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Nicon4454 edited this page Jun 12, 2020 · 5 revisions

Generally all text that is visible on the gui (Labels, Buttons, Splash Text) can be defined using 3 different ways:

  1. Loaded from a resource:

"splash-text": { "posX": 90, "posY": 70, "color": -256, "alignment": "top_center", "texts": "file:minecraft:texts/splashes.txt" }

Start the text with "file:" followed by the resource location of the file the text i supposed to be loaded from.

  1. Loaded from a URL:

"changelog": { "text": "web:", "posX": 2, "posY": 0, "color": -1, "alignment": "left_center" }

Start the text with "web:" followed by the URL the text is supposed to be loaded from.

  1. Static text:

"mojang": { "text": "Copyright Mojang AB. Do not distribute!", "posX": -197, "posY": -10, "color": -1, "alignment": "bottom_right" }

  1. New Way If you want to specify additional properties for the type of text you are using (like a refresh interval for web text)

"label": { "text": { "type": "web", "url": "URL", "refreshInterval": 60 }, "posX": 0, "posY": 80, ... }

The refresh interval for text is in ticks and has to be >= 60 (3 Seconds).


placeholder replacer possible output
#date# Local date Dec 22, 2019
#time# Local time in HH:mm format 14:09
#mcversion# Minecraft version 1.12.2
#fmlversion# Forge Mod Loader version
#mcpversion# Minecraft Coder Pack version 9.42
#modsloaded# Number of loaded mods 231
#modsactive# Number of active mods 224
#forgeversion# Forge version
#username# Username dimaxiton5

Placeholders can be used not only in "text" fields:

  "text": "web:",
  "action": {
    "type": "openLink",
    "link": ""