A simple Scala tool to handle running the PHILIP MIX parsimony program and generating JSON output trees. You'll need a compiled executable of PHYLIP available on your system.
TreeUtils can be built with Scala and sbt. To build the executable you'll need to run:
sbt assembly
This should make an executable jar file in the subdirectory:
java -jar -Xmx8g TreeUtils-assembly-1.4.jar \
-allelesFile=<your allReadCounts> \
-mixEXEC=<where to find mix> \
-mixRunLocation=<what directory do we want to run mix in> \
-outputTable=<output file of alleles>.txt \
-outputTree=<tree output in json>.json \
--annotations=<any annotations you'd like added to the tree> \
-sample=<your sample name>
You need to fill in the parameters above. The allReadCounts file should look like the following:
events index total_counts total_proportion
NONE_NONE_NONE_313D+196_313D+196_313D+196_313D+196_313D+196_313D+196_313D+196 1 45019 0.272177650949499
NONE_NONE_NONE_NONE_108D+221_108D+221_108D+221_108D+221_108D+221_NONE 2 58925 0.356251095808419
NONE_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_NONE 3 10162 0.0614378215630914
NONE_NONE_NONE_NONE_NONE_3D+250_54D+275_54D+275_54D+275_NONE 4 21900 0.132403886265666
NONE_NONE_NONE_NONE_53D+222_53D+222_53D+222_NONE_5D+326_NONE 5 13159 0.0795572027109545
Where each column, seperated by tabs, describes the editing outcome (separated by _'s), the index, the total count, and the proportion of cells/reads in which this editing pattern is seen. If you want to add annotations to the trees you'll need the annotation file above. This file has one cell per line, like so:
cellID hmid detectable annotation1 annotation2 annotation3
1 NONE_NONE_NONE_313D+196_313D+196_313D+196_313D+196_313D+196_313D+196_313D+196 0 6182 0 7610
2 NONE_NONE_NONE_NONE_108D+221_108D+221_108D+221_108D+221_108D+221_NONE 1 801 30521 234
3 NONE_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_216D+124_NONE 1 556 2370 855
4 NONE_NONE_NONE_NONE_NONE_3D+250_54D+275_54D+275_54D+275_NONE 1 249 10740 118
5 NONE_NONE_NONE_NONE_53D+222_53D+222_53D+222_NONE_5D+326_NONE 1 165 7503 207
6 NONE_381D+142_381D+142_381D+142_381D+142_381D+142_381D+142_381D+142_381D+142_381D+142 0 49 0 53
7 NONE_NONE_NONE_313D+197_313D+197_313D+197_313D+197_313D+197_313D+197_313D+197 0 37 0 24
8 NONE_NONE_NONE_1D+195_312D+201_312D+201_312D+201_312D+201_312D+201_312D+201 0 26 0 34
The first two columns are required, the first being a linear list of cell IDs, the second being a editing outcome for the cell, which is used to match against the tree. The follow columns name are arbitrary and you should name them as you'd like to see on the resulting tree. For instance annotation1 could be changed to reads_captured_in_this_cell and you could fill the column with the number of RNA seq reads you saw for this sample.
The resulting trees can then be be visualized with the D3 scripts from previous papers. The visualization requires some customization for the resulting data sources and annotations you've provided in your annotations file.