- Calculate take-home pay
- Utilities
- Validation
- Development
- Usage
- Release process
- How to update rates for new tax years
- License
Create an instance of Calculator
, providing values as per the following example:
val calculator = Calculator(
taxCode = "1257L", // Required
wages = 20000.0, // Required
payPeriod = YEARLY, // Required
isPensionAge = false, // Optional (Default: false)
howManyAWeek = null, // Optional (Default: null)
taxYear = TaxYear.currentTaxYear // Optional (Default: Current Tax Year)
val response = calculator.run()
let calculator = Calculator(
taxCode: "1257L",
wages: 20000.0,
payPeriod: period,
isPensionAge: false,
howManyAWeek: KotlinDouble(double: 35),
taxYear: TaxYear.companion.currentTaxYear
let calculation = try calculator.run()
The default values are working in Android (and other JVM) but currently do not seem to be present in iOS, so pass in the default values for now.
Returns an object of type CalculatorResponse
. This class is broken up into weekly
, four_weekly
, monthly
and yearly
. Each of these members is of type CalculatorResponsePayPeriod
and the members of this class are what will return the values (relative to their PayPeriod) needed for the app, they are:
of typeDouble
(This will be capped at a maximum of 50% of their wages)maxTaxAmountExceeded
of typeBoolean
(This will always be false unless taxToPay is adjusted for 50%)employeesNI
of typeDouble
of typeDouble
of typeDouble
of typeList<BandBreakdown>
of typeDouble
of typeDouble
of typeDouble
For tax breakdown this is the amount of tax per tax band which has two members,
percentage: Double
andamount: Double
val taxCode = CalculatorUtils.defaultTaxCode(taxYear = 2022)
let taxCode = CalculatorUtils.shared.defaultTaxCode(taxYear: 2022)
val year = CalculatorUtils.currentTaxYear()
let year = CalculatorUtils.shared.currentTaxYear()
val isValid = TaxCodeValidator.isValidTaxCode(taxCode = "1257L") // TaxCodeValidationResponse(true)
val isValid = TaxCodeValidator.isValidTaxCode(taxCode = "OO9999") // TaxCodeValidationResponse(false, ValidationError.WrongTaxCodePrefix)
val isValid = TaxCodeValidator.isValidTaxCode(taxCode = "9999R") // TaxCodeValidationResponse(false, ValidationError.WrongTaxCodeSuffix)
val isValid = TaxCodeValidator.isValidTaxCode(taxCode = "HELLO") // TaxCodeValidationResponse(false, ValidationError.WrongTaxCodeNumber)
val isValid = TaxCodeValidator.isValidTaxCode(taxCode = "110") // TaxCodeValidationResponse(false, ValidationError.Other)
let isValid = TaxCodeValidator.shared.isValidTaxCode(taxCode: "1257L") // TaxCodeValidationResponse(true)
let isValid = TaxCodeValidator.shared.isValidTaxCode(taxCode: "OO9999") // TaxCodeValidationResponse(false, ValidationError.WrongTaxCodePrefix)
let isValid = TaxCodeValidator.shared.isValidTaxCode(taxCode: "9999R") // TaxCodeValidationResponse(false, ValidationError.WrongTaxCodeSuffix)
let isValid = TaxCodeValidator.shared.isValidTaxCode(taxCode: "HELLO") // TaxCodeValidationResponse(false, ValidationError.WrongTaxCodeNumber)
let isValid = TaxCodeValidator.shared.isValidTaxCode(taxCode: "110") // TaxCodeValidationResponse(false, ValidationError.Other)
val isValidWages = WageValidator.isValidWages(wages = 1000) // true
val isAboveMinimumWages = WageValidator.isAboveMinimumWages(wages = 0.0) // false
val isBelowMaximumWages = WageValidator.isBelowMaximumWages(wages = 120000.0) // true
let isValidWages = WageValidator.shared.isValidWages(wages: 1000) // true
let isAboveMinimumWages = WageValidator.shared.isAboveMinimumWages(wages: 0.0) // false
let isBelowMaximumWages = WageValidator.shared.isBelowMaximumWages(wages: 120000.0) // true
val isValidHoursPerWeek = HoursDaysValidator.isValidHoursPerWeek(hours = 20) // true
val isAboveMinimumHoursPerWeek = HoursDaysValidator.isAboveMinimumHoursPerWeek(hours = 1.0) // true
val isBelowMaximumHoursPerWeek = HoursDaysValidator.isBelowMaximumHoursPerWeek(hours = 170.0) // false
val isValidHoursPerDay = HoursDaysValidator.isValidHoursPerDay(hours = 20) // true
val isAboveMinimumHoursPerDay = HoursDaysValidator.isAboveMinimumHoursPerDay(hours = 1.0) // true
val isBelowMaximumHoursPerDay = HoursDaysValidator.isBelowMaximumHoursPerDay(hours = 25.0) // false
let isValidHoursPerWeek = HoursDaysValidator.shared.isValidHoursPerWeek(hours: 20) // true
let isAboveMinimumHoursPerWeek = HoursDaysValidator.shared.isAboveMinimumHoursPerWeek(hours: 1.0) // true
let isBelowMaximumHoursPerWeek = HoursDaysValidator.shared.isBelowMaximumHoursPerWeek(hours: 170.0) // false
let isValidHoursPerDay = HoursDaysValidator.shared.isValidHoursPerDay(hours: 20) // true
let isAboveMinimumHoursPerDay = HoursDaysValidator.shared.isAboveMinimumHoursPerDay(hours: 1.0) // true
let isBelowMaximumHoursPerDay = HoursDaysValidator.shared.isBelowMaximumHoursPerDay(hours: 25.0) // false
To run all tests and coverage verification:
./gradlew check
Because this operates as a closed source, binary dependency, Swift PM will only work with tagged releases and not branches.
- If the framework is downloaded and linked in the project, it'll be necessary to strip unwanted architectures in a build step.
- For example, you may want to implement something like this.
Add the Github Package repository to your top-level build.gradle
, along with a Github username and access token (no permissions required).
repositories {
maven {
url = "https://maven.pkg.github.com/hmrc/tax-kalculator"
credentials {
username = System.getenv("GITHUB_USER_NAME")
password = System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
Add the dependency in the build.gradle
of the module:
dependencies {
implementation "uk.gov.hmrc:tax-kalculator-jvm:x.y.z"
bundle exec fastlane tag_release
- A valid Bitrise access token saved in your path under the variable name
. See Bitrise docs. - Two environment variables,
will also need to be included in your bash/ZSH profile. Speak with Chris to obtain these values.
- Ensure git status is clean
- Ensure
branch - Through the interactive shell, select the tag version using semantic versioning.
- Locally executes
:- Creates an XCFramework
- Computes and updates the checksum in the Swift Package declaration.
- Stamps the changelog
- Commit and push the updated
- Upload release artifacts to tagged Github release
- Executes
to start the CI pipeline on CI.
Each tax band is represented with the following data structure:
internal data class TaxBand(
override var lower: Double, // lower threshold of band
override var upper: Double, // upper threshold of band
override val percentageAsDecimal: Double // tax rate of band
) : Band
In TaxBands.kt
update bands as specified by the business.
Usually England and Wales have the same bands. Whereas Scotland's are different.
// England and Wales
private fun restOfUK2022Bands() = listOf(
TaxBand(0.0, 37700.00, 0.2),
TaxBand(37700.00, 150000.00, 0.4),
TaxBand(150000.0, -1.0, 0.45)
// Scotland
private fun scottish2022Bands() = listOf(
TaxBand(0.00, 2162.00, 0.19),
TaxBand(2162.00, 13118.00, 0.20),
TaxBand(13118.00, 31092.00, 0.21),
TaxBand(31092.00, 150000.00, 0.41),
TaxBand(150000.00, -1.0, 0.46)
Employee and Employer bands are represented with the following data structures:
internal data class EmployeeNIBand(
override var lower: Double, // lower threshold of band
override var upper: Double, // upper threshold of band
override val percentageAsDecimal: Double // tax rate of band
) : Band
internal data class EmployerNIBand(
override var lower: Double, // lower threshold of band
override var upper: Double, // upper threshold of band
override val percentageAsDecimal: Double // tax rate of band
) : Band
In EmployeeNIBands.kt
and EmployerNIBands.kt
update bands as specified by the business.
private val employeeNIBands2022: List<EmployeeNIBand> = listOf(
EmployeeNIBand(9880.0, 50270.00, 0.1325),
EmployeeNIBand(50270.0, -1.0, 0.0325)
private val employerNIBands2022: List<EmployerNIBand> = listOf(
EmployerNIBand(9100.0, 50270.00, 0.1505),
EmployerNIBand(50270.0, -1.0, 0.1505)
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.