A simple program that updates you on the status of a Minecraft server through a Discord webhook, including when the server goes offline/online, and player log ins/outs, including their usernames.
You simply enter the servers you would like to monitor, and a Discord webhook for the notifications to go to.
Example configuration file (config.json):
"pollInterval": 10, // How often in seconds it should check the minecraft server's status
"webhookUrl": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/", // Your discord webhook URL goes here, this is where your server reports will go
"servers": [
{ "Name": "My SMP Minecraft Server", "IP": "", "Port": 25565 }, // The only thing needed is "IP", but you can also manually specify a server name ("Name") and/or a specific port ("Port")
{ "Name": "My Friends Minecraft Server", "IP": "", "Port": 25565 }, // Can have multiple servers, however many you want.
This program uses the following open-source projects:
N4T4NM's CSharpDiscordWebhook - For posting to the Discord webhook, this could be removed and sent with just pure HTTP requests but, convenience.
FragLand's MineStat - For getting basic information from the Minecraft servers, although it has been (badly) slightly modified to allow the return of the player list.