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Some useful notes to reverse engineer and decompile QBasic executables.

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QBasic reversing notes

This work-in-process documentation is based on reverse engineering and does not come from any official source. You've been warned.

Except where noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

-- Mauro A. Meloni [email protected]

Microsoft QuickBasic Compiled EXE file format


QBasic source code lines can have up to 254 characters. If you need to write a longer sencence, you can split lines using underscores as continuators _ (similar to \ in Python).

There are also limits on line count and total size of .bas files.


Many QBasic programs are linked with Microsoft Overlay Linker (LINK.EXE) 1, and usually with the /EXEPACK argument, which applies a kind of RLE compression 2 on code and data of the executable. There are several unpackers available, both in source code and in executable format 3456.


It seems that constants are not preceded by codes nor ended by terminators.

integer     (immed operand)     mov ah, 0x10        16
long        (immed operand)     mov ax, 0x78        120
single      0x00112233          0x1f854541          12.345&
double      0x0011223344556677  0x713d0ad7a3b02840  12.345#
string      0x00 0x00 0x0000 0xaa 0xbb 0xcc
            |    |     |     +----------- start of string value
            |    |     +----------------- offset in memory
            |    +----------------------- unknown (seems to be 0x00)
            +---------------------------- string length


Equality conditions are usually checked by JNZ IFTRUE. ??

Inequality conditions are usually checked by JZ IFTRUE. ??

Conditionals chained by OR or AND are expressed by DEC'ing cx time after time.

After the last condition in the expression there can be one of the following:

AND CX, AX   ; chain of ANDs

OR CX, AX    ; chain of ORs

Complex conditions (such as ones with parenthesis) require using temporary local variables.

Sometimes, if some variable is used in multiple expressions, it is possible that the compiler avoids memory access by refreshing the var with OR AX,AX and then testing again. The same occurs when comparing against CONST 0, but the comparison is omitted. In other words, conditionals that check for equality to 0 (integer) may be expressed as OR AX,AX. REMEMBER THAT.

SELECT CASE conditionals are similar to IF / ELSEIF blocks, but are easily found because they usually test a local variable and end with a B$SERR call.

Arithmetic operations

Aritmethic operations are usually performed with the usual operators ADD, SUB, IMUL, IDIV. An exception to this is multiplication by a power of two value such as 2, 16, 256, etc. where the operation is replaced by succesive SAL/SHL operations (log2(second_operand) times) over the original value.

Another exception is substraction of integers, as in some circumstances it is done via adding the remainder from (0x100 - value). For example, to substract 2 from a var, ADD [var], 0x0fe does the trick. The difference between that and adding 254 is indicated by the number of left zeroes present). See following:

ADD [var], 0x0fe    ; is   var = var - 2
ADD [var], 0x00fe   ; is   var = var + 254
ADD [var], 0xfff7   ; is   var = var - 9

Register usage

Sometimes the compiler tries to re-use currently assigned CPU registers (AX, BX, CX, etc) to avoid re-reading a variable from memory, or skips using a register due to the fact that it will be used in a following instruction. Usually this happens when a conditional follows an assigment that defines the tested variable.

To avoid this behavior (that means, to force reading a memory address with MOV), then it is useful to add a label before the instruction that used the register. In that way, the compiler cannot guarantee that the register is already set, and is forced to update it before the conditional or the relevant instruction.

Floating point operations

Operations with SINGLE or DOUBLE variables are done via interrupts 0x35 to 0x3D, which map to corresponding FP opcodes according to the [wine source code]7. A complete list of FP calls can be found [online]8.

So, all those floating point interruptions can be replaced by their equivalent FPU x86 instructions as seen on 7.

FOR/NEXT loops

FOR/NEXT loops are implemented as the following sequence:


This accounts for STEP 1 loops. Other loops may be different. If the FOR/NEXT does not have instructions inside (ex: a FOR ...: NEXT all on one line), then the MOV AX, <VARIABLE> prepending the increment is ommited.

Local SUB/FUNCTION calls

SUB/FUNCTION procedures usually start with an B$ENRA or B$ENSA system call, preceded by an mov cx, 0xXXXX which is meant to indicate the reserved space for local variables.

Arguments are used via BP as base pointer plus an offset [bp+0x0a]. The order of arguments is inverse to the offset, so for a binary function, the first argument would be [bp+0x08] and the second argument [bp+0x06].

Local variables are used via BP as base pointer minus an offset [bp-0x0a] or can be specified as absolute addresses as in the main routine.

Almost all arguments for calls that are "constants in source" are previously stored into a variable (local or global) via LEA, pushed to stack, and then freed via B$STDL. Return values for functions which return strings (at least) are passed with a call to B$SCPF.

GOSUB calls

GOSUB calls are implemented as standard CALLs to line-number or label, with a possible/corresponding RETURN as ret.

System Call signatures

A call signature is a local reference that jumps to a far location of a library function. Call signatures start with 0xCD or 0xC7 and are 3 to 5 bytes in length. Function prototypes are detailed below.

Function prototypes

Each row lists the signature prototype, the function mnemonic, the datatypes of its arguments (PUSHed), the datatype of the result value (in REG_AX) and the QBasic function that probably represents. Datatypes can be STRing, VARiant, INTeger, LONG, SNG single, DBL double, and ARGN which indicates the number of arguments pushed for functions that accept a variable number of arguments.


C7 06 "e0X" 04              B$RUN       str             -       RUN s$
CD 3F 00                    B$ASSN  ign str int ign str int -    (DIM v AS STRING * 1) = "c"
CD 3F 01          0x320     B$BEEP      -               -       BEEP
CD 3F 02          0x323     B$BLOD      str var var     -       BLOAD
CD 3F 03                    B$BSAV      str var var     -       BSAVE
CD 3F 04                    (unknown)
CD 3F 05                    B$CDIR      str             -       CHDIR s$
CD 3F 06                    (unknown)
CD 3F 07          0x86      B$CHOU      int             -       PRINT #i, s$ (precedes B$PESD)
CD 3F 08                    B$CIRC      var var var     -       CIRCLE
CD 3F 09          0x89      B$CLOS      argn ...        -       CLOSE [i%], ...
CD 3F 0A          0x2b6     B$COLR      argn ...        -       COLOR
CD 3F 0B          0x2b9     B$CSCN      argn ...        -       SCREEN i%, ...
CD 3F 0C                    B$CSRL      -               -       CSRLIN
CD 3F 0D                    (unknown)
CD 3F 0E                    B$CSTT      var var         -
CD 3F 0F          0x8c      B$DDIM      int int int var var -   DIM array(min, max, elemsize, 0x101, destvar)
CD 3F 10                    B$DRAW      str             -       DRAW s$
CD 3F 11                    B$DSEG      int             -       DEF SEG i%
CD 3F 12                    B$DSG0      -               -       DEF SEG
CD 3F 13          0x8f      B$DSKI      int             -       LINE INPUT #i (precedes B$LNIN)
CD 3F 14                    (unknown)
CD 3F 15                    (unknown)
CD 3F 16                    (unknown)
CD 3F 17                    (unknown)
CD 3F 18                    B$EPE0      -               -       PEN ON
CD 3F 19                    B$EPE1      -               -       PEN OFF
CD 3F 1A                    B$EPE2      -               -       PEN STOP
CD 3F 1B                    B$ERAS      var             -       ERASE
CD 3F 1C                    B$ERDS      -               str     ERDEV$
CD 3F 1D                    B$ERDV      -               int     ERDEV
CD 3F 1E                    (unknown)
CD 3F 1F                    (unknown)
CD 3F 20                    (unknown)
CD 3F 21                    B$ETC0      int             -       COM(i%) ON
CD 3F 22                    B$ETC1      int             -       COM(i%) OFF
CD 3F 23                    B$ETC2      int             -       COM(i%) STOP
CD 3F 24                    B$ETK0      int             -       KEY(i%) ON
CD 3F 25                    B$ETK1      int             -       KEY(i%) OFF
CD 3F 26                    B$ETK2      int             -       KEY(i%) STOP
CD 3F 27                    B$ETL0      -               -       PLAY ON
CD 3F 28                    B$ETL1      -               -       PLAY OFF
CD 3F 29                    B$ETL2      -               -       PLAY STOP
CD 3F 2A                    B$ETS0      int             -       STRIG(i%) ON
CD 3F 2B                    B$ETS1      int             -       STRIG(i%) OFF
CD 3F 2C                    B$ETS2      int             -       STRIG(i%) STOP
CD 3F 2D                    B$ETT0      -               -       TIMER ON
CD 3F 2E                    B$ETT1      -               -       TIMER OFF
CD 3F 2F                    B$ETT2      -               -       TIMER STOP
CD 3F 30          0x380     B$FASC      str             int     ASC(s$)
CD 3F 31                    B$FATR      int int         int     FILEATTR
CD 3F 32          0x9b      B$FCHR      int             str     CHR$(i%)
CD 3F 33                    B$FCMD      -               str     COMMAND$
CD 3F 34                    B$FCVD      str             dbl
CD 3F 35                    B$FCVI      str             int
CD 3F 36                    B$FCVL      str             long
CD 3F 37                    B$FCVS      str             sng
CD 3F 38                    B$FDAT      -               str     DATE$
CD 3F 39                    B$FEOF      int             int     EOF(i%)
CD 3F 3A                    (unknown)
CD 3F 3B                    B$FEVS      str             str     ENVIRON$()
CD 3F 3C                    B$FHEX      long            str     HEX$(i%)
CD 3F 3D                    B$FICT      int             str
CD 3F 3E          0x392     B$FIEL      int str         -       FIELD #i, len AS var
CD 3F 3F                    B$FILS      str             -       FILES
CD 3F 40          0xb3      B$FINP      int var         str     INPUT$()
CD 3F 41          0xb6      B$FLDP      int             -       FIELD #i, len AS var (precedes B$FIEL)
CD 3F 42          0xb9      B$FLEN      str             int     LEN(s$)
CD 3F 43                    B$FLOC      int             int
CD 3F 44                    B$FLOF      int             long
CD 3F 45                    B$FMDF      dbl             str     MKDMBF$()
CD 3F 46          0xbf      B$FMID      str int int     str     MID$($s, i%, j%)
CD 3F 47                    B$FMKD      dbl             str     MKD$()
CD 3F 48                    B$FMKI      int             str     MKI$()
CD 3F 49                    B$FMKL      long            str     MKL$()
CD 3F 4A                    B$FMKS      sng             str     MKS$()
CD 3F 4B                    B$FMSF      sng             str     MKSMBF$()
CD 3F 4C                    B$FOCT      long            str     OCT$(i%)
CD 3F 4D                    B$FPEN      int             int     PEN()
CD 3F 4E                    (unknown)
CD 3F 4F                    B$FPOS      int             int     POS()
CD 3F 50                    B$FREF      -               int     FREEFILE
CD 3F 51                    B$FRI2      int             int     FRE()
CD 3F 52                    (unknown)
CD 3F 53                    B$FSCN      int int int     int     SCREEN()
CD 3F 54                    B$FSEK      int             long
CD 3F 55                    (unknown)
CD 3F 56                    B$FSPC      int             -       SPC(i%)
CD 3F 57                    B$FSTG      int             int     STRIG(i%)
CD 3F 58          0xe6      B$FTAB      int                     TAB()
CD 3F 59                    B$FTIM      -               str     TIME$
CD 3F 5A          0xec      B$FVAL      str             -       VAL(s$)
CD 3F 5B                    B$FWID      int int         -       WIDTH #i, i%
CD 3F 5C                    B$GET1      int             -       GET #i
CD 3F 5D          0x3b0     B$GET2      int long        -       GET #i, l&
CD 3F 5E                    B$GET3      int ign var int -       GET #i, , var
CD 3F 5F                    B$GET4      int long ign var int -  GET #i, l&, var
CD 3F 60          0x2c5     B$GGET      addr32 addr16   -       GET (graphical)
CD 3F 61          0x2c8     B$GPUT      addr32 addr16 mode -    PUT (graphical)
CD 3F 62          0xf2      B$INKY      -               str     INKEY$
CD 3F 63                    B$INPP      ign int         -       INPUT # TODO
CD 3F 64          0xf8      B$INS2      str str         int     INSTR(s$, s$)
CD 3F 65                    B$INS3      int str str     int     INSTR(i%, $s, $s)
CD 3F 66                    B$KFUN      int             -       KEY ON|OFF|LIST
CD 3F 67                    B$KILL      str             -       KILL s$
CD 3F 68          0x101     B$KMAP      int str         -       KEY i%, s$
CD 3F 69                    B$LBND      var int         int     LBOUND
CD 3F 6A          0x107     B$LCAS      str             str     LCASE$()
CD 3F 6B                    B$LDFS      addr str int    str     PRINT (DIM var$ * len)
CD 3F 6C          0x10d     B$LEFT      str int         str     LEFT$()
CD 3F 6D          0x2cb     B$LINE      var var var     -       LINE
    # parameter 1 defines the color
    # parameter 2 is unknown
    # parameter 3 defines the shape: 0x0=LINE/, 0x1=RECT/B, 0x2=FILLED/BF
CD 3F 6E                    B$LNIN  str var str var int -       LINE INPUT
CD 3F 6F                    B$LOCK  int long long int   -       LOCK/UNLOCK
CD 3F 70          0x113     B$LOCT      argn            -       LOCATE
CD 3F 71                    B$LPOS      int             int
CD 3F 72                    B$LPRT      -               -
CD 3F 73                    B$LSET      str ign str var -       LSET
CD 3F 74                    B$LTRM      str             str     LTRIM$(s$)
CD 3F 75                    B$LWID      int             -       WIDTH LPRINT
CD 3F 76                    B$MCVD      str             dbl
CD 3F 77                    B$MCVS      str             sng
CD 3F 78                    B$MDIR      str             -       MKDIR s$
CD 3F 79                    (unknown)
CD 3F 7A          0x2ce     B$N1I2      int int         -       set point 1 (i%, i%)
CD 3F 7B          0x2d1     B$N1R4      sng sng         -       set point 1 (f!, f!)
CD 3F 7C          0x2d4     B$N2I2      int int         -       set point 2 (i%, i%)
CD 3F 7D          0x2d7     B$N2R4      sng sng         -       set point 2 (f!, f!)
CD 3F 7E                    B$NAME      str str         -       NAME s$ AS t$
CD 3F 7F                    B$ONCA      int ign addr    -       ON COM(i%) GOSUB Offset
CD 3F 80                    B$ONKA      int ign addr    -       ON KEY(i%) GOSUB Offset
CD 3F 81                    B$ONLA      ign addr        -       ON PLAY(i%) GOSUB Offset
CD 3F 82                    B$ONPA      ign addr        -       ON PEN GOSUB Offset
CD 3F 83                    B$ONSA      int ign addr    -       ON STRIG(i%) GOSUB Offset
CD 3F 84                    (unknown)
CD 3F 85                    B$ONTA      ign int ign addr -      ON TIMER(i%) GOSUB Offset
CD 3F 86          0x12e     B$OOPN      str int str int -       OPEN (2)
    # parameter 1 is a one character str with the mode ("I", "O", "R", "A", "B")
    # parameter 2 indicates the file number
    # parameter 3 indicates the file name
    # parameter 4 indicates the record length or 0xFFFF for unknown
CD 3F 87                    B$OPEN      str int int int -       OPEN
    # parameter 1 indicates the file name
    # parameter 2 indicates the file number
    # parameter 3 indicates the record length or 0xFFFF for unknown
    # parameter 4 are flags:
    #    0x0001=INPUT, 0x0002=OUTPUT, 0x0004=RANDOM, 0x0008=APPEND, 0x0020=BINARY, 
    #    0x0100=ACCESS_READ, 0x0200=ACCESS_WRITE, 0X0300=ACCESS_READ_WRITE,
    #    0X4000=LOCK_SHARED, 0x3000=LOCK_READ, 0x2000=LOCK_WRITE, 0x1000=LOCK_READ_WRITE,
CD 3F 88                    B$PAIN      var var         -       PAINT
CD 3F 89                    (unknown)
CD 3F 8A                    B$PAL2      int long        -       PALETTE
CD 3F 8B                    B$PALU      var var var     -
CD 3F 8C          0x134     B$PCI2      int             -       PRINT #i, BYTE/INTEGER, LIST ?
CD 3F 8D                    (unknown)
CD 3F 8E                    B$PCPY      int int         -       PCOPY
CD 3F 8F                    (unknown)
CD 3F 90                    (unknown)
CD 3F 91          0x140     B$PCSD      str             -       PRINT s$,
CD 3F 92                    (unknown)
CD 3F 93          0x143     B$PEI2      int             -       PRINT i%
CD 3F 94                    B$PEI4      long            -       PRINT i&
CD 3F 95          0x149     B$PEOS      -               -
CD 3F 96                    B$PER4      sng             -       PRINT f!
CD 3F 97                    B$PER8      dbl             -       PRINT d#
CD 3F 98          0x152     B$PESD      str             -       PRINT s$
CD 3F 99                    (unknown)
CD 3F 9A                    (unknown)
CD 3F 9B                    B$PMAP      var var var     int     PMAP()
CD 3F 9C                    B$PNI2      int int         int     POINT()
CD 3F 9D                    (unknown)
CD 3F 9E                    B$PNT1      int             int     POINT()
CD 3F 9F                    (unknown)
CD 3F A0                    (unknown)
CD 3F A1                    (unknown)
CD 3F A2                    (unknown)
CD 3F A3          0x155     B$PSI2      int             -       PRINT i%;
CD 3F A4                    B$PSI4      long            -       PRINT i&;
CD 3F A5                    B$PSR4      sng             -       PRINT f!;
CD 3F A6                    B$PSR8      dbl             -       PRINT d#;
CD 3F A7          0x161     B$PSSD      str             -       PRINT s$;
CD 3F A8                    B$PSTC      int             -       PRESET()
CD 3F A9                    B$PUT1      int             -       PUT #i
CD 3F AA                    B$PUT2      int long        -       PUT #i, l&
CD 3F AB                    B$PUT3      int ign var int -       PUT #i, , var
CD 3F AC                    B$PUT4  int long ign var int -      PUT #i, l&, var
CD 3F AD          0x164     B$RDI2      ign int         -       READ i%
CD 3F AE                    B$RDI4      lng             -       READ l&
CD 3F AF                    B$RDIM      int int int var var -   REDIM
CD 3F B0                    B$RDIR      str             -       RMDIR s$
CD 3F B1                    B$RDR4      sng             -       READ f!
CD 3F B2                    B$RDR8      dbl             -       READ d#
CD 3F B3                    B$RSDS      ign str var     -       READ s$
CD 3F B4                    B$REST      -               -       RESET
CD 3F B5          0x176     B$RGHT      str int         str     RIGHT$()
CD 3F B6                    (unknown)
CD 3F B7          0x3f8     B$RND0      -               -       RND
CD 3F B8                    B$RND1      long            -       RND(l&)
CD 3F B9                    (unknown)
CD 3F BA          0x401     B$RNZP      dbl             -       RANDOMIZE
CD 3F BB                    B$RSET      str ign str var -       RSET
CD 3F BC                    B$RTRM      str             str     RTRIM$(s$)
CD 3F BD                    B$S1I2      int int         -       set point 1 STEP(i%, i%)
CD 3F BE                    (unknown)
CD 3F BF                    B$S2I2      int int         -       set point 2 STEP(i%, i%)
CD 3F C0                    (unknown)
CD 3F C1                    B$SADD      str             int     SADD()
CD 3F C2          0x185     B$SASS      str var         -       s$ = (LET)
CD 3F C3          0x188     B$SCAT      str str         str     s$ + s$ (CONCAT)
CD 3F C4          0x18b     B$SCLS      int             -       CLS # TODO
CD 3F C5                    (unknown)
CD 3F C6                    B$SDAT      str             -       DATE$ = s$
CD 3F C7                    B$SENV      str             -       ENVIRON
CD 3F C8          0x407     B$SERR      int             -       ERROR / END SELECT
CD 3F C9                    (unknown)
CD 3F CA                    B$SICT      int str         -
CD 3F CB                    B$SMID      str int int     -       MID$(s$, i%, j%) = s$
CD 3F CC          0x197     B$SOND      int sng         -       SOUND i%, f!
CD 3F CD          0x19a     B$SPAC      int             str     SPACE$(i%)
CD 3F CE          0x19d     B$SPLY      str             -       PLAY s$
CD 3F CF                    B$SSEK      int long        -
CD 3F D0          0x413     B$SSHL      str             -       SHELL s$
CD 3F D1          0x1a0     B$STDL      str             -       free local/temporal string var memory
CD 3F D2          0x1a3     B$STI2      int             str     STR$(i%)
CD 3F D3                    B$STI4      long            str     STR$(l&)
CD 3F D4                    B$STIK      int             int     STIK()
CD 3F D5                    (unknown)
CD 3F D6          0x1a9     B$STR4      sng             str     STR$(f!)
CD 3F D7                    B$STR8      dbl             str     STR$(d#)
CD 3F D8                    B$STRI      int int         str     STRING$(i%, i%)
CD 3F D9                    B$STRS      int str         str     STRING$(i%, s$)
CD 3F DA                    (unknown)
CD 3F DB                    (unknown)
CD 3F DC                    (unknown)
CD 3F DD                    (unknown)
CD 3F DE          0x1c1     B$TIMR      -               -       TIMER
CD 3F DF                    B$UBND      var int         int     UBOUND()
CD 3F E0                    B$UCAS      str             str     UCASE$()
CD 3F E1                    B$USNG      str             -       PRINT USING
CD 3F E2                    B$VARP      var var         int
CD 3F E3                    (unknown)
CD 3F E4                    B$VIEW      int * 7         -       VIEW # TODO
CD 3F E5                    B$VWPT      int int         -       VIEW PRINT
CD 3F E6                    (unknown)
CD 3F E7          0x1d3     B$WIDT      int int         -       WIDTH
CD 3F E8                    (unknown)
CD 3F E9                    B$WIND      long * 4 var    -       WINDOW # TODO
CD 3F EA          0x1d6?    B$WRIT      -               -       WRITE
CD 3F EB                    B$?EVT      -               -       start of event trapping
CD 3F EC          0x10      B$CEND      -               -       SYSTEM
CD 3F ED          0x13      B$CENP      -               -       END (MAIN PROGRAM)
CD 3F EE                    (unknown)
CD 3F EF          0x1df     B$ENFA      -               -       DEF FNname
CD 3F F0          0x1e2     B$ENRA      -               -       ENTER DYNAMIC SUB/FUNC
CD 3F F1                    B$ENSA      -               -       ENTER STATIC SUB/FUNC
CD 3F F2                    B$EVCK      -               -       end of event trapping
CD 3F F3          0x1eb     B$EXFA      -               -       END DEF
CD 3F F4          0x1ee     B$EXSA      -               -       EXIT SUB/FUNCTION
CD 3F F5                    (unknown)
CD 3F F6                    B$FERL      -               int     ERL
CD 3F F7                    B$FERR      -               int     ERR
CD 3F F8                    B$GOSA      -               -       GOSUB [ax]
CD 3F F9                    (unknown)
CD 3F FA                    (unknown)
CD 3F FB                    B$OEGA      ign addr        -       ON ERROR GOTO [Offset]
CD 3F FC                    B$OGSA      -               -       ON i% GOSUB offset1, offset2... (db)
CD 3F FD          0x209     B$OGTA      -               -       ON i% GOTO offset1, offset2... (db)
CD 3F FE                    (unknown)
CD 3F FF                    (unknown)
CD 3F FF 01                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 02                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 03                 B$RETA      -               -       RETURN
CD 3F FF 04                 B$RSTA      -               -       RESTORE
CD 3F FF 05                 B$RSTB      addr            -       RESTORE [DataOffset]
CD 3F FF 06                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 07                 B$SCHN      str             -       CHAIN s$
CD 3F FF 08                 B$SCLR      var var         -       CLEAR
CD 3F FF 09       0x220     B$SCMP      str str         -       IF s$ = s$ (COMPARE)
CD 3F FF 0A       0x224     B$SCPF      var             -       RETURN STRING FROM FUNCTION
CD 3F FF 0B                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 0C                 B$STOP      -               -       STOP
CD 3F FF 0D                 B$SWSD      -               -       SWAP s$, s$
CD 3F FF 0E                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 0F                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 10                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 11                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 12                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 13                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 14                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 15                 B$ATN4      -               -       ATN(f!)
CD 3F FF 16                 B$ATN8      -               -       ATN(d#)
CD 3F FF 17                 B$COS4      -               -       COS(f!)
CD 3F FF 18                 B$COS8      -               -       COS(d#)
CD 3F FF 19                 B$EXP4      -               -       EXP(f!)
CD 3F FF 1A                 B$EXP8      -               -       EXP(d#)
CD 3F FF 1B       0x234     B$FCMP      -               -       FLOATING POINT COMPARISON
CD 3F FF 1C       0x258     B$FIL2      -               -       convert int to sng and stack in FP
CD 3F FF 1D                 B$FILD      -               -       convert long to sng and stack in FP
CD 3F FF 1E       0x260     B$FIS2      -               int     unstack FP and convert to int
CD 3F FF 1F                 B$FIST      -               long    unstack FP and convert to long
CD 3F FF 20                 B$FIX4      -               -       FIX(f!)
CD 3F FF 21                 B$FIX8      -               -       FIX(d#)
CD 3F FF 22                 (unknown)
CD 3F FF 23       0x274     B$INT4      -               -       INT(f!)
CD 3F FF 24                 B$INT8      -               -       INT(d#)
CD 3F FF 25                 B$LOG4      -               -       LOG(f!)
CD 3F FF 26                 B$LOG8      -               -       LOG(d#)
CD 3F FF 27                 B$POW4      -               -       POW(f!, f!)
CD 3F FF 28                 B$POW8      -               -       POW(d#, d#)
CD 3F FF 29                 B$SGN4      -               -       SGN(f!)
CD 3F FF 2A                 B$SGN8      -               -       SGN(d#)
CD 3F FF 2B                 B$SIN4      -               -       SIN(f!)
CD 3F FF 2C                 B$SIN8      -               -       SIN(d#)
CD 3F FF 2D                 B$TAN4      -               -       TAN(f!)
CD 3F FF 2E                 B$TAN8      -               -       TAN(d#)
CD 3F FF 2F                 (unknown)

How to find signatures/stubs

OFFSET          SIZE
0x????............6    CD 3F EC CD 3F ED   base of call signatures
0x0220            2    base of constants in memory
                       (address where the first const will be stored)
0x0230                 start of TEXT section (assembly)
[assembly_code]        (C7 06 BC 18 in THIS case, but this is no constant)
0x????           11    "C_FILE_INFO"
0x???? + 95            base of constants in image
                       (offset of file where the first const is stored)
0x????            7    52 42 8C C0 05 10 00

Disassembling with Radare2

[Radare2]9 is a useful disassembler and general reverse engineering tool.

Some basic configuration directives are:

e asm.cmtright = true
e asm.pseudo = true
# e cmd.stack = true
# eco solarized
e scr.utf8 = true

# e anal.arch=x86.udis
# e anal.arch=x86

# define start_of_text_section
f start_of_text_section @ 0000:152b   # it should be via search
                                      # B801005050 B8020050
f end_of_text_section @ 0000:deaf

# define search space and options
e search.from = start_of_text_section
e = end_of_text_section
e search.align = true
# e search.flags = 0

# go to start_of_text_section
s start_of_text_section

# function definition
af+ 0xd41:0x2b9 1 test_func

# live patching of a binary
e io.cache=true
# f--

# replace int fpu emulation instructions
# with real fpu instructions
# /a int 0x35
# /A int
e cmd.hit = wx 9bd8
# /c int 0x34
/x cd34

e cmd.hit = wx 9bd9
# /c int 0x35
/x cd35

e cmd.hit = wx 9bda
# /c int 0x36
/x cd36

e cmd.hit = wx 9bdb
# /c int 0x37
/x cd37

e cmd.hit = wx 9bdc
# /c int 0x38
/x cd38

e cmd.hit = wx 9bdd
# /c int 0x39
/x cd39

e cmd.hit = wx 9bde
# /c int 0x3a
/x cd39

e cmd.hit = wx 9bdf
# /c int 0x3b
/x cd3b

e cmd.hit = wx 9b90
# /c int 0x3d
/x cd3d

There is an [official cheatsheet]10 and other [tutorials]11.








  7. 2






Some useful notes to reverse engineer and decompile QBasic executables.



