list: Open Source Contributions / Personal Repositories
- astaxie/beego
- beego/bee
- jenkinsci/gitlab-plugin
- gin-contrib/cors
- GoogleCloudPlatform/gsutil
- jinzhu/gorm
- ibis-project/ibis
- bug: Bigquery backend Table init does not respect the fully qualified table name input
- fix(bigquery): respect the fully qualified table name at the init
- bug: cumsum function does not work as expected in Bigquery backend due to ibis default window frame logic
- fix(bigquery): let bigquery backend respect window frame set by users
- seratch/ChatGPT-in-Slac
- maxshine/ContainerUtility:A set of scripts to facility using device-mapper with Docker
- maxshine/weicoPI: A curses-based terminal client for Sina Weibo
- maxshine/sensorSimulator: A stress test tool to simulate many WiFi stations emitting wireless IP packets
- GitHub Action - Protect File Change By Pull Request: A published GitHub action to check any protected files changed by a pull request