Releases: m-riley04/AutoSortFolder
AutoSortFolder v.1.0.0 - release
It's here!
I hope it was worth the wait! The official v1.0.0 release is here, ready to sort your folders for you!
What is it?
AutoSortFolder (name pending) is a program that automatically sorts your folders for you!
It can be run in any directory.
- WARNING: Do NOT run in your root C/operating system directory. Not tested yet.
When opened, it prompts the user with a GUI window asking them for preferences (sorting method, color customization, auto-run, etc) and a sorting method (sort by alphabet, sort by extension, or custom sorting parameters). When a method is chosen, the main script is run and the folder will automatically sort everything contained within it besides the required app files. Alphabetical sort will create individual folders for each letter (and number), extension sort will create individual folders for most filetypes, and custom sort will create individual folders based on a user's input. It then moves the files into their respective folders (careful of overwriting/duplicates) with the same metadata as before (dupes will have a slight name change).
If you think that's it, oh no. The folder also updates in real-time on a loop, taking little processing power. Every second the folder checks for changes and, if found, sorts the file(s) into their respective folder for whatever method was chosen.
The app also comes equipped with a tray icon that can be used to pause the folder updates, resume the folder updates, and exit the program.
- Singular .exe for installation
- Automatic file sorting
- 3 sorting methods
- Alphabetical
- Sorts by the first character of the file/directory name
- Extension
- Sorts by the extension of the file
- Custom
- Takes a list of custom words/parameters by the user to sort files/directories into
- Alphabetical
- Complete app color customization
- Overwrite protection for files
- And more!
AutoSortFolder v1.0.0-beta.1
The first release of the program. It's rough around the edges, but as time progresses it will get there. This version contains the ability to sort files by extension and by alphabetical/numerical order. Future versions will have a "custom" sort feature implemented as well.