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we also have a quotient of programs
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m4lvin committed Feb 10, 2025
1 parent 24257c1 commit 394e553
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Showing 2 changed files with 74 additions and 21 deletions.
80 changes: 59 additions & 21 deletions Pdl/SemQuot.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import Pdl.Semantics

/-! # Semantic Quotients -/

/-! # Defining the Quotient -/
/-! ## Defining the Quotient of Formulas -/

def semEquiv.Equivalence : Equivalence semEquiv :=
⟨ semEquiv.refl
Expand All @@ -11,47 +11,85 @@ def semEquiv.Equivalence : Equivalence semEquiv :=

instance Formula.instSetoid : Setoid Formula := ⟨semEquiv, semEquiv.Equivalence⟩

-- How should I name this?
/-- A semantic property is an element of the quotient given by `semEquiv`. -/
abbrev SemProp := Quotient Formula.instSetoid

/-! ## Lifting connectives to the quotient -/
/-! ## Defining the Quotient of Programs -/

lemma Formula.neg_congr {φ ψ : Formula} (h : φ ≈ ψ) : Formula.neg φ ≈ Formula.neg ψ :=
by simp [HasEquiv.Equiv, Setoid.r, semEquiv] at *
intros W M w
simp_all only
def relEquiv.Equivalence : Equivalence relEquiv :=
⟨ relEquiv.refl
, fun xy => relEquiv.symm xy
, fun xy yz => relEquiv.trans xy yz ⟩

instance Program.instSetoid : Setoid Program := ⟨relEquiv, relEquiv.Equivalence⟩

/-- A relational property is an element of the quotient given by `relEquiv`. -/
abbrev RelProp := Quotient Program.instSetoid

/-! ## Lifting congruent functions (in general)
These two should maybe go in mathlib? Or they already exist somewhere?

lemma Formula.and_congr {φ₁ ψ₁ φ₂ ψ₂ : Formula} (h₁ : φ₁ ≈ φ₂) (h₂ : ψ₁ ≈ ψ₂) :
Formula.and φ₁ ψ₁ ≈ Formula.and φ₂ ψ₂ :=
by simp [HasEquiv.Equiv, Setoid.r, semEquiv] at *
intros W M w
simp_all only
lemma congr_liftFun {α β : Type} {R : α → α → Prop} {S : β → β → Prop} {f : α → β}
(h : ∀ x y, R x y → S (f x) (f y)) : ((R · ·) ⇒ (S · ·)) f f := h
-- This should maybe go in mathlib? or it exists there somewhere?

lemma congr_liftFun₂ {α β : Type} [HasEquiv α] [HasEquiv β] [HasEquiv γ] {f : α → β → γ}
(h : ∀ (x₁ x₂ : α) (y₁ y₂ : β), x₁ ≈ x₂ → y₁ ≈ y₂ → f x₁ y₁ ≈ f x₂ y₂) :
((· ≈ ·) ⇒ (· ≈ ·) ⇒ (· ≈ ·)) f f :=
by intro x₁ x₂ hx y₁ y₂ hy; exact h x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ hx hy

/-! ## Lifting formula connectives to the quotient -/

lemma Formula.neg_congr {φ ψ : Formula} (h : φ ≈ ψ) : Formula.neg φ ≈ Formula.neg ψ :=
by simp [HasEquiv.Equiv, Setoid.r, semEquiv] at *
intros W M w
simp_all only

def SemProp.neg : SemProp → SemProp := Formula.neg (by apply congr_liftFun; apply Formula.neg_congr) Formula.neg (congr_liftFun $ fun _ _ => Formula.neg_congr)

lemma Formula.and_congr {φ₁ ψ₁ φ₂ ψ₂ : Formula} (h₁ : φ₁ ≈ φ₂) (h₂ : ψ₁ ≈ ψ₂) :
φ₁.and ψ₁ ≈ φ₂.and ψ₂ :=
by simp [HasEquiv.Equiv, Setoid.r, semEquiv] at *
intros W M w
simp_all only

def SemProp.and : SemProp → SemProp → SemProp :=
Quotient.map₂ Formula.and (by apply congr_liftFun₂; intros x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ hx hy; exact Formula.and_congr hx hy)
Quotient.map₂ Formula.and (congr_liftFun₂ $ fun _ _ _ _ hx hy => Formula.and_congr hx hy)

lemma Formula.box_congr {α β : Program} {φ ψ : Formula} (h₁ : α ≈ β) (h₂ : φ ≈ ψ) :
φ.box α ≈ ψ.box β :=
by simp [HasEquiv.Equiv, Setoid.r, semEquiv, relEquiv] at *
intros W M w
simp_all only

def : RelProp → SemProp → SemProp :=
Quotient.map₂ (fun _ _ hx _ _ hy => Formula.box_congr hx hy)

/-! ## Lifting program operators to the quotient -/

-- TODO: RelProp.sequence

-- TODO: RelProp.union

-- TODO:

-- TODO: RelProp.test

/-! ## Examples -/

example {φ ψ : Formula} (h : φ ≈ ψ) :' φ =' ψ :=
by apply Quotient.sound; exact h
example {φ ψ : Formula} (h : φ ≈ ψ) :' φ =' ψ := Quotient.sound h

example {φ ψ : Formula} (h : φ ≈ ψ) :' (Formula.neg φ) =' (Formula.neg ψ) :=
by apply Quotient.sound; apply Formula.neg_congr; exact h
Quotient.sound (Formula.neg_congr h)

theorem neg_eq {φ ψ : Formula} (h : φ ≈ ψ) : SemProp.neg ( Formula.instSetoid φ) = SemProp.neg ( _ ψ) :=
by apply Quotient.sound; apply Formula.neg_congr; exact h -- why does this work without using neg?
theorem neg_eq {φ ψ : Formula} (h : φ ≈ ψ) :
SemProp.neg ( Formula.instSetoid φ) = SemProp.neg ( _ ψ) :=
Quotient.sound (Formula.neg_congr h)

theorem neg_neg_eq' (φ : Formula) : SemProp.neg (SemProp.neg <|' φ) =' φ :=
theorem neg_neg_eq' (φ : Formula) :
SemProp.neg (SemProp.neg <|' φ) =' φ :=
by apply Quotient.sound
intro W M w
simp [evaluate]
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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions Pdl/Semantics.lean
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Expand Up @@ -114,6 +114,21 @@ theorem semEquiv.trans : Transitive semEquiv := by
specialize hyp2 W M w

theorem relEquiv.refl : Reflexive relEquiv := by

theorem relEquiv.symm : Symmetric relEquiv := by
intro α1 α2 hyp
intro W M w v
specialize hyp W M w v

theorem relEquiv.trans : Transitive relEquiv := by
intro _ _ _ hyp1 hyp2 W M w v
specialize hyp1 W M w v
specialize hyp2 W M w v

class vDash (α : Type) (β : Type) where
SemImplies : α → β → Prop

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