Parallel-DivSufSort is a parallel lightweight suffix array construction algorithm for byte alphabets written in C++. It is a implementation based on:
- divsufsort implementation of induced sorting by Yuta Mori.
- parallel-range-lite implementation of prefix doubling for integer alphabets.
A detailed description and benchmarks of the algorithm can be found in the following work.
Julian Labeit, Julian Shun, and Guy E. Blelloch. Parallel Lightweight Wavelet Tree, Suffix Array and FM-Index Construction. DCC 2015.
The following steps have been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with gcc 5.3.0 and cmake 2.8.12.
git clone
cd parallel-divsufsort
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
Note that in the default version the cilkplus implementation by gcc is used for parallelization. To change this setting edit parallelization settings in the CMakeLists.txt file.
An example application can be found in examples/main.cpp. The library provides two basic functions to build the suffix array over a text.
// 32 bit version.
uint8_t pardivsufsort(const uint8_t *T, int32_t *SA, int32_t n);
// 64 bit version.
uint8_t pardivsufsort(const uint8_t *T, int64_t *SA, int64_t n);
To use the library include the header pardivsufsort.h
, link against the library divsufsort
and libprange
See Benchmarks page for details.