Shell scripts for applying custom settings, key bindings, extension preferences, code snippets, etc. When combined with Dropbox these settings can be used across multiple machines.
- Applies preferences not enabled by default (see the Preferences.sublime-settings file).
- Applies key bindings not enabled by default (see the Default (OSX).sublime-keymap file).
- Applies extension preferences not enabled by default (see the macOS project for details.)
- Provides tab-completion code snippets for HTML, CSS, Ruby, Rails, RSpec, etc.
Open a terminal window and execute the following commands:
Current Version (stable)
git clone
cd sublime_text_setup
git checkout v5.0.0
Master Version (unstable)
git clone
cd sublime_text_setup
Modify all files in the preferences/User folder as you see fit.
For additional setup/support, the following projects might be of interest as well:
- macOS - Shell scripts for automated OSX machine setup (includes installation of Sublime Text Extensions).
- Sublime Text Kit - Command line utilities (Ruby Gem) for managing Sublime Text.
Type the following from the command line to install:
NOTE: The install assumes this GitHub project will be kept locally since the Sublime Text Users folder will be symbolically linked to this project. Should this project be relocated, re-run the install to fix the symbolic link.
Alternatively, the install can be skipped and content can be pilfered from the files located in the
folder of this project instead.
All keyboard shortcut settings are defined here:
- Main Menu -> Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Key Bindings - Default
- Main Menu -> Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Key Bindings - User
The following is a list of commonly used keyboard shortcuts (including default and custom bindings/remappings):
- Navigation
= Open command pallet.COMMAND+p
= Goto file. Uses fuzzy file name matching logic. Suffix the file name as follows to filter further::
= Goto file line number.@
= Goto file symbol.#
= Goto file keyword.
= Show/Hide project sidebar.
- Search
= Full file search (search panel remains open).COMMAND+i
= Incremental file search (search panel immediately closes).COMMAND+SHIFT+g
= Find previous occurrence of current search.COMMAND+g
= Find next occurrence of current search.OPTION+ENTER
= Find all occurences of current search.COMMAND+r
= Find file symbol/function.COMMAND+SHIFT+f
= Project-wide search. Within the search panel, the following is also possible:COMMAND+OPTION+r
= Toggle regular expression search.COMMAND+OPTION+c
= Toggle case sensitive search.COMMAND+OPTION+w
= Toggle whole word search.
= File find and replace.COMMAND+OPTION+g
= Find all matching occurences of what is under current cursor position.
- Movement
CONTROL+OPTION+<arrow up/down key>
= Scroll up/down by one line.CONTROL+l
= Scroll to selection.CONTROL+<left arrow>
= Move one word left.CONTROL+<right arrow>
= Move one word right.COMMAND+<left arrow>
= Move to beginning of line.COMMAND+<right arrow>
= Move to end of line.
- Selection
COMMAND+SHIFT+<left arrow>
= Move to beginning of line and select everything in between.COMMAND+SHIFT+<right arrow>
= Move to end of line and select everything in between.CONTROL+SHIFT+m
= Expand selection to brackets.CONTROL+SHIFT+a
= Expand selection to tag.COMMAND+SHIFT+j
= Expand selection to indentation.COMMAND+l
= Expand selection to current line.COMMAND+SHIFT+SPACE
= Expand selection to scope.
- Multiple Cursor
= Adds an additional cursor where clicked.OPTION+click+drag
= Adds additional cursors from where clicked and dragged to.CONTROL+SHIFT+<arrow up>
= Select previous line.CONTROL+SHIFT+<arrow down>
= Select next line.COMMAND+SHIFT+l
= Create multiple cursors for each line of selection.
- Editing
= Toggle full screen mode.COMMAND+CONTROL+SHIFT+f
= Toggle distraction free writing.COMMAND+u
= Soft undo.COMMAND+SHIFT+u
= Soft redo.COMMAND+z
= Hard undo.COMMAND+SHIFT+z
= Hard redo.COMMAND+OPTION+.
= Insert and indent new line below cursor.COMMAND+SHIFT+ENTER
= Insert and indent new line above cursor.COMMAND+DELETE
= Delete from cursor to beginning of line.COMMAND+k, COMMAND+k
= Delete from cursor to end of line.COMMAND+SHIFT+d
= Duplicate line.CONTROL+SHIFT+k
= Delete line.COMMAND+d
= Select word (continue to select next match).COMMAND+k, COMMAND+d
= Skip selection of next matching word.CONTROL+DELETE
= Delete word before cursor.CONTROL+BACKSPACE
= Delete word after cursor.COMMAND+OPTION+q
= Wrap paragraph at ruler.COMMAND+j
= Join together whatever is selected.COMMAND+[
= Indent selection left.COMMAND+]
= Indent selection right.COMMAND+\
= Reindent current selection.COMMAND+OPTION+[
= Fold code for current scope.COMMAND+OPTION+]
= Expand folded code for current scope.COMMAND+k, COMMAND+1
= Fold all code.COMMAND+k, COMMAND+j
= Unfold all code.COMMAND+k, COMMAND+u
= Convert to uppercase text.COMMAND+k, COMMAND+l
= Convert to lowercase text.COMMAND+/
= Toggle comment line.COMMAND+OPTION+/
= Toggle comment block.FN+F5
= Alpha-sort (case sensitive) selection (or multiple selection).
- Bookmarks
= Toggle bookmark.SHIFT+FN+F2
= Goto previous bookmark.FN+F2
= Goto next bookmark.COMMAND+SHIFT+FN+F2
= Clear bookmarks.
- Clipboard
= Copy current file path.COMMAND+v
= Paste and indent.COMMAND+SHIFT+v
= Paste.
- Multiple Screens/Groups
= Split into<number>
= Move file to screen<number>
= Move cursor to screen<number>
- Tools
= Spell check.CONTROL+~
= Open command line.COMMAND+CONTROL+x
= Runs auto-CSS prefixer.
- Extensions (see the macOS project for an extensions list)
= Reveal current file in sidebar.CONTROL+SHIFT+'
= Toggle between single and double quotes.CONTROL+↑
= Adjust CSS value up one whole number.CONTROL+↓
= Adjust CSS value down one whole number.OPTION+↑
= Adjust CSS value up one decimal number.OPTION+↓
= Adjust CSS value down one decimal number.
To open and close the console:
- Type
to open console. - Type
to exit console.
To see what commands/key bindings are being fired:
- Enter
within the console to enable command logging. - Right click, use menus, etc. to let a log of the actual commands being fired.
- Find the command you are looking for in the log and then use that command to build a key binding for.
- Enter
within the condole to disable command logging.
To see what files are being indexed:
- Ensure the
settings is set totrue
. - Enter
to enable. - Watch the log for file activity.
- Enter
to disable.
Read Semantic Versioning for details. Briefly, it means:
- Patch (x.y.Z) - Incremented for small, backwards compatible bug fixes.
- Minor (x.Y.z) - Incremented for new, backwards compatible public API enhancements and/or bug fixes.
- Major (X.y.z) - Incremented for any backwards incompatible public API changes.
Please note that this project is released with a CODE OF CONDUCT. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Read CONTRIBUTING for details.
Copyright (c) 2014 Alchemists. Read the LICENSE for details.
Read the CHANGELOG for details. Built with Bashsmith.
Developed by Brooke Kuhlmann at Alchemists.