This repo was originally at, contributed by Yichen Jia, Qianhui Liang, Jialu Tan. It was imported for non-MIT access.
Team Member: Yichen Jia, Qianhui Liang, Jialu Tan
Visualization URL:
Interactive Poster:
Final Paper: see 'final paper' folder in this repo
This visualization project is aimed to improve user experience and help better explore the artworks at MoMA compared to the original MoMA website. Artworks are displayed in the form of a virtual museum where users are able to see color analysis of artisits and selected artworks.
The webpage contains three parts, stacked bars with multiple colors, plotted artworks, and recommended relative artworks shown on the right. In the first part of the visualization, artists are represented each by a color heavily used in their artworks and the width of the color blocks is defined by the percentage of the artist's works in total artworks in that department. The second part of the visualization allows users to have a peek at the artworks of selected artists. Users could scroll and click on each work to see a detailed description. On the right, we provide an area for users to deselect artists and also see recommendations of similar artworks based on the current art styles.
Data are obtained from a dataset oraganized by MoMA ( Pictures of the artworks are scraped from MoMA's offical website (
Work is divided fairly among group members. Qianhui Liang was in charge of backend data wrangling and data processing,recommendation modelling and worked on the final paper. Yichen Jia built the frame of the webpage and built most part of the visualizations. Jialu Tan completed concept design of user interface, helped with second visualization, and worked on the final paper.