- MahsaNG دانلود آخرین نسخه
- mahsa_net telegram channel
- MahsaNG is a v2rayNG client aimed to provide free vpn for everyone
- MahsaNG is client-side of project Segaro_Dream
- MahsaNG is a decentralized public platform in which everyone can share their configs to help others
- Donated configs continuously monitored and redistributed to users based on clients feedback in each subnet-ip
- Our goal is to make a superior vpn platform which is free,stable,scalable,distributed & filter-resistant
- vpn providers can use ADS service to make income instead of direct sell
- everyone can share their unused vps bandwidth to help others
- prevent free configs to be stolen and reselled
- Automatic report for refining config collection at central servers
- DNS over HTTPS
- TLS Fragmentor
- HTTP & WS fake Host
- Rotating Configs
- Random Subdomain
- & much more ...
- some parts of source used for encrypting config is closed to prevent leakage & thus reselling of donated configs
- all other technology used to bypass filtering is willingly published including but not limited to Youtube Direct , TLS & HTTPS & DoH fragmentor & fake Host
- you need to place libv2ray.aar in v2rayng/apps/libs folder
- you can compile it yourself from AndroidLibXrayLite after installing Go & Go mobile
- or you can download v1.5 from here
- or submit a issue and i provide libv2ray.aar v1.8.3