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QR Ordering POC

  1. git clone
  2. cd into the directory
  3. npm i
  4. npm start
  5. If the browser did not automatically redirect you, go to localhost:3000


  • Find bud image
  • Upload image to ./public folder
  • Pull data from JSON
  • Uniform fonts
  • Implement cart component
  • Implement check component
  • Implement footer navigation with buttons for cart and check
  • Dispatch actions on store for - and + button clicks
  • Change price type string -> number
  • Change Product to MenuItem
  • Redux slice cart
  • Redux actions add and remove to cart
  • Modal for cart render, called by root <App>
  • Consolidate quantity between <MenuItem> and <Cart>
  • Redux slice check
  • Redux actions add to check and clear cart
  • Redux action clear check
  • Place holder for tip
  • Calculate total: sub + tip + taxes
  • Place holder for tax
  • Isolate function that flattens Cart Items
  • Hacktomize for mobile.
  • Optimize footer to be visible at all times.
  • Better modals or Use routes for different pages

TODO down the line

  • Figure out how user session works in QR code ordering.
  • Separate products by strains
  • Figure out product hierarchy/categories
  • Figure out product types
  • Implement menu component
  • Implement profile component
  • Extend footer navigation to include buttons for profile and menu
  • Shopping cart icon with number of items
  • Tip component: 18%, 20%, 22%
  • Tip component: custom tip
  • JSON of sales taxes for each state
  • Replace those damn modals with actual pages (react routes)
  • Move check source of truth to a backend service.


  • MenuItem: has image, item name, item price, order button. Must have the ability to add and delete items to the cart.
  • Cart (rendered on button click): Renders the contents inside the Redux store cart. Cart Items can be deleted with the press of a button.
  • Quantity: child of any component who needs quantity displayed.
  • Check: ordered from cart moves to the check.


  • Cart: represents the current cart
  • Check: represents the items the user has already ordered. Cart gets added to Check as soon as the user orders the current cart. Total amount to be paid is determined by items present in this Check.
MenuItem Render
State 0: default
| ___________                             |
| |         |   item name                 |
| |   img   |   ---------                 |
| |_________|   -   0   +           price |
|               ---------                 |

State 1: add button pressed
| ___________                             |
| |         |   item name                 |
| |   img   |   ---------                 |
| |_________|   -   1   +           price |
|               ---------                 |

With dummy values
| ___________                             |
| |         |   gorilla glue OG           |
| |   img   |   ---------                 |
| |_________|   -   1   +          $69.99 |
|               ---------                 |

Cart Render
|   <img> - 1 + <name> <price>  
|   <img> - 1 + Gorilla Glue OG $77.99
|   <img> - 12 + Wedding Cake   $69.99
|   Total                       $WHATEVERTHATIS
|                           -------
|                           | ORDER|
|                           -------- 

Check Render
|    <name> <price>  
|   Gorilla Glue OG $77.99
|   Gorilla Glue OG $77.99
|   Wedding Cake    $69.99
|   Wedding Cake    $69.99
|                           _______
|   SubTotal                $295.96
|   Tip: 
|   Tax     
|                           _______
|   Total                   $295.96
|                           ---------
|                           | PAY   |
|                           --------- 


  • Redux. Adding to the cart is handled by the Quantity + and - buttons. Add products to this store, and when the cart is ready to render, retrieve the products in this store.
  • Actions - add to cart, remove from cart, clear cart, add to check. ADDTOCART, REMOVEFROMCART, CLEARCART, ADDTOCHECK
  • States: cart:[], check:[]
state: {


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