Removes background stars from astronomical images using a diffusion-based method.
This program was written by Maureen Cohen in the course of a Master of Physics research project at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, under the supervision of Dr Weiping Lu.
It is a proof-of-concept tested on 200x200 synthetic and natural astronomical images.
References: Perona, P. & Malik, J. Scale-Space and Edge Detection Using Anisotropic Diffusion. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 12 (7), 629-639 (1990) Chao, S. & Tsai, D. Astronomical Image Restoration Using an Improved Anisotropic Diffusion. Pattern Recognition Letters 27, 335-344 (2006) Muldal, A. Implementation of Perona-Malik diffusion in Python. (2012)