- When space and clutter needs to be kept at a minimum. Lots of brands now have All-in-one systems now. Millennials and GenZ don't like to tinker and plug wires in...
- This also gives the flexibility to add a record player if also get the "vinyl" bug.
- These are not surround sound AV systems. You can hook up a TV and get good stereo sound. Will be 100% better than any soundbar.
- You can also add subwoofer if necessary.
- Amazon has them 50% off at the moment.
Better: Klipsch The Nines Powered Speaker System ( May be my next purchase to replace living room system. ) Otherwise will get Yamaha traditional separates.
Streamer is needed to play music with airplay or spotify (also an old Apple TV can do the same for Airplay... )
- This is the bottom of what the Hifi world considers 'Hifi'. Just saying you have a Yamaha reciever says your serious about what you put into your ears.
- This also gives the flexibility to add a record player if also get the "vinyl" bug.
- These are not surround sound AV systems. You can hook up a TV and get decent stereo sound. Will be 100% better than any soundbar.
- These are "bookshelf" size speakers. "Towers" and "floor standing" speakers are a whole other rabbit hole I refuse to fall into.
- From here the jump to next level involves $1K+ receivers and speakers. It's a game of diminishing returns. Our old ears probably wouldn't tell the difference.
- Hard to find since they have been replaced by Denton 85th, which are $500 more now.
- Will add low end depth to any "bookshelf" speaker. They normally can't go that low.
- Can be added to all systems on this page. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FK2WNW4/ref=sspa_dk_detail_6?pd_rd_i=B07FK2WNW4&pd_rd_w=nPmTu&content-id=amzn1.sym.386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_p=386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_r=YV3H5AJJ3KJXG20RWWS2&pd_rd_wg=PtFpl&pd_rd_r=257142bc-ac47-46a8-b043-1942fc144722&s=electronics&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1
- Components are in the $100 to $200 range. Swapping them in and out not a big deal.
- Lots of cables, boxes and tinkering.
- No remote. Purely for "near field" enjoyment during work hours.
preamp: Lets me control tone (trebble and base), "tubes sound"? Those little tubed pain in the ass to get in...
see above...
Speaker wire will be needed from traditional. Subwoofer not needed right away but does make a difference once added.