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Marina Kollmitz edited this page Sep 16, 2015 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the human_aware_navigation wiki!

The human_aware_navigation repository includes ROS packages to enable the planning of navigation paths that take human comfort into account. The human-aware navigation framework builds upon the ROS navigation stack. It uses the lattice_planner as the global planner for time dependent planning and the timed_path_follower as the local planner for path following. The human_aware_navigation repository provides a plugin for the dynamic layers of the layered costmap used by the lattice planner. The social layers define time dependent, social navigation constraints according to the predicted trajectories of people in the environment. Furthermore, config, map and launch files as well as people detection and prediction nodes can be found in this repository.

The following pages describe how to get the required code and how to run the human-aware navigation. Also, please have a look at how to configure the behavior and known issues and limitations.

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