This is a simple 5x5 Minesweeper Android game developed on Android Studio for the Mobile Software Development class taught by Professor Peter Ekler at Aquincum Institute of Technology Budapest in Fall 2016.
- Flagging tiles
- Revealing tiles
- Randomized mine generation
- Surrounding mine counter
- Restarting game
- Winner Detection
- When empty tiles are revealed, adjacent empty tiles are opened until there is a numbered tile.
- Clearly distinguish empty revealed tiles from closed tiles.
- A bomb counter (= number of bombs - number of flags)
- A game timer
- Different difficulties (more/less bombs) and board sizes
- Change flagging method from button toggle to long hold
- Improve overall UI/UX design and different device compatibility
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing.
- Download and install Java SE Development Kit 8. During installation, the wizard may ask to install JRE (Java Runtime Environment)——accept.
- Download and install Android Studio.
- Configure SDKs and download Android 25 on Android Studio.
- Create an Android Virtual Device to run full Android OS and test the application.
- Clone the repository into your desired directory
- Open the Minesweeper folder on Android Studio
- Build the Gradle file
- Test the application on the Android Virtual Device or your personal Android device
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Aquincum Institute of Technology and Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Budapest, Hungary
- Professor Peter Ekler