MobVis mainly uses the Pandas library for data processing, and Plotly for data visualization.
The MobVis docs page is still under development. Until then, use this README and the docstrings in the source code to get your bearings.
In this section, you will be presented with a step-by-step guide on how to install the library locally. This library uses some other packages to work, which are listed below:
- pandas - 1.5.2
- scipy - 1.9.3
- plotly - 5.11.0
- kaleido - 0.2.1
The Windows Instalation guide is still under development.
To install this library on Debian Linux variants (Ubuntu, Mint, etc), simply follow the following steps:
- Clone the repository using the command:
git clone
- Create a Python virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
- Start the environment:
source venv/bin/activate
- Install the libraries necessary for MobVis to work:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install MobVis locally:
pip install .
These are all the steps necessary to have an environment configured to start using MobVis. As a recommendation, I suggest carrying out developments in a Jupyter Notebook
The quotes for this project are yet to come ;)
Lucas Novais da Silva : [email protected]
Bruno Pereira dos Santos : [email protected]
Vinicius F. S. Mota : [email protected]
Paulo H. L. Rettore : [email protected]