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sqlx database create sqlx migrate run

echo "~/.cargo/bin/cargo sqlx prepare 2>&1 >/dev/null; git add .sqlx" > .git/hooks/pre-commit

flyctl secrets set ENV=release DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///data/todopad.db SQLX_OFFLINE=true RUST_LOG=debug GEMINI_API_KEY=AIzaSyBMREWluJ1x7m5IaHSXL_2AKXEORknO8bY

flyctl secrets set DATABASE_URL=sqlite://todopad.db SQLX_OFFLINE=true RUST_LOG=debug GEMINI_API_KEY=AIzaSyBMREWluJ1x7m5IaHSXL_2AKXEORknO8bY

Connect SQLite DB in

flyctl ssh console apt-get update && apt-get install -y sqlite3

docker build -t todopad .

docker run --name todopad -e ENV=development -e DATABASE_URL=sqlite://todopad.db -e SQLX_OFFLINE=true -e RUST_LOG=debug -e OPENAI_API_KEY= -p 8080:8080 todopad

--env-file .env

TODO: 0. Edit Insight [Done] Delete Insight [Done] After insight creation navigate to that insight [Done] When adding tags a. message to press enter [Done] b. selection of existing tags by arrows keys and enter [Done] c. autocompletion tags pop-up position [Done] c. adjust the chart in mobile [Done]

  1. when editing the title the tags are not regenerated. but when implementing this, need to careful that if user has given any tags explicitly - then no need to regenarate the tags again [ Done ]]

  2. Show data (relative day) in the list [Done]

  3. Parse any link in the notes and show links and open from todo item [Done]

  4. Click on link icon is confusing esp i there is only one link

  5. Run google page insights - and fix the perf issues

  6. Timezone issues... if I create in US, singapore date is used

  7. Secret key is hard coded - handlers/

  8. WARN call:get_record: tower_sessions_core::session: possibly suspicious activity: record not found in store

  9. Color code on due dates that are passed

  10. logging with error (and alerts)

  11. Charts a. count metric in charts b. Show description of insight

  12. Refactor edit HTML


A simple Todo application






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