server container, meaning the ./server dir is copied into the server container and yarn build is run within the container, transpiling the source into JavaScript. The container will then run the transpiled source with node build/index.js.
  • yarn test: Runs jest using the test and postgres containers. You can pass arguments to jest with this. Examples are below.
    • yarn test: Runs all tests.
    • yarn test --watch: Runs jest in watch mode.
    • yarn test entries: Runs tests in files whose names contain "entries".
    • See for more.
  • yarn test:install: Runs yarn inside the test container.
    • You do not need to run this, it's just a helper for yarn test.

In ./web

  • yarn start: Starts the webapp and live reloads it whenever you make changes.
  • yarn build: Builds the webapp by transpiling it into JavaScript such that the webapp can be served statically from the ./build directory.
    • You should not need to run this as it would be run when deploying the webapp.
  • yarn test: Runs the test suite using Jest.
  • yarn eject: Removes react-scripts-ts from the project and converts it to work standalone.g
    • You DEFINITELY should not need to run this unless you know what you're doing.
  • yarn storybook: Starts the Storybook and live reloads it whenever you make changes.
  • yarn build-storybook: Builds the Storybook into static files.
    • You should not need to run this unless you're serving the files for some reason.
  • yarn lint: Lints the whole ./web TypeScript project.
    • You can run this via VS Code's task runner and it will integrate with the Problems panel allowing you to jump directly to the problems.
      • Open the command palette with Ctrl+Shift+p.
      • Search for and select Tasks: Run Task.
      • Select Run lint (web).

In ./server

  • yarn start: Starts the server and restarts it whenever you make changes.
    • You should not need to run this as it is run by yarn start in root within the server container.
    • While this would work outside the container, it would not be able to connect to the postgres container i.e. the db.
  • yarn build: Transpiles the server source code into JavaScript in the ./server/build directory.
    • You should not need to run this unless you want to locally test the production build.
    • It is run when the server container is built in production mode.
  • yarn test: Runs jest.
    • You should not need to run this as it is run by yarn test in root within the server container.
    • While this would work outside the container, it would not be able to connect to the postgres container i.e. the db.
  • yarn lint: Lints the whole ./server TypeScript project.
    • You can run this via VS Code's task runner and it will integrate with the Problems panel allowing you to jump directly to the problems.
      • Open the command palette with Ctrl+Shift+p.
      • Search for and select Tasks: Run Task.
      • Select Run lint (server).


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