I developed this application to demonstrate knowledge of Ruby on Rails with a React frontend. A user is able to securely log in/out, view movies at different stores, rent and return those movies and add movies to stores to be made available to all users to rent.
In order to use this application, you will need to clone the repository onto your machine, navigate into the directory and then do the following:
$ bundle install
Once finished installing, you will need to make sure there is data seeded into your database. Do this by executing the following in your console:
$ rails db:migrate db:seed
This will reset any data in the database and make sure you have good data to start with.
Then, start up a server to utilize the app:
rails s
And start your React server:
npm start --prefix client
If you have database errors, try these commands to check and restart the server:
service postgresql status
sudo service postgresql restart
A blog post about the initial development of this application can be found here.