A Python package for handling physical units and quantities.
A very quick overview:
In [1]: from pyqn.units import Units
In [2]: u1 = Units('km')
In [3]: u2 = Units('hr')
In [4]: u3 = u1/u2
In [5]: print(u3)
In [6]: u4 = Units('m/s')
In [7]: u3.conversion(u4) # OK: can convert from km/hr to m/s
Out[7]: 0.2777777777777778
In [8]: u3.conversion(u2) # Oops: can't convert from km/hr to m!
UnitsError: Failure in units conversion: units km.hr-1[L.T-1] and hr[T] have
different dimensions
For more information and examples, see http://christianhill.co.uk/projects/pyqn