<H3>Step 1: Run tide-index of <a href="http://crux.ms/">Crux</a> to generate decoy set.</H3>
CRUX tide-index --output-dir [OUTPUT] --clip-nterm-methionine T \<br />
--missed-cleavages [Missed cleavage] --peptide-list T \ <br />
--mods-spec [MODS] --nterm-peptide-mods-spec [Nterm] \ <br />
--enzyme [ENZYME] \ <br />
--overwrite T \ <br />
[TARGETS] [tideindex] <br />
<br />
See <a href="http://crux.ms/commands/tide-index.html">Crux</a> for desired parameters. <br />
Save tide-index.peptides.target.txt and tide-index.peptides.decoy.txt for input of next step. <br />
python $SHARDDATA \
--spectra [MS2FILE] \
--num_spectra $(grep -c '^S' [MS2FILE]) \
--targets tide-index.peptides.target.txt \
--decoys tide-index.peptides.decoy.txt \
--tol [TOL] \
--shards 1 \
--output_dir [ENCODE] \
--ppm \
--charges [CHARGE]
for pickle in ENCODE/shard-*.pickle
python write_msms_bipartite.py--output [ENCODE] --pickle $pickle \
--max_mass 2000 --targets_per_spectrum 100000 \
--normalize fastSequestTransform \
--bin_width 1.0005079 --bin_offset 0.68 --charge [CHARGE] \
--bipartite_file [bipartite-OUTPUT] \
--xcorr_ident_file [xcorrIdent-OUTPUT] \
--do_not_write_all_psms --foreground
[ENCODE] is the output folder. [TOL] is the MS1 torrlerance in ppm. [CHARGE] is the precursor charge. [bipartite-OUTPUT] and [xcorrIdent-OUTPUT] are two output files.
Complie and run with following parameters. option: -h show help information-c charge
-i [bipartite-OUTPUT]
-o output file
-m ms2file
run merge.py
run absplot.py
Make the codes more user friendly.