Releases: macarthur-lab/matchbox
-Updated to the new Exomiser 10.1.0
-Updated to the new reference dataset used by Exomiser
-Refactored older code to be Java8+
-Improved algorithms
-Allowed selective sharing of variant level data with the choice by default to share variant level data
-Minor adjustments to enhance matching when no genotypes are entered
-Updated genotype matching algorithm to use constraint Z score better
-Updated Docker files to have Exomiser reference within container
-Updated documentation
-Updated genotype matching algorithm to use gnomad better and handle missing constraint scores better
-Using the new, smaller reference dataset for Exomiser
-Updated to Java 8 features better
-Various refactoring
-Added in new Docker files for loading in reference data
- Refactored class names to be better aligned with purposes and Java standards
- Better abstracted constants
- Renamed resources directory to be config which better matches purpose
- Improved genotype matching algorithm (further improvements in progress)
- Added in metrics API calculations and endpoint
- Updated various metrics endpoint calculations
- Other optimizations and refactoring
First release
First release