Drank Bank is the latest productivity app for keeping track of all your alcoholic endeavors!
From “I’ve had how many drinksh?” to “what is the best wine under 1000 HUF”, you can use Drank Bank as a drinking diary, inputting what drinks you’ve had when, how you’d rank them, and where you’ve had them. In addition to keeping your own liquor cabinet database, the app will also query establish databases to give rankings of any categorized alcohol.
DrankBank is our final Android project for Mobile Software Development with Professor Peter Ekler at the Aquincum Institute of Technology. DrankBank is developed on Android Studio in Java by Veronica Child and Mario See.
a. Opening Screen: Login/Register Screen
- Google OR Facebook sign-in
b. Landing Screen: Upon registration, the main screen will be a dairy
c. Adding entries: Users may add entries
- Setting alcohol: There will be multiple drop down options. Users will first select the type of alcohol from a drop down menu, then brand, then type of alcohol. If the alcohol can be found from the APIs, then all pertinent information associated with it will be filled in. Else, the user will have the option to add to their local database.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development.
- Download and install Java SE Development Kit 8. During installation, the wizard may ask to install JRE (Java Runtime Environment)——accept.
- Download and install Android Studio.
- Configure SDKs and download Android 25 on Android Studio.
- Create an Android Virtual Device to run full Android OS and test the application.
- Clone the repository into your desired directory
- Open the DrankBank folder on Android Studio
- Build the Gradle file
- Test the application on the Android Virtual Device or your personal Android device
- Mario See
- Veronica Child
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Aquincum Institute of Technology and Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Budapest, Hungary
- Professor Peter Ekler
- Wesleyan and Carleton Study Abroad