A modern social media platform built with Next.js and Go, featuring real-time messaging, dark mode, and a clean UI.
Live: Demo
- 🔐 Authentication with NextAuth.js and JWT
- 🌓 Dark/Light mode theming
- 💬 Real-time chat messaging
- 🧵 Thread creation and interactions
- 💖 Like/Unlike functionality
- 🔔 Real-time notifications
- 👥 User profiles and following system
- 🤝 Community features // todo
- 📱 Responsive design
- 🔍 User search functionality // todo
- 🖼️ Image upload support // todo
- 🌐 WebSocket integration
- ⚛️ Next.js 14 (App Router)
- 🎨 Tailwind CSS
- 🔄 Redux Toolkit
- 🎭 Shadcn/ui Components
- 🎣 React Hook Form
- ✨ TypeScript
- 🔒 NextAuth.js
- 🌐 WebSocket (react-use-websocket)
- 📅 date-fns
- 🎯 Zod Validation
- 🚀 Go
- 🎯 Gin Framework
- 🗄️ PostgreSQL
- 🔑 JWT Authentication
- 🔄 GORM
- 🌐 WebSocket
- 🔒 bcrypt
First, run the development server:
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev
cd backend
go mod download
go run cmd/app/main.go
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Create a .env
file in the frontend directory with the following variables:
env NEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000 NEXTAUTH_SECRET=your-secret-key BACKEND_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080
Create a .env
file in the backend directory:
env DB_HOST=localhost DB_USER=your-db-user DB_PASSWORD=your-db-password DB_NAME=threadly DB_PORT=5432 JWT_SECRET=your-jwt-secret
To learn more about the technologies used: