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Proved determinacy (Zermelo's Theorem) positionally using incremental…
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Noam-Coh3n committed Jan 7, 2025
1 parent 1c7c519 commit 3568ebf
Showing 1 changed file with 175 additions and 23 deletions.
198 changes: 175 additions & 23 deletions Pdl/Game.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ theorem other_B_eq_A : other B = A := by simp [other]
theorem Player.not_eq_i_eq_other : (¬ p = i) ↔ p = other i := by cases p <;> cases i <;> simp

theorem Player.not_eq_other_eq_i : (¬ p = other i) ↔ p = i := by cases p <;> cases i <;> simp

theorem Player.not_i_eq_other : ¬ i = other i := by cases i <;> simp

Expand All @@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ class Game where
turn : Pos → Player -- whose turn is it?
moves : Pos → Finset Pos -- what are the available moves?
bound : Pos → Nat
bound_h : ∀ p next : Pos, next ∈ moves p → bound next < bound p
bound_h : ∀ (p next : Pos), next ∈ moves p → bound next < bound p

/-- Allow notation `p.moves` for `g.moves p`. -/
abbrev Game.Pos.moves {g : Game} : g.Pos → Finset g.Pos := Game.moves
Expand All @@ -88,25 +91,21 @@ theorem Game.Pos.inductionOnLT {g : Game} (p : g.Pos) {motive : g.Pos → Prop}
apply IH (g.bound q) (by aesop) _ rfl

/-- A strategy in `g` for `i`, whenever it is `i`'s turn, chooses a move, if there are any. -/
def Strategy (g : Game) (i : Player) : Type := ∀ p : g.Pos, g.turn p = i → g.moves p ≠ ∅ → g.moves p
def Strategy (g : Game) (i : Player) : Type := ∀ p : g.Pos, g.turn p = i → p.moves.Nonempty → p.moves

noncomputable def choose_move {g : Game} {p : g.Pos} : p.moves.Nonempty → p.moves := Classical.choice ∘ Set.Nonempty.to_subtype

/-- There is always some strategy. -/
instance Strategy.instNonempty : Nonempty (Strategy g i) := by
intro p _ moves_ne_empty
simp at moves_ne_empty
rw [@Finset.eq_empty_iff_forall_not_mem] at moves_ne_empty
apply Classical.choice
instance Strategy.instNonempty : Nonempty (Strategy g i) := ⟨fun _ _ => choose_move⟩

/-- Winner of a game, if the given strategies are used.
A player loses iff it is their turn and there are no moves.
A player wins if the opponent loses. -/
def winner {g : Game} (sI : Strategy g i) (sJ : Strategy g (other i)) (p : g.Pos) : Player :=
if h1 : (g.moves p).Nonempty
then if h2 : g.turn p = i --
then winner sI sJ (sI p (by cases i <;> simp_all) ( h1))
else winner sI sJ (sJ p (by cases i <;> simp_all) ( h1))
then winner sI sJ (sI p h2 h1)
else winner sI sJ (sJ p (by cases i <;> simp_all) h1)
else other (g.turn p) -- no more moves, the other player wins
g.bound p
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,12 +343,10 @@ inductive inCone {g : Game} (p : g.Pos) : g.Pos → Prop
| nil : inCone p p
| step : inCone p q → r ∈ g.moves q → inCone p r

-- FIXME everywhere: change `≠ ∅` to `.Nonempty` if the latter is preferred by `simp`?

/-- The cone of all positions reachable from `p` assuming that `i` plays `sI`. -/
inductive inMyCone {g : Game} (sI : Strategy g i) (p : g.Pos) : g.Pos → Prop
| nil : inMyCone sI p p
| myStep : inMyCone sI p q → (has_moves : g.moves q ≠ ∅) → (h : g.turn q = i) → inMyCone sI p (sI q h has_moves)
| myStep : inMyCone sI p q → (has_moves : q.moves.Nonempty) → (h : g.turn q = i) → inMyCone sI p (sI q h has_moves)
| oStep : inMyCone sI p q → g.turn q = other i → r ∈ g.moves q → inMyCone sI p r

-- USED !
Expand All @@ -362,7 +359,6 @@ lemma winning_here_then_winning_inMyCone {g : Game} [DecidableEq g.Pos] (sI : St
intro sJ
specialize IH sJ
unfold winner at IH
have := Finset.nonempty_iff_ne_empty.mpr has_moves
case oStep q r _ turn_other_i r_in IH =>
-- Suppose sI is not winning at r.
Expand All @@ -386,7 +382,7 @@ def subset_from_here {g : Game} [DecidableEq g.Pos]
(sI : Strategy g i) (sIset : Finset (Strategy g i)) (p : g.Pos) :=
∀ (q : g.Pos), inMyCone sI p q
→ (i_turn : Game.turn q = i)
→ (has_moves : Game.moves q ≠ ∅)
→ (has_moves : q.moves.Nonempty)
→ sI q i_turn has_moves ∈ sIset.image (fun sI' => sI' q i_turn has_moves)

-- Need something like a multi-strategy version of `winning_here_then_winning_inMyCone`?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,9 +454,8 @@ lemma winning_if_imitating_some_winning {g : Game} (p : g.Pos) (s : Strategy g i
specialize s'_winning sJ
simp_all [winner]

noncomputable def Exists.subtype {p : α → Prop} (h : ∃ x, p x) : { x // p x } := by
use (Classical.choose h)
apply Exists.choose_spec
noncomputable def Exists.subtype {p : α → Prop} (h : ∃ x, p x) : { x // p x } :=
⟨h.choose, h.choose_spec⟩

noncomputable def Exists.subtype_pair {motive : α → Prop} {p : (x : α) → motive x → Prop}
(h : ∃ x, ∃ mx : motive x, p x mx) : { xmx : { x // motive x } // p xmx.1 xmx.2 } := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -537,7 +532,7 @@ theorem winning_strategy_of_all_next_when_others_turnCOPY (g : Game) [DecidableE
/-- Second helper for `gamedet'`. -/
theorem winning_strategy_of_all_next_when_others_turn (g : Game) [DecidableEq g.Pos]
(p : g.Pos) (whose_turn : g.turn p = other i)
(win_all_next : ∀ pNext : Game.moves p, ∃ (s : Strategy g i), winning pNext s)
(win_all_next : ∀ pNext : p.moves, ∃ (s : Strategy g i), winning pNext s)
: ∃ (s : Strategy g i), winning p s := by
wlog has_moves : (Game.moves p).Nonempty
· unfold winning winner
Expand All @@ -550,9 +545,10 @@ theorem winning_strategy_of_all_next_when_others_turn (g : Game) [DecidableEq g.
-- Exists.subtype (win_all_next pNext.val pNext.prop)
let s : Strategy g i :=
(fun pos turn_i has_moves =>
if is_relevant : ∃ pNext : g.moves p, inMyCone (stratFor pNext) pNext pos
if is_relevant : ∃ pNext : p.moves, inMyCone (stratFor pNext) pNext pos
let ⟨pNext, pos_inCone⟩ := Exists.subtype is_relevant
let pNext := WellFounded.min _ is_relevant
-- let ⟨pNext, pos_inCone⟩ := Exists.subtype is_relevant
(stratFor pNext) pos turn_i has_moves
Classical.choice Strategy.instNonempty pos turn_i has_moves -- should never be used
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -587,7 +583,7 @@ theorem winning_strategy_of_all_next_when_others_turn (g : Game) [DecidableEq g.
exact g.bound_h q nextQ.val nextQ.prop
· simp
· -- Use `myStep` because it is the turn of `i`.
have := inMyCone.myStep q_inMyCone ( has_moves) turn_i
have := inMyCone.myStep q_inMyCone (has_moves) turn_i
unfold nextQ
convert this using 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -710,3 +706,159 @@
theorem gamedet (g : Game) [DecidableEq g.Pos] (p : g.Pos) :
(∃ s : Strategy g A, winning p s) ∨ (∃ s : Strategy g B, winning p s) := gamedet' g p _ rfl

-- Strategy for specific height
def NStrategy (g : Game) (n : ℕ) (i : Player) : Type := ∀ p, g.bound p = n → g.turn p = i → p.moves.Nonempty → p.moves

-- -- Interpret Strategy as NStrategy
-- instance Strategy_as_NStrategy : Coe (Strategy g i) (NStrategy g n i) := ⟨fun s p _ => s p⟩

-- -- Winner of a game guided by the given n-strategies, starting from a position with bound <= n
-- def Nwinner (sI : NStrategy g n i) (sJ : NStrategy g n (other i)) (p : g.Pos) (h : g.bound p <= n) : Player :=
-- if h1 : (g.moves p).Nonempty
-- then if h2 : g.turn p = i
-- then Nwinner sI sJ (sI p h h2 h1) <| (le_of_lt <| g.bound_h _ _ (sI _ _ _ _).prop).trans h
-- else Nwinner sI sJ (sJ p h _ h1) <| (le_of_lt <| g.bound_h _ _ (sJ _ _ (by cases i <;> simp_all) _).prop).trans h
-- else other (g.turn p)
-- termination_by
-- g.bound p
-- decreasing_by
-- all_goals
-- apply g.bound_h; simp

-- -- Auxiliary theorem with n as variable for induction
-- theorem Nwinner_eq_winner_aux {g : Game} (sI : Strategy g i) (sJ : Strategy g (other i)) (p : g.Pos)
-- (h : g.bound p <= n) :
-- @Nwinner _ _ i sI sJ p h = winner sI sJ p := by
-- unfold Nwinner winner dite
-- cases Finset.decidableNonempty with
-- | isTrue h1 => cases instDecidableEqPlayer (g.turn p) i with
-- | isTrue h2 => simp only [Nwinner_eq_winner_aux _ _ ((Strategy_as_NStrategy.coe sI) p ..)]
-- | isFalse h2 => simp only [Nwinner_eq_winner_aux _ _ ((Strategy_as_NStrategy.coe sJ) p ..)]
-- | isFalse h1 => rfl
-- termination_by
-- g.bound p
-- decreasing_by
-- all_goals
-- apply g.bound_h; simp

-- theorem Nwinner_eq_winner (sI : Strategy g i) (sJ : Strategy g (other i)) (p : g.Pos) :
-- @Nwinner g (g.bound p) i sI sJ p rfl.le = winner sI sJ p :=
-- Nwinner_eq_winner_aux ..

-- /-- An n-strategy is winning at `p` (of height <= n) if it wins against all strategies of the other player. -/
-- def Nwinning (sI : NStrategy g n i) (p : g.Pos) (h : g.bound p <= n) : Prop :=
-- ∀ sJ : Strategy g (other i), Nwinner sI sJ p h = i

-- noncomputable def bound_winning_strategies n i :
-- ((p : g.Pos) → g.bound p = n → Prop) × NStrategy g n i :=
-- Nat.strongRecOn n (fun _ ind =>
-- let has_win p h : Prop := ∃ q h', (ind _ (lt_of_lt_of_eq (g.bound_h p _ h') h)).fst q rfl
-- let other_lose p h : Prop := @has_win
-- ⟨fun p h => (g.turn p = i ∧ has_win p h) ∨ (g.turn p = (other i) ∧ other_lose p h),
-- have := Classical.dec
-- fun p h _ nempty => if W : has_win p h
-- then ⟨W.choose, W.choose_spec.choose⟩
-- else choose_move nempty
-- ⟩
-- )

noncomputable def good {g : Game} (i : Player) (p : g.Pos) : Prop :=
(g.turn p = i ∧ ∃ (q : g.Pos) (_ : q ∈ p.moves), good i q) ∨ (g.turn p = other i ∧ ∀ q (_ : q ∈ p.moves), good i q)
termination_by g.bound p
decreasing_by all_goals apply g.bound_h _ _; assumption

theorem good_or_other {g : Game} (p : g.Pos) : good (g.turn p) p ∨ good (other (g.turn p)) p :=
Nat.strongRecMeasure (g.bound) (fun p ind =>
(exists_or_forall_not (fun q => ∃ (h : q ∈ p.moves), good _ q)).elim
(fun E => .inl <| by unfold good; apply Or.inl; exact ⟨rfl, E⟩)
(fun A => .inr <| by
unfold good; apply Or.inr; apply And.intro
. exact other_other.symm
. intro q h
have det := ind q (g.bound_h _ _ h)
have := A q
by_cases g.turn p = g.turn q <;> simp_all
) p

theorem good_A_or_B {g : Game} (p : g.Pos) : good A p ∨ good B p := by
have det := good_or_other p
cases i : g.turn p <;> cases det <;> simp_all

noncomputable def good_strat (i : Player): Strategy g i := fun p turn nempty =>
have := Classical.dec
if W : good i p
then by
unfold good at W
have E := And.right <| W.resolve_right (not_and_of_not_left _ <| not_eq_other_eq_i.mpr turn)
exact ⟨E.choose, E.choose_spec.choose⟩
else choose_move nempty

theorem sub_lt_sub_left' : ∀ {a b c : Nat}, b < c → c <= a → a - c < a - b := fun h₁ h₂ =>
Nat.sub_lt_sub_left (trans h₁ h₂) h₁

theorem bound_le_in_cone {s : Strategy g i} : inMyCone s p q → g.bound q <= g.bound p := fun h =>
by induction h with
| nil => rfl
| myStep _ _ _ ih => exact le_of_lt (lt_of_lt_of_le (g.bound_h _ _ <| Subtype.mem _) ih)
| oStep _ _ h ih => exact le_of_lt (lt_of_lt_of_le (g.bound_h _ _ h) ih)

theorem good_cone {g : Game} {p r : g.Pos} (W : good i p) (h : inMyCone (good_strat i) p r) : good i r := by
induction h with
| nil => exact W
| oStep _ turn h ih =>
unfold good at ih
exact (ih.resolve_left (not_and_of_not_left _ <| not_eq_i_eq_other.mpr turn)).right _ h
| @myStep q a nempty turn ih =>
unfold good_strat
if good i q
let E := good_strat.proof_1 i q turn ih
simp only [ih, ↓reduceDIte]
exact (good_strat.proof_1 i q turn (of_eq_true (eq_true ih))).choose_spec.choose_spec
else contradiction

-- this is buggy for some reason:
-- . unfold good at ih; exact (Exists.choose_spec (And.right <| Or.resolve_right _ (not_and_of_not_left _ <| not_eq_other_eq_i.mpr turn))).choose_spec
-- . contradiction

theorem good_is_surviving {g : Game} {p : g.Pos} : good i p → g.turn p = i → p.moves.Nonempty := by
intro W turn
unfold good at W
apply (Or.resolve_right . (not_and_of_not_left _ <| not_eq_other_eq_i.mpr turn)) at W
match W with | ⟨_, ⟨q, ⟨h, _⟩⟩⟩ => exact ⟨q,h⟩

set_option pp.proofs true

theorem cone_trans {p q r : g.Pos} {s : Strategy g i} : inMyCone s p q → inMyCone s q r → inMyCone s p r :=
fun a b => by induction b with
| nil => assumption
| myStep _ _ _ ih => exact .myStep ih ..
| oStep a turn h ih => exact .oStep ih turn h

theorem surviving_is_winning {sI : Strategy g i} (surv : ∀ q, inMyCone sI p q → g.turn q = i → q.moves.Nonempty)
: winning p sI :=
fun sJ => by
unfold winner
case isFalse empty =>
by_contra turn
apply ( ∘ Ne.symm) at turn
exact empty (surv _ .nil turn.symm)
. exact surviving_is_winning (surv . ∘ cone_trans (.myStep .nil _ _)) _
next _ turn =>
exact surviving_is_winning (surv . ∘ cone_trans (.oStep .nil ( turn) <| Subtype.mem _)) _
termination_by g.bound p
decreasing_by all_goals apply g.bound_h; exact Subtype.mem _

theorem good_strat_winning (W : good i p) : winning p (good_strat i) :=
surviving_is_winning fun _ => good_is_surviving ∘ (good_cone W)

theorem gamedetCOPY (g : Game) [DecidableEq g.Pos] (p : g.Pos) :
(∃ s : Strategy g A, winning p s) ∨ (∃ s : Strategy g B, winning p s) := Or.imp
(⟨good_strat A, good_strat_winning .⟩)
(⟨good_strat B, good_strat_winning .⟩)
<| good_A_or_B p

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