[BuildersRecords] (http://www.buildersrecords.com/)
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Web app for accounting home construction projects.
- Priorities:
** Create Plans / Stripe
** Account Settings
** Signup Fields / Migrate Database
** Add Reports Feature
** Send Feedback
** Forgot Password
-Heroku Deployment
-Heroku Add-ons
-AWS File Storage
-Domain Name
-SSL Certificate
-Google Analytics
- Home module:
-About Us
- Signup module:
-Add modal for Terms of Service
-Add modal for Privacy Policy
-Send email notification
- Login module:
-Forgot Password link
- Projects module:
-Delete Project ('bulk' delete everything about the project)
-Account Settings Link
-Send Feedback Link
- Overview module:
*Overview Table
-Tooltip number format
-Colors of bar chart
-Table scrollable
- Funds module:
-Bulk delete expenditure
-Table draws shuffling
- Budget module:
-Tooltip number format
-Table scrollable
- Expenditures module:
-Fix table resizing
-Fix table shuffling (Add and Edit functions)
-Create new links
- All modules:
-Amount directive 'format' needs to allow decimals
-Charts tooltips currency format
- Modules to Consider:
-Implement Reports features
-Implement Gallery module
-Implement Send Feedback
-Implement Help & Support
-Initial first time setup
-Upload receipts
- [VirtualBox] (https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads)
- [Vagrant] (https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html)
$ git clone [email protected]:maangulo12/buildersrecords.git
$ cd buildersrecords
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant/
$ python3 manage.py recreate
$ python3 application.py
Open [http://localhost:5555] (http://localhost:5555)
Remote Python 3.4.0 Interpreter via SSH:
Port: 2222
Username: vagrant
Authentication: Using primary key
(located buildersrecords/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/primary_key)
Python Interpreter Path: /usr/bin/python3
Host: localhost
Port: 5432
Database: app_db
Username: postgres
Password: password