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  1. Opis zadania.
  • Zadanie polega na stworzeniu mikroserwisu wspierającego pracę programistów zajmujących się uczeniem maszynowym. System ma pomóc w gromadzeniu i udostępnianiu informacji pobranych z sieci. Główną funkcjonalnością systemu jest pobieranie tekstu oraz obrazków ze stron internetowych.
  1. Funkcjonalność
  • Zlecenie pobrania tekstu z danej strony internetowej i zapis jej w systemie.
  • Zlecenie pobrania wszystkich obrazków z danej strony i zapis ich w systemie.
  • Sprawdzenie statusu zleconego zadania.
  • Możliwość pobrania stworzonych zasobów (tekstu i obrazków).
  1. Architektura
  • Zadanie polega na zaprojektowaniu i zaimplementowaniu REST API dla tego systemu.
  • Mikroserwis powinien być napisany w języku Python.
  • Rozwiązanie powinno zawierać testy automatyczne.
  • Uruchomienie mikroserwisu powinno być maksymalnie zautomatyzowane (preferowane użycie Dockera lub podobnych narzędzi).
  1. FAQ
  • Czy wymagane jest wykonanie Javascriptu w celu uzyskania tekstu/obrazków na stronie? Nie, pobieramy tylko statyczne zasoby.
  • Czy z tekstu pobieranego ze stron powinien usuwać tagi HTML i kod Javascript? Tak.
  • Czy napisanie frontendu jest częścią zadania? Nie.
  • Czy można założyć, że pobieranie tekstu/obrazków ze strony jest szybkie? Nie, pobieranie może trwać bardzo długo.
  • Pisząc o stronie internetowej mamy na myśli pojedynczy dokument HTML /konkretny URL (i obrazki w nim zalinkowane).

recruitment task


  • docker and docker-compose
  • linux machine


./  #  run unit tests
./  #  deploy the service
./  #  trigger data collection


  • /images_tasks POST, GET
  • /images_tasks/id GET
  • /images_tasks/id/images GET
  • /images_tasks/id/images/id GET
  • /text_tasks POST, GET
  • /text_tasks/id GET
  • /text_tasks/id/text GET


The whole microservice consists of 5 containers:

  • Flask REST application
  • Celery task application
  • Mongodb
  • Nginx
  • Rabbitmq

specified as docker-compose services. To scale it, add more celery workers.

Request to collect data is received by REST API application. It stores the task and dispatches async task to celery over rabbitmq. The celery tasks use asyncio to gather data in order to speed up performance. It also manages task data/status and does updates in mongodb appropiately. Images are downloaded to shared volume, which is attached to Nginx. Nginx serves them later as staticfiles.

Storage mechanism prevents from saving duplicates (i.e. images from same src url). If a task (website) has an image, which is already stored, download will be skipped - nevertheless, image will be availabe as a resource of the current task.

Race condition on image saving are very unlikely to happen. If they do, exception is properly handled to set the failed task to 'success' and link it to the image of the other task.

If a task can see, that its resource collection has been attempted in the past:

  • it skips it, if it was successful
  • tries again, if it was error
  • its skips it, if it is being in progress by other task

About realisation

I chose Flask, Celery and Mongodb, even though I have never used them before:

  • Flask, as a microframework, seemed to be ok for such as small rest api application
  • Celery helped to perform task asynchronously and will be good for scaling
  • never used Mongodb, so wanted to have some fun
  • Flask and Mongodb caused me a lot of troubles:
    • spent a lot of time on choosing libraries (i.e. had to revert solution from pymongo to mongoengine with ORM)
    • first time configuration is never straightforward

Most interesting points (python skill indicators)

  • quite nice api Resource class inheritance structure (app/api/endpoints/*)
  • asyncio usage (app/, app/utils.run_with_asyncio)
  • selective mocking of client session, session context using set_side_effect fixture (app/tests/, app/tests/
  • good exception handling (app/
  • even reduce had a chance to be applied (app/tests/


  • There could be separate images for celery and flask. I build one, because it was easier to handle dependencies between them:
    • celery tasks and flask app both use same models
  • task coroutines were actually implemented in models. It made my life easier, but that code logically fits celery tasks better. Models should implement only data related methods, if we wanted to be strict...
  • celery worker may leave db connection open (to be investigated)
  • I didn't use pylint - the code should be quite PEP8-ish though
  • there are unit tests, but for simple scenarios. It would be good to have scenarios with paraller requests, same data sources etc.
  • It would be good to have integration test, working on resources served internally by the app

P.S. I hope you like my solution. Regards, Marek


just to show my python style






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