- the monkey find four paths to banana .
- he go in every path and check is the banana there in the end or what
- if it there he win otherwise he go in the next path .....
- the goal or the location of banana is random .
At First : We use graph to design the Ui and we consider the game as group of nodes and edges then by using BreathFirst Algorithm We Search for The Random Goal (Banana) using Iterator in Dart .
_BreadthFirstTree creates the BreadthFirstIterator. Also, both of these collections stores the Graph object to save the tree data structure itself.
ITreeIterator defines a common interface for all specific iterators of the tree collection:
- hasNext() - returns true if the iterator did not reach the end of the collection yet, otherwise false;
- getNext() - returns the next value of the collection;
- reset() - resets the iterator and sets the current position of it to the beginning.
A class which stores the adjacency list of the graph. It is stored as a map data structure where the key represents the node's (vertix) id and the value is a list of vertices (ids of other nodes) adjacent to the vertex of that id (key). Also, this class defines the addEdge() method to add an edge to the adjacency list.
class Graph {
final Map<int, Set<int>> adjacencyList = Map<int, Set<int>>();
void addEdge(int source, int target) {
if (adjacencyList.containsKey(source)) {
} else {
adjacencyList[source] = {target};
- BreadthFirstTreeCollection - a tree collection class which stores the graph object and implements the createIterator() method to create an iterator which uses the breadth-first algorithm to traverse the graph.
class BreadthFirstTreeCollection implements ITreeCollection {
final Graph graph;
const BreadthFirstTreeCollection(this.graph);
ITreeIterator createIterator() {
return BreadthFirstIterator(this);
String getTitle() {
return 'Breadth-first';
- BreadthFirstIterator - a specific implementation of the tree iterator which traverses the tree collection by using the breadth-first algorithm. This algorithm uses the queue data structure to store vertices (nodes) which should be visited next using the getNext() method.
class BreadthFirstIterator implements ITreeIterator {
final BreadthFirstTreeCollection treeCollection;
final Set<int> visitedNodes = <int>{};
final ListQueue<int> nodeQueue = ListQueue<int>();
final int _initialNode = 1;
int _currentNode;
BreadthFirstIterator(this.treeCollection) {
_currentNode = _initialNode;
Map<int, Set<int>> get adjacencyList => treeCollection.graph.adjacencyList;
bool hasNext() {
return nodeQueue.isNotEmpty;
int getNext() {
if (!hasNext()) {
return null;
_currentNode = nodeQueue.removeFirst();
if (adjacencyList.containsKey(_currentNode)) {
for (var node in adjacencyList[_currentNode]
.where((n) => !visitedNodes.contains(n))) {
return _currentNode;
void reset() {
_currentNode = _initialNode;
Graph _buildGraph() {
var graph = Graph();
graph.addEdge(1, 21);
graph.addEdge(1, 22);
graph.addEdge(1, 23);
graph.addEdge(1, 24);
graph.addEdge(21, 31);
graph.addEdge(21, 25);
graph.addEdge(21, 20);
graph.addEdge(21, 14);
graph.addEdge(21, 13);
graph.addEdge(21, 7);
graph.addEdge(21, 11);
graph.addEdge(21, 28);
return graph;