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madeve-unipi committed Jul 19, 2024
1 parent 1829f9b commit 136165d
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 80 deletions.
199 changes: 119 additions & 80 deletions BonnAnalysis/Hadamard.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,111 +6,136 @@ lemma Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt {a b : ℝ} (hab: a < b) : b - a ≠ 0 := by apply

namespace Complex

lemma {s: Set ℂ} : DiffContOnCl ℂ id s := differentiableOn_id continuousOn_id
lemma {s: Set ℂ} : DiffContOnCl ℂ id s := differentiableOn_id continuousOn_id

namespace HadamardThreeLines

variable {E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℂ E]

/--An auxiliary function to prove the general statement of Hadamard's three lines theorem.-/
def scale (f: ℂ → E) (l u : ℝ) : ℂ → E := fun z ↦ f (l + z • (u-l))

/--The transformation on ℂ that is used for `scale` maps the strip ``re ⁻¹' (l,u)`` to the strip ``re ⁻¹' (0,1)``-/
lemma scale_mapsto_dom {l u : ℝ} (hul: l<u) {z: ℂ} (hz: z ∈ verticalStrip 0 1) : l + z * (u-l) ∈ verticalStrip l u := by {
simp[verticalStrip] at hz
/--The transformation on ℂ that is used for `scale` maps the strip ``re ⁻¹' (l,u)``
to the strip ``re ⁻¹' (0,1)``-/
lemma scale_mapsto_dom {l u : ℝ} (hul: l<u) {z: ℂ} (hz: z ∈ verticalStrip 0 1) :
l + z * (u-l) ∈ verticalStrip l u := by {
simp only [verticalStrip, mem_preimage, mem_Ioo] at hz
simp only [verticalStrip, mem_preimage, add_re, ofReal_re, mul_re, sub_re, sub_im, ofReal_im,
sub_self, mul_zero, sub_zero, mem_Ioo, lt_add_iff_pos_right]
obtain ⟨hz₁, hz₂⟩ := hz
simp[hz₁, hz₂, hul]
rw[add_comm, ←sub_lt_sub_iff_right l, add_sub_assoc, sub_self, add_zero]
nth_rewrite 2 [ ← one_mul (u-l)]
simp only [hz₁, mul_pos_iff_of_pos_left, sub_pos, hul, true_and]
rw [add_comm, ← sub_lt_sub_iff_right l, add_sub_assoc, sub_self, add_zero]
nth_rewrite 2 [← one_mul (u-l)]
simp only [sub_pos]
exact hul

/--The transformation on ℂ that is used for `scale` maps the closed strip ``re ⁻¹' [l,u]`` to the closed strip ``re ⁻¹' [0,1]``-/
lemma scale_mapsto_dom_cl {l u : ℝ} (hul: l<u) {z: ℂ} (hz: z ∈ verticalClosedStrip 0 1) : l + z * (u-l) ∈ verticalClosedStrip l u := by {
simp[verticalClosedStrip] at hz
/--The transformation on ℂ that is used for `scale` maps the closed strip ``re ⁻¹' [l,u]``
to the closed strip ``re ⁻¹' [0,1]``-/
lemma scale_mapsto_dom_cl {l u : ℝ} (hul: l<u) {z: ℂ} (hz: z ∈ verticalClosedStrip 0 1) :
l + z * (u-l) ∈ verticalClosedStrip l u := by {
simp only [verticalClosedStrip, mem_preimage, add_re, ofReal_re, mul_re, sub_re, sub_im,
ofReal_im, sub_self, mul_zero, sub_zero, mem_Icc, le_add_iff_nonneg_right]
simp only [verticalClosedStrip, mem_preimage, mem_Icc] at hz
obtain ⟨hz₁, hz₂⟩ := hz
simp[hz₁, hz₂, hul]
rw[add_comm, ←sub_le_sub_iff_right l, add_sub_assoc, sub_self, add_zero]
nth_rewrite 2 [ ← one_mul (u-l)]
simp only [sub_pos, hul, mul_nonneg_iff_of_pos_right, hz₁, true_and]
rw [add_comm, ← sub_le_sub_iff_right l, add_sub_assoc, sub_self, add_zero]
nth_rewrite 2 [← one_mul (u-l)]
simp only [sub_nonneg]
exact le_of_lt hul

/--If z is on the closed strip `re ⁻¹' [l,u]`, then `(z-l)/(u-l)` is on the closed strip `re ⁻¹' [0,1]`.-/
lemma scale_mem_strip {z : ℂ} {l u : ℝ} (hul: l < u) (hz: z ∈ verticalClosedStrip l u) : z/(u - l) - l/(u-l) ∈ verticalClosedStrip 0 1 := by{
simp[verticalClosedStrip, Complex.div_re]
simp[verticalClosedStrip] at hz
/--If z is on the closed strip `re ⁻¹' [l,u]`, then `(z-l)/(u-l)` is on the closed strip
`re ⁻¹' [0,1]`.-/
lemma scale_mem_strip {z : ℂ} {l u : ℝ} (hul: l < u) (hz: z ∈ verticalClosedStrip l u) :
z/(u - l) - l/(u-l) ∈ verticalClosedStrip 0 1 := by{
simp only [verticalClosedStrip, Complex.div_re, mem_preimage, sub_re, mem_Icc,
sub_nonneg, tsub_le_iff_right, ofReal_re, ofReal_im, sub_im, sub_self, mul_zero, zero_div,
simp only [verticalClosedStrip] at hz
simp_rw[Complex.normSq_ofReal, mul_div_assoc, div_mul_eq_div_div_swap, div_self (Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul), ← div_eq_mul_one_div]
simp_rw [Complex.normSq_ofReal, mul_div_assoc, div_mul_eq_div_div_swap,
div_self (Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul), ← div_eq_mul_one_div]
· gcongr
· apply le_of_lt; simp[hul]
· apply le_of_lt; simp [hul]
· exact hz.1
· rw[←sub_le_sub_iff_right (l / (u-l)), add_sub_assoc, sub_self, add_zero, div_sub_div_same, div_le_one (by simp[hul]), sub_le_sub_iff_right l]
· rw [← sub_le_sub_iff_right (l / (u-l)), add_sub_assoc, sub_self, add_zero, div_sub_div_same,
div_le_one (by simp[hul]), sub_le_sub_iff_right l]
exact hz.2

/-- The function `scale f l u` is `diffContOnCl`. -/
lemma scale_diffContOnCl {f: ℂ → E} {l u : ℝ} (hul: l < u) (hd : DiffContOnCl ℂ f (verticalStrip l u)) : DiffContOnCl ℂ (scale f l u) (verticalStrip 0 1) := by{
lemma scale_diffContOnCl {f: ℂ → E} {l u : ℝ} (hul: l < u)
(hd : DiffContOnCl ℂ f (verticalStrip l u)) : DiffContOnCl ℂ (scale f l u)
(verticalStrip 0 1) := by{
unfold scale
apply DiffContOnCl.comp (s:= verticalStrip l u) hd
· apply DiffContOnCl.const_add
apply DiffContOnCl.smul_const
· rw[MapsTo]
· rw [MapsTo]
intro z hz
exact scale_mapsto_dom hul hz

/-- The norm of the function `scale f l u` is bounded above on the closed strip `re⁻¹' [0, 1]` -/
lemma scale_bddAbove {f: ℂ → E} {l u : ℝ} (hul: l< u) (hB : BddAbove ((norm ∘ f) '' (verticalClosedStrip l u))) : BddAbove ((norm ∘ (scale f l u)) '' (verticalClosedStrip 0 1)) := by{
/-- The norm of the function `scale f l u` is bounded above on the closed strip `re⁻¹' [0, 1]`-/
lemma scale_bddAbove {f: ℂ → E} {l u : ℝ} (hul: l< u)
(hB : BddAbove ((norm ∘ f) '' (verticalClosedStrip l u))) :
BddAbove ((norm ∘ (scale f l u)) '' (verticalClosedStrip 0 1)) := by{
obtain ⟨R, hR⟩ := hB
rw [bddAbove_def]
use R
intro r hr
obtain ⟨w, hw₁, hw₂, _⟩ := hr
simp only [comp_apply, scale, smul_eq_mul]
have : ‖f (↑l + w * (↑u - ↑l))‖ ∈ norm ∘ f '' verticalClosedStrip l u := by{
simp only [comp_apply, mem_image]
use ↑l + w * (↑u - ↑l)
simp only [and_true]
exact scale_mapsto_dom_cl hul hw₁
exact hR ‖f (↑l + w * (↑u - ↑l))‖ this

/--A bound to the norm of `f` on the line `` induces a bound to the norm of `scale f l u z` on the line ``. -/
lemma scale_bound_left {f: ℂ → E} {l u a : ℝ} (ha : ∀ z ∈ re ⁻¹' {l}, ‖f z‖ ≤ a) : ∀ z ∈ re ⁻¹' {0}, ‖scale f l u z‖ ≤ a := by{
/--A bound to the norm of `f` on the line `` induces a bound to the norm of
`scale f l u z` on the line ``. -/
lemma scale_bound_left {f: ℂ → E} {l u a : ℝ} (ha : ∀ z ∈ re ⁻¹' {l}, ‖f z‖ ≤ a) :
∀ z ∈ re ⁻¹' {0}, ‖scale f l u z‖ ≤ a := by{
simp only [mem_preimage, mem_singleton_iff, scale, smul_eq_mul]
intro z hz
exact ha (↑l + z * (↑u - ↑l)) (by simp[hz])

/--A bound to the norm of `f` on the line `` induces a bound to the norm of `scale f l u z` on the line ``. -/
lemma scale_bound_right {f: ℂ → E} {l u b : ℝ} (hb : ∀ z ∈ re ⁻¹' {u}, ‖f z‖ ≤ b) : ∀ z ∈ re ⁻¹' {1}, ‖scale f l u z‖ ≤ b := by{
/--A bound to the norm of `f` on the line `` induces a bound to the norm of `scale f l u z`
on the line ``. -/
lemma scale_bound_right {f: ℂ → E} {l u b : ℝ} (hb : ∀ z ∈ re ⁻¹' {u}, ‖f z‖ ≤ b) :
∀ z ∈ re ⁻¹' {1}, ‖scale f l u z‖ ≤ b := by{
simp only [scale, mem_preimage, mem_singleton_iff, smul_eq_mul]
intro z hz
exact hb (↑l + z * (↑u - ↑l)) (by simp[hz])

/--A technical lemma needed in the proof-/
lemma fun_arg_eq {l u: ℝ} (hul: l < u) (z: ℂ) : (↑l + (z / (↑u - ↑l) - ↑l / (↑u - ↑l)) * (↑u - ↑l)) = z := by{
rw[sub_mul, div_mul_comm, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul ), div_mul_comm, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul)]
lemma fun_arg_eq {l u: ℝ} (hul: l < u) (z: ℂ) :
(↑l + (z / (↑u - ↑l) - ↑l / (↑u - ↑l)) * (↑u - ↑l)) = z := by{
rw [sub_mul, div_mul_comm, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul ),
div_mul_comm, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul)]

/--Another technical lemma needed in the proof-/
lemma bound_exp_eq {l u: ℝ} (hul : l < u) (z:ℂ) : (z / (↑u - ↑l)).re - ((l:ℂ) / (↑u - ↑l)).re = ( - l) / (u - l) := by{
lemma bound_exp_eq {l u: ℝ} (hul : l < u) (z:ℂ) :
(z / (↑u - ↑l)).re - ((l:ℂ) / (↑u - ↑l)).re = ( - l) / (u - l) := by{
rw[Complex.div_re, Complex.normSq_ofReal, Complex.ofReal_re, Complex.ofReal_im, mul_div_assoc, div_mul_eq_div_div_swap, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul), ← div_eq_mul_one_div ]
rw[← div_sub_div_same]
rw [Complex.div_re, Complex.normSq_ofReal, Complex.ofReal_re, Complex.ofReal_im, mul_div_assoc,
div_mul_eq_div_div_swap, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul),
← div_eq_mul_one_div]
simp only [mul_zero, zero_div, add_zero]
rw [← div_sub_div_same]

/--The correct generalization of `interpStrip` to produce bounds in the general case-/
Expand All @@ -120,75 +145,87 @@ noncomputable def interpStrip' (f: ℂ → E) (l u : ℝ) (z : ℂ) : ℂ :=
else (sSupNormIm f l) ^ (1-((z-l)/(u-l))) * (sSupNormIm f u) ^ ((z-l)/(u-l))

/--The supremum of the norm of `scale f l u` on the line ` = 0` is the same as the supremum of `f` on the line ``.-/
lemma sSupNormIm_scale_left (f: ℂ → E) {l u : ℝ} (hul: l < u) : sSupNormIm (scale f l u) 0 = sSupNormIm f l := by{
simp_rw[sSupNormIm, image_comp]
/--The supremum of the norm of `scale f l u` on the line ` = 0` is the same as the supremum
of `f` on the line ``.-/
lemma sSupNormIm_scale_left (f: ℂ → E) {l u : ℝ} (hul: l < u) :
sSupNormIm (scale f l u) 0 = sSupNormIm f l := by{
simp_rw [sSupNormIm, image_comp]
have : scale f l u '' (re ⁻¹' {0}) = f '' (re ⁻¹' {l}) := by{
ext e
simp only [scale, smul_eq_mul, mem_image, mem_preimage, mem_singleton_iff]
· intro h
obtain ⟨z, hz₁, hz₂⟩ := h
use ↑l + z * (↑u - ↑l)
simp[hz₁, hz₂]
simp [hz₁, hz₂]
· intro h
obtain ⟨z, hz₁, hz₂⟩ := h
use ((z-l)/(u-l))
· norm_cast
rw[Complex.div_re, Complex.normSq_ofReal, Complex.ofReal_re]
rw [Complex.div_re, Complex.normSq_ofReal, Complex.ofReal_re]
· rw[div_mul_comm, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul)]
· rw [div_mul_comm, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul)]
simp [hz₂]
rw [this]

/--The supremum of the norm of `scale f l u` on the line ` = 1` is the same as the supremum of `f` on the line ``.-/
lemma sSupNormIm_scale_right (f: ℂ → E) {l u : ℝ} (hul: l < u) : sSupNormIm (scale f l u) 1 = sSupNormIm f u := by{
simp_rw[sSupNormIm, image_comp]
/--The supremum of the norm of `scale f l u` on the line ` = 1` is the same as
the supremum of `f` on the line ``.-/
lemma sSupNormIm_scale_right (f: ℂ → E) {l u : ℝ} (hul: l < u) :
sSupNormIm (scale f l u) 1 = sSupNormIm f u := by{
simp_rw [sSupNormIm, image_comp]
have : scale f l u '' (re ⁻¹' {1}) = f '' (re ⁻¹' {u}) := by{
ext e
simp only [scale, smul_eq_mul, mem_image, mem_preimage, mem_singleton_iff]
· intro h
obtain ⟨z, hz₁, hz₂⟩ := h
use ↑l + z * (↑u - ↑l)
simp[hz₁, hz₂]
simp only [add_re, ofReal_re, mul_re, hz₁, sub_re, one_mul, sub_im, ofReal_im, sub_self,
mul_zero, sub_zero, add_sub_cancel, hz₂, and_self]
· intro h
obtain ⟨z, hz₁, hz₂⟩ := h
use ((z-l)/(u-l))
· norm_cast
rw[Complex.div_re, Complex.normSq_ofReal, Complex.ofReal_re]
rw[div_mul_eq_div_div_swap, mul_div_assoc, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul), mul_one, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul)]
· rw[div_mul_comm, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul)]
rw [Complex.div_re, Complex.normSq_ofReal, Complex.ofReal_re]
simp only [sub_re, hz₁, ofReal_re, sub_im, ofReal_im, sub_zero, ofReal_sub, sub_self,
mul_zero, zero_div, add_zero]
rw [div_mul_eq_div_div_swap, mul_div_assoc,
div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul),
mul_one, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul)]
· rw [div_mul_comm, div_self (by norm_cast; exact Real.sub_ne_zero_of_lt hul)]
simp only [one_mul, add_sub_cancel, hz₂]
rw [this]

/--A technical lemma relating the bounds given by the three lines lemma on a general strip to the bounds for its scaled version on the strip ``re ⁻¹' [0,1]` to the bounds on a general strip.-/
lemma interpStrip_scale (f: ℂ → E) {l u : ℝ} (hul: l < u) (z : ℂ) : interpStrip (scale f l u) ((z - ↑l) / (↑u - ↑l)) = interpStrip' f l u z := by{
simp[interpStrip, interpStrip']
simp_rw[sSupNormIm_scale_left f hul, sSupNormIm_scale_right f hul]
/--A technical lemma relating the bounds given by the three lines lemma on a general strip to
the bounds for its scaled version on the strip ``re ⁻¹' [0,1]` to the bounds on a general strip.-/
lemma interpStrip_scale (f: ℂ → E) {l u : ℝ} (hul: l < u) (z : ℂ) : interpStrip (scale f l u)
((z - ↑l) / (↑u - ↑l)) = interpStrip' f l u z := by{
simp only [interpStrip, interpStrip']
simp_rw [sSupNormIm_scale_left f hul, sSupNormIm_scale_right f hul]

**Hadamard three-line theorem**: If `f` is a bounded function, continuous on the
closed strip `re ⁻¹' [a,b]` and differentiable on open strip `re ⁻¹' (a,b)`, then for
`M(x) := sup ((norm ∘ f) '' (re ⁻¹' {x}))` we have that for all `z` in the closed strip
`re ⁻¹' [a,b]` the inequality `‖f(z)‖ ≤ M(0) ^ (1 - (( * M(1) ^ ((` holds. -/
`re ⁻¹' [a,b]` the inequality `‖f(z)‖ ≤ M(0) ^ (1 - (( * M(1) ^ ((`
holds. -/
lemma norm_le_interpStrip_of_mem {l u : ℝ} (hul: l < u) {f : ℂ → E} {z : ℂ}
(hz : z ∈ verticalClosedStrip l u) (hd : DiffContOnCl ℂ f (verticalStrip l u))
(hB : BddAbove ((norm ∘ f) '' (verticalClosedStrip l u))) :
‖f z‖ ≤ ‖interpStrip' f l u z‖ := by{
have hgoal := norm_le_interpStrip_of_mem_verticalClosedStrip (scale f l u) (scale_mem_strip hul hz) (scale_diffContOnCl hul hd) (scale_bddAbove hul hB)
simp[scale] at hgoal
rw[fun_arg_eq hul, div_sub_div_same, interpStrip_scale f hul z] at hgoal
exact hgoal
have hgoal := norm_le_interpStrip_of_mem_verticalClosedStrip (scale f l u)
(scale_mem_strip hul hz) (scale_diffContOnCl hul hd) (scale_bddAbove hul hB)
simp only [scale, smul_eq_mul, norm_eq_abs] at hgoal
rw [fun_arg_eq hul, div_sub_div_same, interpStrip_scale f hul z] at hgoal
exact hgoal

/-- **Hadamard three-line theorem** (Variant in simpler terms): Let `f` be a
Expand All @@ -202,11 +239,13 @@ lemma norm_le_interp_of_mem' {f : ℂ → E} {z : ℂ} {a b l u : ℝ} (hul: l <
(ha : ∀ z ∈ re ⁻¹' {l}, ‖f z‖ ≤ a) (hb : ∀ z ∈ re ⁻¹' {u}, ‖f z‖ ≤ b) :
‖f z‖ ≤ a ^ (1 - ( * b ^ (( := by{

have hgoal := norm_le_interp_of_mem_verticalClosedStrip' (scale f l u) (scale_mem_strip hul hz) (scale_diffContOnCl hul hd) (scale_bddAbove hul hB) (scale_bound_left ha) (scale_bound_right hb)
simp[scale] at hgoal
rw[fun_arg_eq hul, bound_exp_eq hul] at hgoal
exact hgoal
have hgoal := norm_le_interp_of_mem_verticalClosedStrip' (scale f l u)
(scale_mem_strip hul hz) (scale_diffContOnCl hul hd) (scale_bddAbove hul hB)
(scale_bound_left ha) (scale_bound_right hb)
simp only [scale, smul_eq_mul, sub_re] at hgoal
rw [fun_arg_eq hul, bound_exp_eq hul] at hgoal
exact hgoal

end HadamardThreeLines
end Complex

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