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Exception change list

Martin Miksik edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 3 revisions

Ordered by lines:

Line Old exception New exception Message
38 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError Cannot access this association. An error occurred during parsing association metadata due to that annotation has been omitted.
47 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError Cannot access this type. An error occurred during parsing type stated in xml({}) was not found, therefore it has been replaced with NullType.
157 - PyODataValueError None cannot be parsed as Identifier
274 PyODataException PyODataValueError Cannot encode value {} without complex type information
288 PyODataException PyODataValueError Cannot decode value {} without complex type information
302 PyODataException PyODataValueError Cannot decode value {} without complex type information
346 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Malformed value {0} for primitive Edm type. Expected format is {1}'value'
378 PyODataModelError PyODataTypeError Cannot convert value of type {} to literal. Datetime format is required.
403 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Malformed value {0} for primitive Edm type. Expected format is /Date(value)/
407 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Cannot decode datetime from value {}.
427 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Cannot decode datetime from value {}.
629 PyODataException PyODataTypeError Bad format: invalid list value {}
636 PyODataException PyODataTypeError Bad format: invalid list value {}
680 RuntimeError PyODataTypeError {0} cannot be the type of {1}
705 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Scale value ({}) must be less than or equal to precision value ({})
779 KeyError PyODataKeyError There is no Schema Namespace {}
808 KeyError PyODataKeyError Type {} does not exist in Schema{}
816 KeyError PyODataKeyError EntityType {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
824 KeyError PyODataKeyError EntityType {} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
831 KeyError PyODataKeyError ComplexType {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
839 KeyError PyODataKeyError ComplexType {} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
846 KeyError PyODataKeyError EnumType {type_name} does not exist in Schema Namespace
854 KeyError PyODataKeyError EnumType {type_name} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
885 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError Neither primitive types nor types parsed from service metadata contain requested type {}
905 KeyError PyODataKeyError EntitySet {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
914 KeyError PyODataKeyError EntitySet {} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
925 KeyError PyODataKeyError FunctionImport {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
934 KeyError PyODataKeyError FunctionImport {} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
945 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association {} does not exist in namespace {}
961 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association Set for Association {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
967 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association Set for Association {} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
975 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association set {} does not exist in namespace {}
991 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError EntityType {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
996 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError Property {} does not exist in {}
1088 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError Role {} was not defined in association {}
1100 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError Role {} was not defined in association {}
1158 PyODataModelError -
1169 PyODataModelError -
1173 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError Role {} is not defined in association {}
1195 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError Entity Set {annotation.collection_path} for {annotation} does not exist
1188 RuntimeError Target Type {annotation.proprty_entity_type_name} of {annotation} does not exist
1209 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError Target Property {annotation.proprty_name} of {vh_type} as defined in {annotation} does not exist
1255 KeyError PyODataValueError {0} already has property {1}
1332 PyODataException PyODataKeyError EnumType {self} has no member {item}
1243 PyODataException PyODataKeyError EnumType {self} has no member with value {item}
1364 PyODataParserError PyODataValueError Type {underlying_type} is not valid as underlying type for EnumType - must be one of {valid_types}
1382 PyODataParserError PyODataValueError Value {next_value} is out of range for type {underlying_type}
1435 KeyError PyODataValueError {0} already has navigation property {1}
1471 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} to {2}
1474 RuntimeError PyODataTypeError {0} cannot be the type of {1}
1580 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace value {0} of {1} by {2}
1661 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace value helper {0} of {1} by {2}
1730 PyODataModelError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} to {2}
1733 PyODataModelError PyODataTypeError {0} cannot be the type of {1}
1782 PyODataModelError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} to {2}
1785 PyODataModelError PyODataRuntimeError {0} cannot be the type of {1}
1845 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Referential constraint must contain exactly one principal element'
1849 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Principal role name was not specified
1855 RuntimeError PyODataValueError In role {} should be at least one principal property defined
1859 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Referential constraint must contain exactly one dependent elemen
1863 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Dependent role name was not specified
1869 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Number of properties should be equal for the principal {} and the dependent {}
1907 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association {} has no End with Role {}
1921 RuntimeError PyODataValueError End type is not specified in the association {}
1925 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Association {} does not have two end roles
1929 RuntimeError PyODataValueError In association {} is defined more than one referential constraint
1965 PyODataModelError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} to {2}
1968 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Assigned entity set {0} differentiates from the declared {1}
2016 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association set {} has no End with Role {}
2022 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association set {} has no End with Entity Set {}
2027 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {} of {} with {}
2038 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Association {} cannot have more than 2 end roles
2135 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} with {2}
2138 RuntimeError PyODataValueError {0} cannot be an annotation of {1}
2148 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError {0} of {1} points to an non existing LocalDataProperty {2} of {3}
2162 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} with {2}
2165 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError {0} cannot be assigned to {1}
2175 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError {0} of {1} points to an non existing ValueListProperty {2} of {3}
2191 KeyError PyODataKeyError {0} has no local property {1}
2198 KeyError PyODataKeyError {0} has no list property {1}
2256 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} with {2}
2275 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} with {2}
2290 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} with {2}
2331 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} by {2}
2334 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError {0} cannot be the type of {1}
2469 TypeError PyODataParserError Expected bytes or str type on metadata_xml, got : {0}

Ordered by groups:


Line Old exception New exception Message
157 - PyODataValueError None cannot be parsed as Identifier
274 PyODataException PyODataValueError Cannot encode value {} without complex type information
288 PyODataException PyODataValueError Cannot decode value {} without complex type information
302 PyODataException PyODataValueError Cannot decode value {} without complex type information
346 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Malformed value {0} for primitive Edm type. Expected format is {1}'value'
403 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Malformed value {0} for primitive Edm type. Expected format is /Date(value)/
407 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Cannot decode datetime from value {}.
427 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Cannot decode datetime from value {}.
705 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Scale value ({}) must be less than or equal to precision value ({})
1255 KeyError PyODataValueError {0} already has property {1}
1364 PyODataParserError PyODataValueError Type {underlying_type} is not valid as underlying type for EnumType - must be one of {valid_types}
1382 PyODataParserError PyODataValueError Value {next_value} is out of range for type {underlying_type}
1435 KeyError PyODataValueError {0} already has navigation property {1}
1845 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Referential constraint must contain exactly one principal element'
1849 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Principal role name was not specified
1855 RuntimeError PyODataValueError In role {} should be at least one principal property defined
1859 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Referential constraint must contain exactly one dependent elemen
1863 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Dependent role name was not specified
1869 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Number of properties should be equal for the principal {} and the dependent {}
1921 RuntimeError PyODataValueError End type is not specified in the association {}
1925 RuntimeError PyODataValueError Association {} does not have two end roles
1929 RuntimeError PyODataValueError In association {} is defined more than one referential constraint
1968 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Assigned entity set {0} differentiates from the declared {1}
2038 PyODataModelError PyODataValueError Association {} cannot have more than 2 end roles
2138 RuntimeError PyODataValueError {0} cannot be an annotation of {1}


Line Old exception New exception Message
378 PyODataModelError PyODataTypeError Cannot convert value of type {} to literal. Datetime format is required.
629 PyODataException PyODataTypeError Bad format: invalid list value {}
636 PyODataException PyODataTypeError Bad format: invalid list value {}
680 RuntimeError PyODataTypeError {0} cannot be the type of {1}
1474 RuntimeError PyODataTypeError {0} cannot be the type of {1}
1733 PyODataModelError PyODataTypeError {0} cannot be the type of {1}


Line Old exception New exception Message
1471 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} to {2}
1580 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace value {0} of {1} by {2}
1661 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace value helper {0} of {1} by {2}
1730 PyODataModelError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} to {2}
1782 PyODataModelError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} to {2}
1785 PyODataModelError PyODataRuntimeError {0} cannot be the type of {1}
1965 PyODataModelError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} to {2}
2027 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {} of {} with {}
2135 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} with {2}
2162 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} with {2}
2165 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError {0} cannot be assigned to {1}
2256 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} with {2}
2275 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} with {2}
2290 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} with {2}
2331 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError Cannot replace {0} of {1} by {2}
2334 RuntimeError PyODataRuntimeError {0} cannot be the type of {1}


Line Old exception New exception Message
38 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError Cannot access this association. An error occurred during parsing association metadata due to that annotation has been omitted.
47 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError Cannot access this type. An error occurred during parsing type stated in xml({}) was not found, therefore it has been replaced with NullType.
779 KeyError PyODataKeyError There is no Schema Namespace {}
808 KeyError PyODataKeyError Type {} does not exist in Schema{}
816 KeyError PyODataKeyError EntityType {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
824 KeyError PyODataKeyError EntityType {} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
831 KeyError PyODataKeyError ComplexType {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
839 KeyError PyODataKeyError ComplexType {} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
846 KeyError PyODataKeyError EnumType {type_name} does not exist in Schema Namespace
854 KeyError PyODataKeyError EnumType {type_name} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
885 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError Neither primitive types nor types parsed from service metadata contain requested type {}
905 KeyError PyODataKeyError EntitySet {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
914 KeyError PyODataKeyError EntitySet {} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
925 KeyError PyODataKeyError FunctionImport {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
934 KeyError PyODataKeyError FunctionImport {} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
945 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association {} does not exist in namespace {}
961 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association Set for Association {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
967 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association Set for Association {} does not exist in any Schema Namespace
975 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association set {} does not exist in namespace {}
991 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError EntityType {} does not exist in Schema Namespace {}
996 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError Property {} does not exist in {}
1088 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError Role {} was not defined in association {}
1100 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError Role {} was not defined in association {}
1173 PyODataModelError PyODataKeyError Role {} is not defined in association {}
1195 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError Entity Set {annotation.collection_path} for {annotation} does not exist
1188 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError Target Type {annotation.proprty_entity_type_name} of {annotation} does not exist
1209 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError Target Property {annotation.proprty_name} of {vh_type} as defined in {annotation} does not exist
1332 PyODataException PyODataKeyError EnumType {self} has no member {item}
1243 PyODataException PyODataKeyError EnumType {self} has no member with value {item}
1907 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association {} has no End with Role {}
2016 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association set {} has no End with Role {}
2022 KeyError PyODataKeyError Association set {} has no End with Entity Set {}
2148 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError {0} of {1} points to an non existing LocalDataProperty {2} of {3}
2175 RuntimeError PyODataKeyError {0} of {1} points to an non existing ValueListProperty {2} of {3}
2191 KeyError PyODataKeyError {0} has no local property {1}
2198 KeyError PyODataKeyError {0} has no list property {1}


Line Old exception New exception Message
2469 TypeError PyODataParserError Expected bytes or str type on metadata_xml, got : {0}

Deleted errors

Line Old exception
1158 PyODataModelError
1169 PyODataModelError