This repository contains code for a simple (really) ATM application that uses Microsoft Orleans to demonstrate the Actor Pattern.
Instructions below will show your the way to get things working.
Please give a thumbup to this guy here jumpstartCS. He is responsible for what you see in this repository. Also see his video series on the topic: About Microsoft Orleans
If you have a Microsoft Azure subscription you can use it or if you more like me, a broke-ass developer, you can run Azurite on Docker and get it going:
docker run -name azurite -d -p 10000:10000 -p 10001:10001 -p 10002:10002
You can get more information from Microsoft at Use the Azurite emulator
Nothing written into stone, use your ol'good common sense. But you can refere to this page, if you like: Common C# Coding Conventions.
Just me, at the moment.
- Marco Teixeira (marcoaoteixeira) - initial work
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used.